The relationship between Britain and the Soviet Union is not good.

Because of the problem of ideology, Britain has always been extremely hostile to the Soviet Union. Even if it once wanted to ask the Soviet Union for help on the issue of Poland, it was only superficial. In its heart, Britain would never identify with a country with a different system from its own.

It can even be said that even if Britain identifies with Germany, it will not identify with the Soviet Union. The political system is very important.

But now Britain has no choice.

Now, it has nothing to do with ideology. When Britain is facing an emergency of life and death, what will Britain take to tide over the crisis? One of the necessary is to contact any force that can be contacted, such as the Soviet Union!

The Soviet Union and Germany look very friendly. For example, even aircraft carriers and the Soviet Union have placed orders with Germany. However, the relationship between the two countries may be hostile at any time.

Besides, take the Spanish war for example. At that time, Germany and the Soviet Union supported their respective forces, and even sent troops to fight in Spain.

Although on the surface the two sides are very friendly, in fact, they have already met.

At the same time, the Soviet Union is also ambitious, that is, to export red doctrine to the whole of Europe, which will just touch the interests of Germany. Now, it is difficult for the Soviet Union to export red, because Germany has beaten down a large area of European territory.

Under such circumstances, what should the Soviet Union do? Keep watching?

As long as it is provoked, the Soviet Union may enter the war. Only when the Soviet Union contains Germany from the East, Britain can survive!

At this time, Churchill put down his hatred of the Soviet Union and personally sent people to contact the Soviet Union in the hope that the Soviet Union could see the situation and start as soon as possible.

Facing the proposal of British ambassador Keith, Stalin was very calm: "do you want to invite the Soviet Union to join this European war? What good is this for us, the Soviet Union? "

Don't treat people like fools.

Now, what are the benefits of the Soviet Union joining the war regiment? Let the British out of the encirclement, and finally the British get the benefit, okay? When the Soviet Union was just founded, the European capitalist countries led by Britain and France were eyeing the Soviet Union, supporting the white bandits in the Soviet Union and making the Soviet Union fight a civil war for a long time.

Now, pretend to be a good man?

"Mr. Stalin, you are wise. You should be able to see that if Germany unified Europe, it would definitely be the biggest enemy of the Soviet Union. The essence of Germany now is continuous external expansion. Any treaty is a piece of waste paper for them. Now they can still have good relations with the Soviet Union, which shows that they are afraid of the Soviet Union, If the Soviet Union does not do it now and Germany does it first, it will be the same as France now! "

Keith can only constantly play up the German threat, because he really has no other cards.

"So, if we do it, what help will Britain give us?" Stalin suddenly turned his words and asked.

It was you, Britain, who invited us to join the Soviet Union. Then, do you have to express something? If there were enough interests, the Soviet Union would not be unable to consider them.

This sentence is stabbing Keith's weakness. What can he say? Will Britain wave the flag to the Soviet Union behind its back?

After World War I, Britain was weak and its huge army could not be maintained. A group of people shouting for peace constantly wanted to reduce their army and military expenditure. Otherwise, Britain would not be so embarrassed.

Now, Britain has failed. The people agreed to increase military spending only when the expeditionary force could not be guaranteed. However, its national strength has weakened. It can be said that Britain can barely take out funds such as the recruitment of reserves, and a large number of weapons need to be updated. What capital does Britain have to meet the appetite of the Soviet Union?

Keith was speechless, while Stalin finally said, "if you can hand over the Indian colony to us, we, the Soviet Union, can send troops immediately."

Indian colony!

Britain used to be an empire with a never setting sun. At its most glorious time, it was a colony all over the world. Its population accounted for a quarter of the world's population. It was an absolute empire with a never setting sun.

But now, the Empire has entered the twilight.

Britain has no much value at all. Now Britain mainly depends on blood transfusion from the colonies, but now the Soviet Union wants Britain to cut meat!

Moreover, the Soviets wanted India.

Why India? Because the Soviet Union has always wanted to get a passage to the south. From the ancient czar era, it believed that the Indian Ocean was the center of the world. Whoever occupied it would occupy the whole world!

Now it is the Soviet Union, not czar Russia. However, the ambition of old maozi has never changed. If the Soviet Union obtains India, there will be the Soviet Union in the Pacific, Atlantic and Indian oceans, and the Soviet Union will rule the whole world.

Of course, Britain will not agree to such a request!

"I'm sorry, Mr. Stalin. The colony is an integral part of our British Empire. We won't give up our colony." Said GIS.

"Then grain. How about your export of 100 million tons of grain to us?"

"Sorry, our food is also very tight."

"Then steel, how about 10 million tons of steel?"

"Well, I'm sorry..."

"What are you going to invite us to send troops?" Stalin said, "with Churchill's fallen beard?"

Stalin's words suddenly changed Keith's face. This is an absolute secret in China. Churchill's health problems will seriously shake their military morale. Therefore, few people know.

Now, Stalin's sarcasm shows that there have been serious omissions in his own intelligence system. Even Stalin knows!

"I'm sorry, Mr. Stalin. We're too nervous at home to raise funds. If you can accept it, we can sign an agreement first and provide it to you when the war is over and we have the spare power." Said GIS.

It is true that there is no such thing in Britain now, but you can write an IOU first and give it later.

"You are really sincere enough. With a white note, you want us Soviet troops?" Stalin said coldly: "tell Churchill that if he wants the Soviet Union to send troops, he must cede India to the Soviet Union. This is our request. Let him see what to do. He should have a choice whether to give up the whole Britain or just a trivial colony!"

The Soviet Union, of course, will rip off at this time. If it can really get India, it will also have the motivation to fight this war.