236 Chapter 236: She’s Scary

She refused to believe the curse if it was a curse that every time she encountered Nathalia, she was defeated terribly.

Nathalia frowned and sighed as if she was truly worried, "Evette, this is not the first time. You know you've always got mental issues. Anyway, the ambulance will arrive soon. If you need money to stay at the asylum, don't worry, I will pay."

The crowd was puzzled now. She sounds like she's apprehensive about her sister, and she will even pay for her. Who's telling the truth? Who is to believe?

Evette was so furious that she clenched her fists and stomped her feet violently. "I don't have any problems. You are the one that's sick. Nathalia Carter, where's my mum?! I'm going to beat you up if you don't tell me where mum is!" She screamed and yelled, like a lunatic, looking terrifying.

"She is lunatic! My god. She's scary." Someone in the crowd exclaimed.

"Poor thing. She's so young, but she's gone mental."

"Huh, she deserves it. This is karma."

Evette grew even madder hearing the comments. "I'm not sick. I'm not sick! I'm completely normal!" She screamed at the crowd.

The more ecstatically she screamed, the more lunatic she looked. The crowd backed away from her out of fear. The drunk claim they are not drunk and the crazy say they are not crazy.

Before long, the ambulance arrived. A few male nurses caught Evette and dragged her into the vehicle. Evette kicked and punched, screaming, "Ahhh, let me go! I'm not crazy. You sick bastards. Let me go!" One of the nurses was scratched badly. The crowd was aghast.

Nathalia stood and watched. "Hush. Hush. What you have got is mania. It's a kind of mental illness. I will forgive you for what you've done as you are sick."

Evette felt a sudden fear, looking at Nathalia. "No. No. No! I'm not going to the hospital! No..."

However hard she fought, she was dragged into the ambulance and taken away. Nathalia heaved a sigh as she watched the vehicle leave.

Mrs. Davidson put her hands on Nathalia's shoulder quietly. Nathalia turned around, looking helpless. "Am I too cruel?" She asked. She felt a bit guilty, yet she resented the sight of Evette, for it reminded her of so many unpleasant things that had happened in the past.

Mrs. Davidson replied with a gentle smile, "She came to cause trouble. You were only defending yourself. You didn't do anything wrong."

Nathalia felt better hearing her reassurance. Right, I didn't do anything wrong. Last time, she and Anne Carter almost killed me. What I did to her this time was nothing.

Nathalia took Mrs. Davidson's arm and went home. She remained silent, her mind troubled.

When he got home, he found Nathalia sitting on the sofa, deep in thought. Worried, he went and cuddled her, "How's my babe? Did something happen today?"

Nathalia hesitated for a bit, then told Spencer briefly what happened at the restaurant with the Berry family. Spencer giggled proudly, thinking, that's my girl. Yet he wasn't pleased with his father. What does he mean? He wondered.

Spencer's giggle brought a blush to Nathalia's cheeks. "I don't think I did anything wrong, did I?" The Berry family was ridiculous. They were so arrogant, especially the two sisters. I have to show them I'm not weak, that they can't just take advantage of me.

Spencer tapped Nathalia's nose gently and cheekily, "You did the exact right thing. People like them deserve it. Sometimes, they need to be told off to learn." Naturally, Spencer stood on Nathalia's side. How dare they try to bully my Nathalia? Huh.

Nathalia grinned proudly. Then she remembered the incident with Evette, "Oh, there's one more thing..." She explained what happened and looked a bit confused. "You know, she didn't look right. She looked terrible, actually. It seems she's not doing very well." It's strange. If she's with Ben Johnson, she should be living an easy life. Why?

"Don't worry about her. She doesn't deserve it. I will take care of it." Spencer comforted.

Nathalia planted a little kiss on his cheek and said sweetly, "Thank you, honey." Spencer protested playfully, "Just a quick kiss?" and pulled her into his arms.

Nathalia wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him on his ear, "What about now?" she whispered. It turned Spencer on instantly. He returned with passionate kisses on her ear, down to her neck. His breathing turned faster as Nathalia moaned with pleasure.

Just then, Mrs. Davidson came out from her room, "Spencer, you are back. Come, I have something to tell you. Oh. I didn't see..."

Shocked, Nathalia quickly pushed Spencer, yet Spencer refused to let her go. He said playfully, "Mum, can't you pretend that you didn't see us and leave us alone?"

Nathalia's cheeks were rosy red, blushing terribly. She tapped Spencer on his lap and said to Mrs. Davidson, "What is it, mum? Would you like me to leave you two alone?"

Nathalia tried to stand up, still embarrassed about being caught, but Spencer grabbed her hand instantly, "Mum?" he exclaimed. "Did you just call mum 'mum"?"

Nathalia tilted her head, cheekily, "I did. Can't I?"

Mrs. Davidson sat down next to Spencer and slapped on his head gently. "Of course, you can." She said to Nathalia with a smile. They sounded even closer than Mrs. Davidson and Anna once was.

Nathalia grinned happily, went over to Mrs. Davidson, cuddled her from behind, and said, "Yes, mum" Spencer gazed at them in disbelief. What the hell happened between these two? I was still worrying about them just five minutes ago. Now they are like two best friends. Then it dawned on him that it was what he wanted anyway!

A big grin appeared on his face as he watched the two women he cared about the most.