Now Churchill is like beating a chicken's blood. He works tirelessly every day. For the English channel, this is not only a disaster, but also an opportunity. This era belongs to him!

If you want to be a successful politician, you must be a successful speaker. Hitler can win the election by speech, and Churchill also depends on speech to boost the morale of the British people.

If someone comes to spoil the fun, get rid of him!

He sat back in his office. Before his ass was hot, he received the news from the adjutant that several French soldiers were unwilling to surrender and smuggled over!

Hearing the news, he was very excited and wanted to bring them here at once!

When he saw the tired looking French colonel coming in, Churchill suddenly had a good idea in his mind.

"Ladies and gentlemen, you have made a wise choice. Now, the French government is illegal and incompetent!" Churchill said: "they have lost the face of the French. As a big European country, they chose to surrender within half a month of the war!"

Churchill continued to say to the people in front of him, "but please rest assured that Britain will support you. It is the most just cause for you to choose to come to Britain! I have an idea that in Britain, we will establish a just French government! "

Churchill has been thinking about how to break the game and how to add help to himself. The French surrender made Churchill feel extremely angry. Now, the solution suddenly came out.

Now that the French government has become a capitulation government, a puppet government, can such a government represent France? Of course not!

In Britain, if the French flag is set up again, there will certainly be French soldiers and people who are unwilling to surrender to France to come to Britain!

Simply, from among them, elect a representative as the new leader of France, establish a new French government organization, lead France and continue to resist the Germans!

Hearing Churchill's words, the colonel with the highest rank had a vision in his eyes.

Yes, marshal bedang actually surrendered on behalf of France. Now, half of the French territory has been lost, which has become the same outcome as Poland and Austria. Of course, they are unwilling!

If we can set up a new government, hold high the banner of the French Republic and continue to resist, maybe France will be saved!

"What's your name, Colonel?" At this time, Churchill did not know the identity of the other party. After all, there were too few French people who could come over.

"My name is Philip de Auckland." The colonel with the highest rank said, "before the end of the French war, I was the chief of staff of the infantry division."

Otchlock was born in 1902 in an ancient sword noble family in Piccadilly, France. He received strict family education and inherited the martial spirit of the family tradition.

Next to his hometown is the battlefield of the famous Somme River battle in the first World War. He often goes there to think about life and strengthen his faith.

After that, he entered the St. sear military academy and entered the army after graduation until now.

"Good, Autodesk." Churchill said, "now, the new French government needs to quickly establish a leading group. How about you as the Prime Minister of the new government? What do you think of this new government, called free France? "

Although it was a question, it was in an irresistible tone. Churchill felt that his brain was running at a high speed, and these ideas came out quickly.

Free France! Romantic French always advocate freedom, but now that France is subjugated, they will never be willing to be subjugated slaves. They want freedom!

In front of the colonel, although he doesn't know very well, Churchill can see it by looking at each other's eyes. At this time, the other party also shows his vision. Such a person will give everything for his ideal!

"Me? When Prime Minister? " After hearing Churchill's words, ottlock couldn't react for a moment. He was just a big soldier. Do you have this ability? Call on the French to join their own free French movement and finally liberate France?

It seems that this is a very slim goal.

"History has proved that when a nation is not completely defeated, it will be stronger than at any time in history in less than 20 years." Churchill plagiarized Hitler's words, and his voice appeared in everyone's ears: "even if it takes 20 years, we will drive away the Germans and restore our free world."

What are you afraid of? Even if it takes 20 years, I have to struggle! Even if you can't complete it, you can't give up the ideal of your son, even your grandson!

Finally, Autodesk Locke regained his composure: "I am willing to fight to the last drop of blood for our free France!"

"Well, Prime Minister oaklock, at present, what we need most is to gather people who share our beliefs and win the support of the French colonies." Churchill's thinking was very clear. He soon figured out how to develop a free France.

In France, with the control of the strong German army and the traitor beidang, it is impossible to develop too fast. Therefore, if the free French movement wants to get support, it must first find a way from the colony. As long as it is recognized by the governor of the colony, Free France will soon have a base!

Whenever troubled times come, heroes will appear. I have to say that Churchill is definitely the natural leader sent by God to Britain. Unconsciously, he set a good chess and found a French friend again. As long as he can contain Germany, he can support it. Even if Britain is in financial difficulties, he should give Free France some resources!

"It's just that your identity can't be made public. Simply, you use an alias first." Churchill thought about it, but he didn't figure it out. After all, although he was very familiar with France, he couldn't find a good alias for a while.

In front of oaklock, he is just a division chief of staff. He is definitely not qualified to lead free France. Therefore, it is more convenient to make up some names and pseudonyms.

"Can I call Le Claire?" "It's a common name in my hometown," said otkroc

Le Claire? Churchill nodded, "OK, Prime Minister Le Clair, after that, Free France will be handed over to you. The future of France is in your hands. Fight hard for the freedom of France! "