7 The Kingdom of Luku and The Six Mysterious People.

Ginro see the beautiful kingdom of luku from air, there is a lot of tall buildings, the structure is well made and the flow and color of the river is so beautiful, from the distance you will see the bright and peaceful of the kingdom.

Ginro looked down because the guards are looking at them so he said it to alice, "alice don't you think the guards telling us to go down? because they are looking at us!", Alice reply with smile "its fine they know well my familiar and me!" so ginro looked at The Red Dragon and Pegasus and said on his mind "(well being a mythical creature is known well...)".

Alice and Ginro continue to go inside, suddenly Ginro thinks something, "(Wait!, this is kingdom right!?, They don't usually approve an outsider to go inside!, sometimes they will report it to the main office or something!, but the guards just let it happened!)". Ginro also remembered what the Red dragon said that alice is something princess so Ginro thinks alice is the princess of the kingdom of Luku because of the clues and hints so Ginro asked where they gonna go!, then Alice reply "To the main castle to see my father!" Ginro shaking his entire body and asked, "Can i ask something Alice?, don't tell me you are the princess of this kingdom?", Alice reply with smile "Yes i am the second princess of this kingdom!".

Ginro really shocked of what he heard but then he see a beautiful castle on the center of the kingdom that made of gold and diamonds, when they gonna land on that castle they are some guards and six mysterious people that caught Ginro's eyes, it is two young looking girl, one old man with white hair, one little kid and two male that have beautiful armored.

when Ginro and Alice touch the ground alice run on one of the mysterious people and it is her father, suddenly his father see Ginro and Tell to the guards to tie him, the guards put they're weapons to the neck of Ginro so that he can't move and one of the mysterious guy 'Spear' really touch Ginro's neck that it makes bleed and one mysterious guys gonna tied him

Alice: Don't Father he save me from bandits!

Alice Father (The King): you? have been save by this guys? i don't feel any presence or power to him! and i know you can handle yourself!.

Ginro smirk and said on his mind "(Yeah thanks to this ring that blackshadow gave me i can see clearly her power! thats why i turned blind eye a momment and watch the bandits and soldier fighting!)". One of the mysterious guy that touch Ginro's neck looked at him with serious face, Ginro gets really irritated because of that face, but suddenly one of beautiful girl walk beside to the king and touch his shoulder and said, "My dear!, would you let your daughter tell the whole story first and release that young boy!?" the king shaking his body and said "YES! O.. O... OF COURSE", Ginro also shaking and shocked because he see a white enormous aura comming from her and can't believe that woman is mother of alice and wife of the king.

The king asked to the guards to put down they're weapons, ginro can now move freely but the two guy don't let they're guard down to ginro, so he teased them by mocking face, the two male get irritated but suddenly calm down, and then they go inside of the castle but suddenly the cute little kid touch ginro's clothes while sucking his finger. then the kids black hair turned into white, the king and queen see it so they suddenly gets really serious and guard up, Ginro see's that but looked curious at them and can't find a single opening to them, then the little kid suddenly back his hair to original color.