Sure enough, such a sound appeared! Churchill's eyes turned to the humble position in the corner of the conference room. A member of Parliament from the liberal party challenged him!

Here is the British Parliament building with a history of hundreds of years. It is officially called "Westminster Hall". Through the majestic and solemn St. Stephen corridor, it is a circular central hall.

Below the dome of the central hall to the right is the house of Lords, also known as the house of Lords. The resplendent hall inside is spacious and bright. At the same time, the house of Lords is in good order.

As noble families with a history of hundreds of years, they are elegant and speak with great etiquette.

If you turn left from the central hall, it is a completely different world.

The decoration was simple, and there was nothing except two rows of green seats opposite each other and an old gray black long table in the middle.

At the same time, bursts of laughter, swearing, booing and debate often appear here, and many uncivilized words are mixed from time to time, which is easy to make people feel like a market.

This is the house of Commons of the British Parliament, also known as the commons, and this is the center of British politics!

Various decrees eventually came from the house of Commons, and Churchill was also the one who wanted to move the house of Commons.

In historical records, Churchill was full of self-confidence and infected many people with his self-confidence. Finally, the house of Commons passed it unanimously and resolutely resisted the war. Churchill was also remembered as a hero of Britain.

But at that time, the free world did not abandon Britain. At least Britain had an expeditionary force, at least Britain had a strong navy, at least Britain had backup to the United States, and Churchill had full confidence.

But now? The expeditionary force has been lost, the navy has become a coastal garrison, and the support of the United States is far away. Now, not only the mainland is facing the war of resistance, but also the overseas colonies are no longer guaranteed. In particular, Gibraltar is taken away by the Spanish, which is very painful for the British.

Obviously, if Britain continues to fight, the consequences are very serious, and its local defense is still seriously insufficient. Now, seeing the colonies in Africa and the Middle East, it will not protect them. Where can Britain get enough troops to defend?

Might as well sign a peace agreement with Germany!

Hearing this voice, Churchill immediately shouted loudly. The voice was a little sharp: "if anyone mentions the argument of signing a peace agreement again, I really want to fuck his family! We in Britain have been dragged down by this so-called peace until now! "

"What is a peace agreement? This is totally traitorous, that is, surrender! "

Churchill seems to have forgotten that when he proposed to hand over India to the Soviet Union, it was also here that many people called it traitorous. This word seems to be the most frequently used word recently.

Churchill was born in a noble family, but now he can't help yelling. Up to now, he still wants to surrender?

What peace agreement? What peace agreement will Germany accept? Germany only accepts British surrender!

If you compromise when you are strong, it can be called charity, but when you are weak, it can only be called humiliation and surrender!

After the first World War, Britain had enough advantages to give alms step by step. What was the result? Germany is strong enough to deter the whole of Europe!

When Churchill gave the Soviet Union India, he could be called traitorous, but he must not be called to surrender, because he did not surrender, but now, the word is heard in everyone's ears, and they can't stand it.

Although they are noisy here, they are a group of people who can represent the interests of Britain after all. They are all British gentlemen.

For a gentleman, the face problem is above all else, especially the face problem of the British Empire!

The French can surrender in humiliation, but Britain must not surrender!

"What are we? We are an Empire where the sun never sets! " Churchill continued to say loudly, "in those days, we did not give in to the invincible armada of the Spanish!"

"In the face of the Sun King Louis XIV, we didn't give in!"

"We didn't give in to Napoleon, the No. 1 General in Europe!"

Churchill's words pushed the atmosphere of the meeting to a climax: "then, now, facing the Germans, why should we give in? What do we get? Is it half of the country? Like France, or like Austria and so on, become their puppets? no If so, we will be ashamed of our ancestors! "

Churchill's words infected everyone present. Yes, why give in? Now Britain still has a positive and indomitable spirit. As British gentlemen of the sun never sets, they have a strong sense of imperial honor and national self-confidence. They won't give in!

"Some people will ask: what is our policy? I would say: our policy is to fight at sea, on land and in the air with all the power and strength that God can give us; It is our policy to wage war with a ferocious tyranny never seen in the evil and tragic history of human sin! "

"Some people will ask: what is our purpose? I can answer in one word: victory, strive for victory at all costs, no matter how terrible; No matter how far and difficult the road is, we must strive for victory! "

"I took up my work with excitement and hope. I am convinced that people will not let our cause fail! I have nothing else but blood, toil, tears and sweat to contribute to you. "

Churchill's speech won almost everyone's applause.

Peace talks? As a stubborn and arrogant Great Britain, why give in? Churchill would not agree. This war just gave him a stage to show. He believed that God gave him a chance to turn the tide!

Now, Britain looks very optimistic and asks the Soviet Union for help. As a result, the Soviet Union broke out a war with Finland. However, he believes that Britain must have a chance!

As for the congressman who just proposed peace talks with Germany, well, I wrote it down! At this time, he dares to propose peace talks with the Germans. There must be a problem with him!

Let MI5 pay attention to his actions. Maybe this man has contacts with the Germans!

He looked at the congressman again. Now, this man must not escape his own sight. Even if he found that he had a little mistake, he could step down from the parliament! With the progress of the war, the power of MI5 has become greater and greater, and many characters are under their surveillance.