Chapter 795 - 120: Why Do You Think You Are Beautiful?

"Why do you wear this, Angelo?" Karol widened her eyes when she saw Angelo. Then she turned to question Daisy, "What were you doing? This is a show, not walking the red carpet, why do you dress her so formal?"

Hearing that, Angelo raised her eyebrows and opened her hands to Daisy. She wanted to take the chance to laugh at Daisy but changed her mind when she saw her aggrieved face.

On the way here, she had prepared how to explain to Karol. So, she said calmly, "It's not her fault, Karol. I insisted on wearing it like this. I attend this show to increase my exposure. If I wear this, the audience will be impressed."

Daisy felt warm when she heard that. Karol didn't say anything more. She glanced at Angelo up and down and then said, "It's a special time. I can understand. But you should at least talk to me in advance."

Angelo knew Karol's temper and said coquettishly, "See? I knew Karol wouldn't blame us." She gave Daisy a wink. Daisy got it and hurried to flatter Karol.

Karol had been single without kids. So when some of her daughter-aged entertainers act coquettishly, she began to soften, which was one of the things Angelo learned in her last life.

"All right, it's almost time for you to go onstage. Go backstage now and get ready." Karol rubbed Angelo's head and pretended to sound serious.

Angelo straightened up immediately and said in earnest, "Yeah."

After that, she headed backstage. Looking at her back, Karol showed a look of satisfaction.

Then she looked at Daisy, "I know you are new to the job and thought you might not know the way here, but now it seems that I underestimated you."

Daisy stayed when she heard that. She didn't do any preparations before. But since Karol said that, she could only smile without saying anything.

But in her heart, she felt puzzled. She knew Angelo had never been here before, but Angelo seemed to know this spot well.

At this point, the show was on. As an assistant, Daisy could sit in the audience seat. Before she came, she knew this show was live. It was Angelo's first time on the show, so she was a little worried.

Just after the host announced the guest today, the scene went crazy. Then the light was off.

Daisy was so worried and stood up a bit, wondering if there was any problem at the beginning.

Suddenly, a light was shot to the center of the stage. Angelo was there. The glamorous clothes and the dazzling light made Angelo look like a fairy.

When she walked to the guest's seat, the other lights lit up. While the audience, who was stunned just now, started to applaud then.

When the enthusiasm waned, the host picked up the microphone, her eyebrows furrowed, and the familiar audience booed.

"Honestly, your appearance just shook me up. So, did you plan it?" As usual, the host started to ask.

Angelo was already prepared. She sat obediently there and looked at the host like an innocent girl.

"Are you stunned by my beauty or my way of showing up?"

The host was stunned. Entertainers usually didn't dare to compliment their appearance in public, especially on a show like this.

The host had hosted many programs, so it wasn't a problem for her. She leaned back and showed a look of disapproval on purpose.

"Honestly, I'm only impressed by your way of coming out. After all, I don't think you're very beautiful. What do you say?"

The show was designed to be picky about the entertainers. So, the audience wasn't surprised at her words but turned to look at Angelo.

This topic was kind of s.e.n.s.i.t.i.v.e. And entertainers usually chose to endure to protect their good image, which fell in the trap set by the program.

That was also what they wanted from Angelo, who knew it quite clear. If she went wrong, she would be led by the program.

After a short hesitation, she thought of a way to deal with it. She spouted and muttered, "You have been saying 'honestly,' but you are not honest at all. I am beautiful."

Her voice was low, but she was wearing the microphone, so everyone heard it. The audience stayed at first but then was delighted.

The reason was simple, Angelo was so lovely. And the host gave a complimenting smile when she heard that.

But her job was not complimenting entertainers, so she crossed her arms in front of her c.h.e.s.t and looked aggressive.

"Why do you think you are beautiful? I don't think any other celebrity ever compliments you, right?" 

It was another bombshell, but Angelo had had a plan in her mind. She smiled and pointed casually at Daisy.

The light was on Daisy, who was shocked because of the sudden change. Just then, Angelo said, "Is she pretty, miss?"


The host recognized Daisy as Angelo's assistant. She smiled, thinking that Angelo wanted her to say no to prove her guess.

As a famous host, she wouldn't fall into this trap. She rolled her eyes and then nodded, "Yeah. She's very pretty."

As soon as she finished speaking, Angelo asked, "Then why are you so picky about me?" sounding aggrieved. She sprouted and looked sad.

The crowd felt sorry for the girl and turned to look at the host, who was confused at Angelo's words.

Looking at the sad girl, the host thought Angelo was indeed a good actor. She touched others with such a small trick.

But she was quite embarrassed now. Facing the inquiry eyes of the audience, she forced a smile, sat straight, and gently asked, "You think I'm picky? Why?"

"She's my assistant. She herself said that she was inferior to me in appearance. I thought you didn't have an aesthetic eye, but you're just against me."

The more she said, the more aggrieved she looked. The host then realized that she had underestimated this girl. When she was about to explain, she suddenly realized that she was going into Angelo's trap.