Chapter 1187

Seen from the ground, the scene in the sky is quite spectacular.

The terrible sound of anti-aircraft guns rang out continuously on the ground. With the shooting sound of anti-aircraft guns, shells broke the dark night sky and flew to the plane illuminated by searchlights.

Every plane will be attacked by more than a dozen shells from the ground. Under this kind of attack, it can't run away at all. It sees light beams flying towards the bomber. Then, the bomber either rolls down with black smoke or is directly blasted in the air!

One after another, in a short time, many bombers were shot down. The commander of the air defense anti-aircraft guns on the ground was happy to see the scene in the sky.

With the help of radar, they found the target in advance. As long as they started to act, they almost closed the net. This air defense operation is faster and more efficient than before.

It is said that the technicians in the rear are trying to integrate the system and use fire control radar and anti-aircraft guns for linkage. In this way, the effect of attacking the enemy will be better. In the future, any bomber who wants to attack his own positions and cities will pay a price of bleeding.

Twelve bombers were shot down in the sky.

The sound of fire around disappeared, and everyone felt that it was not enjoyable. After all, the fight looked very fierce. In fact, the whole firing process took less than ten seconds. You can still smell the smell of gunsmoke in your nose, but the sky is empty.

"All the targets have disappeared." The radar hand reported.

According to the instructions of the superiors, a total of 13 bombers came to this group. Now our side has only killed 12. It seems that there is a fish in the net, but the radar has not found anything new, and the lookout has not found it. Maybe the plane that has missed the net has long been lost or has returned.

In short, this air defense operation is quite perfect. With the help of radar and the powerful shells of proximity fuzes, the invading Soviet bombers have become fragments!

The whole air defense position was jubilant.

One hour away from Berlin, the first batch of DB-3 bombers of the Soviet naval aviation suffered a devastating blow, and almost all the bombers were wiped out.

There was only one left. The bomber was the one that hit. The nose of the plane was hit, which led to an increase in aircraft resistance. After flying with the formation for half an hour, they finally found that the mission could not be carried out, the fuel consumption was too high, and they couldn't fly back at all. Therefore, they had to interrupt the flight mission and return to the base, It has also become the only surviving bomber in the whole naval aviation.

The pei-8 bomber of the air force is still flying. Due to being intercepted, they urgently changed their altitude and heading and flew at ultra-low altitude on the coastline. For them, the biggest threat is not the German interceptor fighter or the ground anti-aircraft gun. For them, the bad diesel engine of their own aircraft is their biggest headache.

"No. 3 engine stopped." Less than 20 minutes after entering the low altitude, on a bomber on one side of the formation, Lieutenant Petrie looked at the instrument pointer in front of him and reported to the long plane with a depressed voice.

Pei-8 bomber is a four engine aircraft. It is still possible for him to complete the task when one engine stops.

However, after flying for ten minutes, there was shaking on the other side of the wing. He looked out and saw that the propeller of No. 1 engine also stopped rotating.

Both engines are out of order! Lieutenant petry was frustrated: "engine one stopped. I have two engines that can't work. I ask to bomb other targets and then return."

In this case, he must not be able to fly to Berlin, but the territory below already belongs to Germany. Looking for a suitable target and dropping the bomb can also be regarded as carrying out the task in disguise.

Mikhail's voice came from the headset: "yes, bomb the nearby railway or bridge."

Another bomber was missing from the formation. Mikhail's heart was very heavy. Originally, the number of bombers was small, and they continued to lose bombers. Can the bombing of Berlin be carried out normally?

After taking off, they lost contact with the Navy's DB-3 bomber unit flying ahead, and they didn't know how the Navy's colleagues were going.

Just thinking of this, Mikhail felt his plane shake, and a mechanic's voice came from his headphones: "No. 2 engine stops!"

Unexpectedly, it was his turn to fly his plane so soon, and there was an engine failure. At this time, Mikhail was completely desperate for this kind of aircraft engine.

He is the captain of the formation and the person in charge of the bombing operation. If he withdraws because of aircraft failure, it would be a dereliction of duty.

By this time, they had entered the sky over Poland, more than 200 kilometers from Berlin.

No problem!

"Attention, prepare to dive and start the engine in the air." Mikhail shouted to his crew, then pushed the lever, and the huge pe-8 bomber began to dive down.

Aircraft engines on the ground are started by the outside world. Due to the problem of self weight, most aircraft will not start in the air. After all, a huge battery is a waste of weight.

In other words, in the air, it is difficult to restart the aircraft engine because there is no external force to make the engine turn. At this time, we have to find other ways.

For example, when diving down, with the increase of speed, the propeller will rotate under the wind.

In the moonlight, Mikhail's plane began to dive downward, and the speed was faster and faster. Mikhail could see the propeller under the moonlight from his direction. With the acceleration of the speed, the propeller finally turned.

There was black smoke in the exhaust pipe of the engine. Suddenly, with the increase of black smoke, the diesel engine sent out a unique roar and restarted!

After leveling the plane, Mikhail was relieved that the engine could finally continue to work.

However, he had not had time to climb to the height he had just reached and lead other bombers to fly together. At this time, the engine that had just started hummed twice and stopped moving again.

The air launch failed.

"With the rest of the engines, we're going to fly to Berlin!" Mikhail shouted on the radio.

We must do everything possible to succeed in this mission.

When you go back, you must report the poor performance of this engine to your superiors. You must never use this diesel engine again! Even Mikhail can think of the cause of the failure.

The temperature at high altitude is low, and the water in the diesel produced by the Soviet Union is very large. At low temperature, the water in the diesel will freeze and freeze the pipeline, so the engine stalled.

This kind of fault can't be eliminated at all.

They continued to fly hard, closer and closer to Berlin.

"There's half an hour left." The words of the navigator excited all the people. They circled all the way, flew along the tortuous route, overcame the engine failure, and they were finally going to fly to Berlin!

The front is Poznan. As long as you calibrate the course in Poznan, you can fly directly to Berlin!

At this time, they didn't know that the nightmare was coming.