[[thumb] [thumb] [thumb] has spoken very well! Liu tinger is a talented woman, and the appraisal is correct!]

[[squint smile] [squint smile] I feel that Liu tinger and the male god have never been able to ask any questions about Hanfu.]

[it's awesome, but I'm looking forward to Liu tinger's next live broadcast to tell us this. Ha ha ha. It's very nice. I feel my ears will be pregnant in two hours.]

[Liu tinger is really very gentle. And after hearing so many words from the male god at night, I guess I have to watch the replay ten times at night to sleep. [squint smile] [squint smile] [squint smile]

[today's two hours are really worth it!! don't say it. I'll save money to buy a set of genuine Chinese clothes when I go back, ha ha!]

[I hope male God and Liu tinger will hold more such live broadcasts in the future!]


The final attention of this live broadcast reached hundreds of millions of heat.

Moreover, because Shu Cheng and Liu tinger are very professional in science popularization, many people's cognition of Hanfu began to improve.

This time, more people began to participate in the competition.

An hour later, the server of RS studio completely collapsed and was in a state of paralysis.

Shen He and Zheng Yi looked at the mailbox where they couldn't log in. They wanted to cry without tears, which indicated that their next work would be very heavy.

Shen He immediately reported the situation to Shu Cheng.

Shu Cheng shook his head helplessly and opened his mouth: "at the critical moment, I can't be without the strongest power in the universe."

The most powerful person in the universe????


What's the name??

Shen He was speechless and petrified in situ, but he thought that Shu Cheng would have to solve the mailbox, so he held the sarcasm in his heart and didn't refute.

"OK, I'll allow you to be the most powerful person in the universe for a while. Come back and solve the mailbox server." Shen He held his forehead and said.

In fact, you don't have to let Shu Cheng come and complain on the system website. It's estimated that it's OK, but who makes Shu Cheng fast?

Shu Cheng estimated that it would take only 30 minutes for people to solve things that took several hours.

Who are you looking for if you don't look for Shu Cheng.

After Shu Cheng came to RS office, sure enough, Shen He completely slapped his conjecture.

What does it mean that people don't need 30 minutes to relax??

Shu Cheng

It took three minutes.

The fingers beat on the keyboard faster than the motor.

I know she's fast, but I don't know she's so fast

As soon as the computer was repaired, Shu Cheng received a call from Wang Yifang, saying that it was about Wu Wen Xi Dong that she needed to have a good talk with Shu Cheng.

Shu Cheng looked at Shen he proudly with her eyebrows, narrowed her eyes and said, "look, the world can't live without me. I can't live without me."

Anyway, now that the mailbox is finished, Shen He gives Shu Cheng a hard white look: "just bang se. I don't need you here now."

"A shallow person like you won't understand an excellent person like me," Shu Cheng said to Shen He.

Shen he shrugged: "whatever you say."

Then she went back to her place and began to do things.

Shu Cheng also walked out of the office with slender legs.

Wang Yifang is waiting for Shu Cheng in a teahouse. It seems that she has been sitting for a long time.

Wearing a handsome black leather coat and one hand in his pocket, Shu Cheng walked slowly to Wang Yifang and sat down.