Chapter 1196

Morning, 9:30.

In Brandenburg Air Force Base in southern Germany, there was a rumble everywhere. The four engines of the junker-290 bomber started in turn. After some inspection, they slid onto the runway in order.

The shoddy Soviet products met the large-scale manufacturing during the war, but there were various problems such as bad mechanical faults. In contrast, German products are improving, which makes the reliability of German weapons and equipment quite high.

Germany's talent in machinery is unmatched.

In later generations, when East Germany was under the rule of the Soviet Union, it was equipped with all the same Soviet equipment, and the reliability of the Soviet MiG-29 was quite low, but the East German Air Force simply guaranteed more than 90% attendance, creating a miracle.

Now, the junker-290 bombers, driving at full power from the runway, flew into the blue sky in turn. For them, it was an easy bombing mission.

After they fly over the Baltic Sea, fw190 fleet will meet them and provide them with air escort. Once the Soviet fighters come up, they will rush up to fight and escort their fighters at the first time.

At this time, they don't know that in the wolf's den, some people are fighting for persistence.

"Actual combat is the only criterion for testing truth. Our lightning bombers must be put into actual combat to be meaningful. This is just an opportunity. "

The speaker wore glasses and looked like a paranoid technician. He was Walter bloom, the technical director of the Arado aircraft company. Now, he was trying to convince marshal ehad Mirch, the head of arms production of the German air force.

With the continuous expansion of Germany's military strength, various arms giants have been greatly developed. Among them, Messerschmitt, Fokker Wolff aircraft manufacturing plant and Henschel have become the pride of the Empire.

By contrast, the Arado aircraft company is not famous.

Allardo's history can be traced back to the aircraft factory established by the port Frederick aircraft company in warnemind during World War I. The ff49 seaplanes produced by this factory were widely used in the war.

After World War I, the company's main business was to produce aircraft for other companies under licenses.

Although they have also designed some aircraft by themselves, such as S-I two seat trainer, it is still mainly produced according to the license. Even after Hitler came to power, the Arado aircraft company began to produce its own ar 66 two seater trainer and AR 68 single seater two wing fighter. Its main work was to produce he 60, he 111 and BF 109 according to the license.

Now, the German army has conquered the whole Europe, and German companies have become important companies in Europe. In this case, of course, Arado company also wants to develop its own company, so they bet their future on a cross era aircraft.

Ar234, lightning bomber.

The name of lightning, of course, means that the bomber is fast enough, because it uses a new power, jet engine.

Germany's research on jet power has long begun. Dr. messeschmidt has injected great efforts into it. Germany's first jet fighter is still in its infancy.

If we take the me262 standard of later generations, this jet fighter has already reached the standard, but Germany will not meet it. Their first fighter needs to meet the MiG-15 standard.

At the same time, the German jet bomber project was also launched in the Arado company. Two years ago, the design scheme code e370 was approved by the Empire. At that time, the maximum expected speed of e370 was 830 km / h and the maximum range was 2000 km.

Any excellent aircraft is inseparable from mature and reliable engines, and now this bomber uses the improved JUMO 004D engine.

At present, this engine has not met all the requirements of Shrek, but the thrust of the engine has exceeded 10 kn. At the same time, the biggest feature is that the service life has reached 300 hours.

This bomber uses two JUMO 004D engines, which are hoisted under the wing, and the layout is almost the same as that of an ordinary bomber.

The test flight has been carried out many times. It can be said that there is no problem with the formal finalization, but somehow, the Empire has not issued the finalization order.

Allardo aircraft company is very anxious. They are very confident in this bomber. Now head of state sirik is very busy. He must have forgotten this matter.

The actions of the German air force are all secret, but this time it publicly announced that it would bomb Petersburg. If its own bombers can complete the whole bombing process in this operation, it will definitely remain in the history of the German air force.

Now, the junker-290 fleet has begun to take off, and the Arado company is still making final efforts. Walter has to convince the marshal in front of him.

"No, the lightning bomber has not been finalized for service, which is against the regulations." Marshal ehad said very simply: "this aircraft should continue to carry out test flights. After meeting our requirements, equip the troops and carry out the bombing mission against the enemy. That's the business of the troops, not the task of our aircraft manufacturing company."

Ihad refused at once. In fact, he didn't say the real reason.

For confidentiality, of course.

For the Empire, jet fighters and bombers are the highest secrets of the Empire. Up to now, they can't be displayed, just like the nuclear weapons being developed by the Empire.

This aircraft has not yet been finalized, because the existing junker-290 and junker-390 of the empire can already complete the existing tasks. The new bombers are not produced. They continue to experiment and improve. When mass production is required, the technology will certainly be more mature. This is the above consideration.

And these thoughts can't tell the impatient Walter in front of us.

"Marshal, if you don't agree, I will ask to see head of state Chirac. I have the signatures of all designers of our aircraft company. I want to fight head of state Chirac on behalf of our aircraft factory!"

High tech people are always at the top of their horns, and now Walter is obviously tired of ehad's constant procrastination.

The finalization of the aircraft is constantly delayed, and the war of our own side is not valued. Then go directly to ask head of state sirik. You're afraid!

It is said that Juncker company is behind the scenes, and they are also planning to engage in the jet bomber project, and marshal ehard has an intersection with Juncker company. Now it seems that these rumors may be true.

"Who wants to see me?" Just then, a voice sounded outside. Suddenly, the two people in the dispute were stunned.