Chapter 1195

After the light of the day, the whole launch site has entered the final stage of preparation.

The missiles at the tail of nearly 100 launch vehicles have been erected. This is an integrated transport launch vehicle. Under the action of hydraulic cylinder, the whole missile has been erected and just stands on a platform at the tail.

At this time, another fuel filling vehicle is right next to it. The mechanical arm on the fuel vehicle has been raised, and the missile soldier wearing gas mask is connecting the pipe with the missile.

Fueling is the most dangerous link in the whole missile launch. After all, unsymmetrical dimethylhydrazine is highly toxic, while nitric acid is highly corrosive. Any operation that violates the rules may bring the most terrible consequences.

But no one is afraid. As missile soldiers, they must complete their tasks!

The rising sun, through the trees, fell on the ground. The shadow was sparse. As the wind blew through the leaves, the shadow shook on the ground.

Half an hour later, the fuel was filled. After receiving the report, Kamler looked at the nearby launch vehicle and was filled with emotion.

After filling the fuel, their launch entered an irreversible process. It is impossible to withdraw the fuel again. Only by pumping out the fuel.

The last launch was not enjoyable. Now, hundreds of missiles are launched at one time. The target is seven Air Force bases around Petersburg, even including the base of soil runway. Each base will be allocated less than 20 missiles. This is the first time for unit 14.

He is already looking forward to the spectacular scene of the missile launch. Of course, it is not time yet. He has to wait for the opportunity.

Berlin, long range bomber force base.

If you want to blow up the whole of Petersburg, you need enough thermobaric bombs. Now, Germany's strategic bombing force is based on junker-290. This Bomber can meet the bombing mission to Petersburg. Moreover, taking off from Berlin, it is all over the sea of Borneo. It can be regarded as Germany's own defense area, and the route will be quite safe.

Although the junker-390 bomber, a huge monster with six engines docked on one side of the base, is not intended to be used this time. This bomber is prepared for the United States.

The junker-290 fleet has carried out such bombing missions more than once. They are quite skilled in preparing before takeoff. Ten tons of thermobaric bombs have been loaded into the bomb cabin.

The best way to turn Petersburg into ruins and protect Berlin is to destroy each other's base. With this belief, the German bomber forces are making orderly preparations.

The bombing is expected at 12 o'clock. They need to take off at more than 9 o'clock.

Now, the atmosphere of war is very strong, and the Soviet Union is even more like a great enemy.

In the sky, several mig-3 spread their wings and landed at the end of the runway, aiming at the center line of the runway.

Major pokreshkin stood at one end of the runway and watched the fighters land in turn. This is his brother's unit, the aircraft of the 15th fighter aviation regiment. Their action should be slowed down. They have only arrived at the base now, but fortunately they can catch up with the air defense operation at noon.

Last night, the Germans didn't attack, but everyone didn't rest well. Most of the new soldiers were a little nervous. Pokreshkin knew that such a state was not good.

"Look, our brother troops are also here. We have gathered hundreds of planes this time, and we will be able to stop all German bombers." Berkeshkin said to his men.

To boost their morale, the number is the most important. There are hundreds of their own aircraft, all of which are high-altitude fighters, which can protect the safety within 200 kilometers around Petersburg.

"By eleven o'clock, we'll take off our fighters and patrol the Baltic Sea."

The range of mig-3 is limited. They can't fly too far. The range of 200 kilometers is already the limit.

Just then, bockleshkin suddenly shouted, "hold the lever, fool!"

He looked at the runway. The mig-3, which was landing, was disturbed by a crosswind when it landed, and then the plane shook.

Mig-3 pays too much attention to high-altitude performance and small wing area, so its load is very high, resulting in poor low-altitude performance and long takeoff and landing distance. Moreover, when taking off and landing, it is most afraid of being affected by crosswind.

Now, seeing that the plane began to shake due to the crosswind, major bockleshkin was stunned. The one in the cabin must be a novice.

Sure enough, as he had expected, the novices in the cabin were worried at this time.

When the plane tilted to the right, he quickly corrected it to the left. However, it should be corrected much more, which led to the plane tilting to the left and then correcting it to the right. It was bigger and bigger again. From the outside, it seemed that the plane was swinging more severely.

"Pull up, pull up!" Major pokreshkin shouted. Unfortunately, the pilot inside couldn't hear him at all. He saw that the mig-3 aircraft was shaking, and the right wing made close contact with the ground. Then, the wing broke, and the aircraft bounced on the ground and buckled back.

Take the top.

The nose of the aircraft dashed to the ground and the tail of the aircraft soared to the sky. The aircraft taxied to the front and sparked with friction on the ground. At this time, the fire engine of the base had started and came this way.

"Help, help!" Major pokreshkin ran over with his men. Before he ran next to the plane, he saw the mig-3 fighter suddenly burning in friction.

The blazing flames made people unable to get close, and the cockpit of the plane was also surrounded by the fire.

Sitting on the ground, major pokreshkin weakly held his fist. The landing accident cost them another plane and a comrade in arms.

Moreover, this seems to be an ominous omen.

After discovering that the plane was on fire, the plane behind pulled up, flew around the airport, and then aimed at the runway again to land.

After the transfer, they have run out of oil. They must land quickly.

Pilot Victor karariksin, let go of his eyes from the burning flame. He has no time to mourn for his comrades in arms. He must concentrate and prepare for his landing.

"877, lower the landing gear." Just then, the sound of the tower came from his headphones.

Landing gear? Have you let it go? He looked at the dashboard with the rest of his eyes. Sure enough, there was a red light shining.

Landing gear failure.

Mig-3, like mig-1, is a difficult aircraft to operate. At the same time, it is also accompanied by bad mechanical problems. In addition to taking off and landing difficulties, the landing gear of the aircraft often fails and cannot be put down.

"877 landing gear failure, prepare for belly emergency landing." He responded to the tower on the radio.

Their air group is really unfortunate.

At the end of the runway, looking at the burning fighter, the fire engine had begun to spray water, but the pilots inside just left incomplete bodies. When they looked back, they found that the danger still existed.

The mig-3 had already landed on the runway without releasing the landing gear. The belly of the mig-3 kept approaching and approaching the runway. When the two came into contact, you could hear the harsh friction sound and sparks.

Bockleshkin clenched his hand again. At this time, no one could help. He clearly remembered that he had experienced two times that he couldn't put down the landing gear. Fortunately, the danger was not great. At least the plane was in normal condition and wouldn't catch fire and explode. Only after landing, the radiator of the plane would be completely damaged and there was no possibility of taking off for the time being.

The plane taxied forward and stopped only in the middle of the runway. The pilot opened the cockpit cover and stumbled down. His back was soaked with sweat.

At this time, there was a panic in the base. They didn't notice that outside the base, in the grass a few kilometers away, several scouts dressed in camouflage nets looked at it with binoculars. They penetrated here last night.

"The last mig-3 fleet has arrived. Send a message to the rear. It is ready to attack at any time."