6 Ginro’s Story

When Ginro and Alice flying around to the kingdom of luku, alice brought a question to Ginro.

Alice: Ginro!!! Can you tell your a story?

Ginro: Story about what?

Alice: About yourself... Where you came from... How do you live... ETC!

Ginro looked at alice and looked down while touching the body of pegasus, the pegasus looked at him and she see ginro's face is sad "Yeahh... of course... I can tell some of my story!...". Alice is so happy because ginro gonna tell his story. Ginro's start telling his story.

"When i was a kid i live in orphanage! grow up there and have fun. when i became 14 years old i ask one of the sister on orphanage 'where's my real parents is', they say they din't know, i just found out on front of the door with name tag named 'Ginro' in rainy day while crying, after that i tried to forget my real parent is, every day i help the orphanage on household and caretaking to other child!, one day a rich female woman come to our orphanage! her hair si red and her eyes is so attractive, and i unconscious say 'MOM', the girl looked at me and smile, but the sister of orphanage is so scared at the woman and looked at me.

The woman ask my name and i said "'Ginro' Thats my name", the woman pat my head and smiled, she ask for documents of me to be her child, i shocked what she said but the sister is shaking and can't move her body, The woman asked again for the documents and the sister gets it, after a minute of signing the documens, i have been approve to become her child, so i say 'goodbye' to the other kids but sister held her hand to me while shaking and said "becareful out there", i smiled to sister and give her a kiss on cheek and said "i'll becareful"."

Alice: And What happened after that?

Ginro: After that? Well!!!, After a week i have been in her big mansion, were both happy and i found out i have a big sister a not related blood, legaly child of that woman.

Alice: oh i forgot whats the name of the 'woman' and your 'sister'?

Ginro: My Step mother is 'Rebecca' my sister is well i dont know because we din't even talk for a year.

Alice: For a YEAR!? ohh sorry please continue your story.

Ginro: Well before a year of celebration Rebecca told me to come on underground of the house, well when i go down there is a lot of naked men and woman Then they...

Alice: Woh woh woh woh... Cut... Cut. i dont want to here that part.

Ginro: But they are already dead!

When alice heard that she is already blushing, that you can see her white body being in color red.

Alice: And and after that?

"i already found out that i have been locked on underground!, after a day of being locked, my mother and sister go down to see me, i could move my body because of hunger, they just looked at me and smile then suddenly the whip that they holding smash on my face, i am shocked of what happened, then my mother said "ohh come on my Baby Ginro, Give me some voice of 'ahh' when i whip you!, GIVE ME SOME PLEASURE THAT I WILL GET TURNED ON!!!". My step sister just watch while our mother is whipping me, suddenly a lot foot steps coming to the stair and i Shouted for help, but unfurtunately the four man is naked! and the two man is coming to my mother and sister, while the other two is holding a baseball bat and coming to me, the two man starting kissing and touching the breast of my sister and mother while me is..."

Alice: Woh Woh Woh Woh... you really need to stop on that part!

Ginro: BUT!.., the two man just smashing they're bat to me until i get unconscious and i don't know whats happened next!.

Alice is irritated of what happend and unconsciously said it too loud. "(Daymn i don't know if the woman 'did it' to him or not because he is unconscious!". ginro looked at her and he can't imagine what's alice thinking.

Alice: Just make the story short were nearly at kingdom of luku!

Ginro: I AM TELLING MY STORY IN SHORT NOW!!!! YOU... YOU JUST... ahhh well i'm gonna continue my story.

"After that i woke up i found out that my mother and my sister and the four men already died, i think they just killed each other, well im so happy about that, then i get some money of my mother and sister cash volt i know they're password because i saw them clicking it!, and then i escape the mansion, i found a part time job on convenience store and get some apartment."

Alice is seriously looking at ginro and said, "'Convenience store'?, 'apartment?", Ginro shocked because he knew in this world there is no convenience store and words 'apartment', and he suddenly say a excuse "EHH...!!! YOU KNOW ITS WHERE YOU LIVING... IN GUILDS LIKE THAT... HOME SMALL HOUSE!!! ADVENTURER STAYING PLACE!" alice looked at Ginro's face because its too cute and he is blushing and of course she knew he was lying and said "what about the convenience store and baseball bat?", Ginro Can't answer it and he just rolling his finger on pegasus and said "My work on forrest and untensil i think".

Alice is Looked serious now even the red dragon and pegasus at ginro, "then where did you get your power!?" Alice said. Ginro gets serious and careful this time and said, "when i was sleeping the god gave me this power and i don't know why, when i woke up i already have it, i think he gave it to me to give me a second chance or change this world". Ginro remember what blackshadow said to 'don't tell anyone where he gets his power' so he tell some lies to alice, then alice looked at ginro gently and said, "where here now in 'north Kingdom of Luku".