The British ambassador was sent away. Of course, this trick of fooling the white wolf with empty hands attracted a burst of ridicule from the Soviet leadership.

"The British are so stupid that if they want to rely on a few words, they will let us wage war with Germany?" Clement evlemovich Voroshilov immediately expressed his views.

Now, among the top Soviet leaders, voroshinov is a loyal subordinate of Stalin. He participated in the revolution in his early years, met Stalin and Lenin, and actively participated in the revolution. By 1926, he had become a member of the Political Bureau.

After the vigorous cleansing campaign began, he followed Stalin's footsteps. He directly participated in the killing of up to 5000 middle-level commanders, and countless cables approved his arrest and execution.

It was his firm position in the great cleansing movement that he was now Stalin's absolute confidant.

His words attracted the approval of others.

Stalin nodded: "yes, if the British want us to join the war, India is an indispensable choice."

"What if the British agree?" At this time, Xie Miao konstantinovich timusingo said, "we are not ready for war at all."

If we go to war with the Germans, we absolutely need to mobilize the whole country. It takes at least a few months to prepare, transport weapons and ammunition to the front line, and the army should be mobilized frequently, but it's not so easy.

Moreover, there are deeper concerns in what tiemuxinge didn't say.

The war in the Far East.

No one dares to point it out here. Due to the Great Purge, the combat effectiveness of the Soviet army has decreased significantly. Zhukov went to the Far East to command. The battle has been fought for several months, but he has not seen much effect. The combat effectiveness of the Soviet army can't crush the islanders.

In the process that the local war in the Far East has not been settled, is it appropriate to rashly start the war on the western front?

Among all the people, timoshingo still has a strategic vision. The decline in the combat effectiveness of the Soviet Red Army makes them temporarily unfit for war. Now, if the British want to promise, will they really join this terrible war?

Stalin looked at timoshingo, looked at the others, looked at them and said, "since the British have given us India, we must first fully accept it. As for when to go to war, we must wait until we are ready."

Stalin's opinion is clear. Go to war? Wait! If the British give India to their own side, their own side will occupy it first!

Stalin knew very well that under the present circumstances, the Soviet Union did not need to go to war with Germany. At least, it had to wait until those warships fell into the hands of the Soviet Union!

The Soviet Union exported so much iron ore in exchange for aircraft carriers and large-diameter naval guns. Although there was friction in the middle, it is still very stable at least now.

Once the war begins, the investment made by the Soviet Union in the early stage will come to naught. It's not cost-effective.

In Stalin's mind, the British are absolutely more hateful than the Germans.

At least, after World War I, exchanges between Germany and the Soviet Union were quite frequent. In the Soviet Union, Germany was relatively friendly. Stalin was absolutely unwilling to see the smelly face of Britain and France.

"In fact, now is a good opportunity. If I were to take ten cavalry divisions, I could rush to Berlin now." On the other side, bujoni, the veteran cavalry marshal, couldn't help saying.

Bujonny has been in the war almost all his life, and he has hardly lost so far. Therefore, he despises Germany very much. Especially now, the east of Germany is empty, and the cavalry division is sure to pass.

The whole conference room was filled with joy. At this time, everyone present did not expect that just two years later, the Soviet fell under a German tank.

They missed the best chance, the only chance to beat Germany.

They played it down, and now they are looking at it from a distance.

"Anyway, now, the German armored forces have shown us their powerful performance." Stalin knocked his pipe and said to the others, "now, how is the development of our new tank going?"

Bujoni is an absolute believer in cavalry. If others say that armored forces will replace cavalry, bujoni will discuss with each other for three days and three nights. Therefore, it is generally proposed by Stalin.

Stalin still attached great importance to military construction, especially the armored forces. He had a faint hunch that the war now fought by the Germans was too enlightening for his own side.

Soviet tanks are also under intensive development. After hearing Stalin's questions, voroshinov immediately said, "Comrade Stalin, now our Kirov design bureau is developing the latest kV tanks. Their tanks must surpass the most advanced German tanks in performance."

At present, Britain and France are defeated in the European battlefield. One of the most important reasons is that German tanks are too advanced and invincible. The British and French coalition forces can't destroy German tanks by all means.

The Soviets had to have more advanced tanks so that they would not fall behind in the future.

Looking at the performance of German tanks, the Soviet Union also increased its own investment and should develop more advanced tanks as soon as possible.

In this regard, voroshinov definitely has the most say. His son-in-law is a tank designer and the developer of this latest kV Tank. Moreover, this kV is actually the acronym of voroshinov's name.

Therefore, voroshinov knows this tank best. Now he immediately answered Stalin's questions.

"Now, our latest KV-1 tank has entered the final type test stage. This tank is a 45 ton tank, heavier than the German tank. Its armor and firepower can surpass the German tank." Voroshinov said, "Comrade Stalin, if it's convenient for you, you can ask the Kirov Design Bureau to drive this tank to Moscow for you to see for yourself."

Stalin nodded. He couldn't wait, but later, he remembered something: "by the way, we seem to have another tank called t-32. How's it going?"

"There are still many mechanical problems with that tank. It can't run 50 kilometers before it breaks down. It's still a long way from finalization." Voroshinov said.

This t-32 is just a privately developed project below. How can it be compared with kV tanks?