Chapter 796 - 121: You’re So Boring

Thinking of that, she took a careful look at Angelo. She came to realize that this weak girl was more skilled in the rules of showbiz than her.

Since it was here, she could only smile awkwardly and changed the topic. After some interactions, the show was about to end.

"Miss Watts, I admire you on this stage."

Hearing that, Angelo clenched her dress and smiled shyly, looking like a naïve little girl.

After that, the show was over. Angelo didn't go back to her usual state until the leave of the last audience.

When Angelo held hands with Daisy, the host walked to her and said with a smile, "Congratulations!"

She believed that Angelo would be more famous after the show. But it was a failure to her because the purpose of this show was to expose the celebrity's true character, and she couldn't do it.

"Thank you," answered Angelo politely and then left with Daisy.

Looking at her back, the host had confidence that Angeline would have a bright future.

"Glamor did know how to choose people!" she sighed and then left.

Outside, Angelo saw Karol waiting for them, she hurried to her and smiled at her.

"I had worried about you couldn't handle this, but you had led the whole show. Just like she said, you're great!" Karol complimented her.

Angelo was then relieved. She had been worrying that her act would arouse the disgust of others. It was not easy to flag an image of an innocent girl.

When she heard Karol's compliment, she knew she succeeded. But then she felt someone touch her head. When she turned her head back, Jeremy appeared in front of her eyes.

As a star cultivated by Drake, Jeremy had signed a contract with Glamor some days before. Of course, his pay was inferior to Angelo's.

Angelo wiped his hand down and asked confusedly, "What are you doing here, Jeremy?"

"He also has some work here," explained Karol.

"Oh, I see."

Her puzzle was solved. It must be a coincidence, she thought.

While she was thinking, Jeremy fumbled her head again. Angelo took a step back. She wasn't used to people touching her head.

"What are you doing?" asked Angelo with vigilance.

"Pretty girl. I just want to fumble your head."

"You're so boring," replied Angelo. She thought Jeremy was joking with her, so she didn't mind it.

When she turned to leave, her eyes met Drake's. Sensing the coldness from his eyes, she subconsciously looked at Jeremy, wondering if he was seen Jeremy's move just now.

When Jeremy noticed the gaze from Angelo, he walked to her and greeted Drake, "Good afternoon, Mr. Thorne."

After that, he put his hand on Angelo's head again.

Seeing the scene, Drake wasn't happy. He sneered and then turned to leave.

Angelo hurried to pat Jeremy's hand down, thinking if Drake had misunderstood something.

Thinking of that, she hurried to catch up with Drake. Seeing her leave, Jeremy wanted to follow up but was stopped by Daisy.

"Don't meddle in the lover's world, all right?" said Daisy.

A hint of disappointment appeared on Jeremy's face. But when he thought of Drake's background, he had a firmness in his eyes.

He knew Drake was from a big family, and a man like him wouldn't marry an actress. Besides, Angelo's character was doomed that she wouldn't like to be the third wheel in a marriage.

"They won't be together."

After saying that, Jeremy left.

Daisy was stupefied at first but then got angry.

"How could you know? I know you have bad intentions."

"I knew it," insisted Angelo, even though he went far.

Daisy was angrier. But Jeremy had walked far, and she couldn't do anything. Finally, she just stomped.

Gasped, Angelo caught up with Drake and was scared when she saw his straight face. But thinking of her determination, she took a deep breath and then grabbed Drake's sleeve.

Drake frowned because Angeline used to keep a distance from him.

"Jeremy was kidding with me just now," Angelo explained when Drake stopped. But because of the fear, her voice was quite low, sounding like guilty.

"Yeah," replied Drake and kept walking. He thought it was Angelo's excuse because he could tell from Jeremy's eyes that he wasn't kidding.

Angelo didn't understand what Drake meant but still followed up.

Seeing the indifferent look of Drake, Angelo felt more uneasy but didn't know what to do.

She had explained, and Drake should have learned what was going on, but why did he look angrier?

It was all on Jeremy. He shouldn't have joked with her, she thought. See? She might fail from the start.

They had walked a distance, but Drake didn't seem to get better. Angelo thought about it and tentatively asked, "May I call you brother like my brother, Mr. Drake?"

Hearing her, Drake stopped but then paced his steps because her words reminded him of the thing that happened yesterday.

Angelo paused when Drake suddenly sped up. She didn't think she said anything wrong, but Drake was just being indifferent.

Soon, they arrived at the parking lot. Drake got in his car and sat in the driver's seat. Angelo trotted to block in front of his car.

"Go away," ordered Drake, glancing at Angelo. He didn't know why Angeline was being so weird today, but he was very irritated and had no patience with her.

"Don't you send me back, brother?"

Drake used to drive her home, but why was he so impatient with her today? Angelo didn't understand it.

As for the call of "brother," Angelo took Drake's silence as agreement. Besides, she used to call Drake "brother."

But Angelo's words only add more irritations to Drake. "Go away. I don't want to say it again."

Right now, his expression made Angelo feel like being in an icehouse. But she had a weird feeling that she would regret if she parted with Drake like this. So she just wouldn't leave.

Finally, Drake didn't step on the accelerator. He got out of the car and made a call.

"What's the matter, Mr. Thorne?"