237 Chapter 237: He Was Angry

Mrs. Davidson waved her arm to indicate Nathalia to stay. "Ok, so this is what happened..." Mrs. Davidson was really angry with Curt Davidson, yet she had no idea what she could do. Luckily, she had a talented and capable son. She told Spencer everything she heard that Curt talked about Matt.

"What do you think, Spencer?" She asked tentatively. Spencer looked angry.

And he WAS furious. He felt unjust.

"How can he do this to us? What are we to him? He didn't even let us know first?! He's really crossed the line."

Spencer didn't care about money. It was respected, and felt that he cared about it. For over twenty years, dad has never treated us like a family. He's been so unfair to mum. He's hardly spent any time with her! He always does what he wants, totally oblivious to how we feel, sleeping with other women. He should, at least, show us a little bit of respect!

Mrs. Davidson felt much better after talking to Spencer, knowing that Spencer would take care of everything. "Why don't you talk to your dad someday soon? Talk him out of this ridiculous idea. You are a father and son at the end of the day." She suggested.

She used to take no notice of it as Curt didn't really accept Matt in public. Now he had claimed him as his son openly, and she couldn't ignore it anymore. It was an apparent insult to her.

Spencer frowned and sighed, "I will." Mrs. Davidson was relieved. My son always has a solution. She thought confidently. Then she added, "Nathalia, why don't you go along?"

"Huh?" Nathalia was totally surprised. "Me?" What am I to do with it? How can I help at all?

"Yes. You know what they are like. I'm worried they will end up fighting. You can help ease the tension." Mrs. Davidson looked at Nathalia worriedly. Spencer and Curt are as stubborn as each other. Like father, like son. I don't want them ending up fighting.

Nathalia felt a bit awkward but agreed at the end.

"Great. That's sorted then." Mrs. Davidson heaved a sigh of relief as soon as Nathalia agreed. "Shall we have dinner now?" she said with a grin.

The chefs had prepared seven different dishes, a mix of Asian and European cuisines. The presentation was perfect, and the taste was even better. Three top chefs specialized in different cuisines were hired. The Davidsons' kitchen was as well-equipped as a three-star Michelin restaurant.

Watching the two women that he loved the most getting along so well, Spencer felt like all his troubles had vanished. This was what he had wished for. He prayed secretively that this would last forever, to be with the girl he loved and adored, his most loving mother, and in the future, his children. He would give up anything to protect such happiness.

Nathalia blushed instantly. "Huh?" Spencer was rather taken aback. He even felt a bit shy and awkward by her directness. "Mum..."

"Alright." Mrs. Davidson cut him short, kissed them goodbye, and headed to her room. "I'm tired and would like some quiet time on my own anyway. Good night."

Spencer watched his mother leave and felt loved. "Thanks, mum. Good night." Mum has finally accepted us. He thought gratefully. 

Mrs. Davidson went into her room and smiled constantly, thinking, my silly child, as long as you are happy, I'm happy. Spencer meant everything to her. As long as he was happy, nothing else mattered much.

As soon as they got to Nathalia's and closed the door behind, Spencer squeezed Nathalia excitedly and said cheerfully, "Babe, I'm so happy! Mum has really accepted you. She loves you!"

He knew that it was real. His mother didn't fake it. She never pretended.

Nathalia all smiled. "So am I. From now on, we will look after mum together. We are a family now." Her dream had finally come true. All these years, she had wished she could have a mother. She was determined to be a good daughter and protect her dream.

Spencer held Nathalia's waist and lifted her up. "Sure." He said and took her to bed.

He placed her down on the soft bed gently and lay down on top of her, showered her with kisses while slowly removing her clothes. It was another night of passionate love-making till dawn when Nathalia finally fell asleep.

Spencer's phone rang persistently when Nathalia was in a deep sleep and awakened her. Annoyed, she patted Spencer a few times to wake him up. When Spencer came back to bed, she was half awake, "Who is it? It's still early."

Spencer cuddled her from behind and replied gently, "Sorry for waking you up. It's only seven o'clock. Go back to sleep." Nathalia could sense that there was something wrong.

"What happened?" she asked.

"Don't worry. Go back to sleep." His voice was so gentle that Nathalia soon fell back to sleep.

The Davidson Group had companies all over the world. The main ones included five bases abroad, the Davidson Europe Base, Davidson Asia Base, Davidson Middle East Base, Davidson America Base, Davidson Oceania Base, as well as the Davidson Estate\u0026 Energy Group and the Davidson E-Net Group in the states.

Miami was where the roots of the Davidsons were. The family had lived in Miami for years and generations. Due to the war, the family had moved to Europe over a hundred years ago. Just a couple of years ago, Curt moved the headquarters back to Miami, and the whole family followed.

Nowadays, Curt was in charge of the five bases abroad while Spencer managed the two groups in the states, without interfering with each other.

The shareholders gathered around in the conference room. They had been with the Davidsons for years, each of them holding an important position in the company. As long as Curt Davidson said something, everyone listened and obeyed.

Curt had his secretary call all the shareholders just a day in advance, and all arrived from all over the world. Not a single person was absent.

Spencer glanced around the group. He looked aloof and distant, despite the fire of anger blazing inside him.

One of the shareholders smiled at Spencer and asked courteously, "I wonder why your father gathered us around so suddenly and urgently. Is he going to announce something important?"