Chapter 1186

"Attention, we are about to reach over the land. We will conduct the first course correction in danze." Yegini shouted on the radio to inform his formation.

Now, they still have 13 DB-3 bombers left, and they have finally walked a third of their long voyage.

The land is much more dangerous than the sea, because the land will be contacted by the other party's night fighter and ground air defense fire at any time, but they have no way. They have to fly this straight route to meet the round-trip demand.

Now, it is about to enter the land. With the continuous extension of the flight, the navigation error will become larger and larger. They need to rely on the ground coordinates for correction.

It's normal to lose course during night flight. Now they have to calibrate the route.

At the nose in front of the bomber, pilot slotov sat in his position. His eyes looked down through the observation device. He wanted to see the light of danze City, so that he could aim at his own route.

Now, the Germans are quite arrogant. They never thought that their own side would be hit, so the Germans have no habit of night light control at all. They can certainly find it. If they can't find it, there must be a deviation in the route.

Slotov was absorbed. There was nothing dark below, which made his heart filled with an ominous feeling. Could it be a loss?

So, where is your side? Is it that after being illuminated by the flare, your course has changed? After flying for more than an hour, even one degree of error will cause a deviation of more than ten kilometers. Enough to miss a city.

Slotov was about to take out the route map and find out where he was. Just as his eyes were about to move away from the optical equipment, suddenly there was a light below.

In the dark, people's pupils will enlarge, which can let more light enter people's eyes, so that they can see clearly. However, the sudden strong light makes it too late for the eyes to adjust, and the consequences are quite terrible.

For example, now slotov suddenly felt the strong light stabbing his eyes. All in front of him was white light and could not see anything clearly, but his heart was very clear.

Searchlight, this strong light, the strong light from the ground, must be a searchlight. Damn it, your side was found by the German coast guard“ Searchlight! " Slotov only had time to shout such a sentence, and yegini behind him had found that the situation was bad.

"Attention, spread out immediately and get rid of the searchlight!" At this time, columns of light shone from the ground to the sky. Their planes were just shrouded by these columns of light!

He knew in his heart that it was bad. Now, his bomber troops were afraid of more or less bad luck. As long as they could disperse, some bombers would run away.

While he had just given the order, the anti-aircraft artillery troops below had begun to fire fiercely.

"Bang, bang." Just now, the radar had pointed out the right direction for them. They calibrated various shooting data in advance. Now, when the searchlight accurately captured the target, there is only one thing left for them, that is, fire!

Self propelled anti-aircraft guns were firing fiercely. The 40mm bofoss anti-aircraft gun fired the most fiercely. In a short span of more than ten seconds, more than 20 shells flew into the sky.

Smoke shrouded the position. Under the light of the searchlight, the tracer shells were so eye-catching that the whole sky was torn to pieces.

It is not easy for the anti-aircraft gun to hit the target, because it attacks in three-dimensional space. The previous shells were killed by direct collision. Only when they can hit the target can they be powerful. Even if they pass by, they will not bring any threat.

At the same time, in order to avoid the threat of falling shells, warheads are designed to self explode. For example, ordinary small caliber shells almost self explode at a height of 3000 meters after they do not touch the target.

The small black flowers bloom one after another, which makes the bomber forces look thrilling. They pass through these small black flowers, but there is actually no great threat. For example, in most air defense operations in World War II, on average, it is almost thousands of shells that can successfully intercept an aircraft.

The danger will only increase when bombing cities with a large number of air defense firepower.

But now this kind of shell is different.

The warhead of the shell is made of copper. Now, the shell shell also plays another role. It is an antenna.

Inside the warhead, there is a small transistor radio wave transmitter. When it flies out of the muzzle, under the action of inertia, the circuit is connected. Using the warhead antenna, it begins to release 180-220 MHz radio.

Yes, this is the radio proximity fuze. Germany has overcome all technical difficulties and successfully carried out mass production. Compared with ordinary warheads, its manufacturing cost is at least ten times higher, but its hit rate can be increased by two orders of magnitude!

In later generations, this kind of fuse was first invented by Americans and is regarded as an absolutely confidential weapon. It can be used only when it is completely safe to avoid being obtained by the other party.

But Germany doesn't matter.

Germany's radio technology is a generation behind that of other countries. Now Germany's main force is transistors, while other countries simply can't understand the principle of transistors, let alone mass production.

Therefore, it is impossible for other countries to copy.

It is precisely because transistors have effectively reduced the volume that it is possible to equip small caliber anti-aircraft guns with such shells. In history, Americans can only insert 127 mm shells into such things.

The outside can still emit tracer light, so that the anti-aircraft artillery can see clearly. This beautiful arc flies towards the target.

At this time, the target aircraft is maneuvering to avoid. If it follows the route, it will pass the target, but now its mode of action has changed.

The warhead is rapidly approaching the target, so that the radio signal transmitted by the warhead begins to be reflected back by the target.

As the distance between the shell and the target decreases, the Doppler effect causes the reflected wave to cause a low-frequency signal of 200-800 Hz in the current of the transmitter. After filtering and amplification, the signal finally meets the initiation requirements!

At this time, the warhead is still ten meters away from the target, and the reflected low-frequency signal has triggered its electric detonator.

"Boom!" The 40mm shell exploded violently. In the explosion, countless shrapnel expanded towards the surrounding airspace. The 40mm shell exploded, enough to cover the space with a radius of 15m.

The DB-3 bomber inevitably entered this space full of shell fragments. The fragments collided with the fuselage and made a terrible noise.

A shrapnel, flying over the rotating propeller, hit the engine and cut a small oil pipe.

Dark red aviation gasoline splashed out. When it splashed on the radiator of the cylinder, it immediately brought a terrible fire.

"The left engine is on fire." Yelled the pilot beside yegini.

Their plane, hit! Yegini shouted, "come on, turn off the engine!"

The two were operating in a hurry, and the bomber had begun to roll and fall down.