"Hanfu began with the Yellow Emperor and ended in the Qing Dynasty. Don't think Hanfu is a 'Han Dynasty dress'. For thousands of years, Hanfu is only a unique dress of the Han people. The original' deep clothes' is the only representative of Hanfu." Shu Cheng said slowly.

When he said this, he paused and looked at Liu tinger.

Liu tinger immediately understood. She also came forward and continued to speak with Shu Cheng's words: "The traditional 'deep clothes' have three requirements: first, the' cross collar and right Lapel ', and the Han clothes are covered to the right. Second, the' praise clothes with wide sleeves', the clothes of the Han clothes are loose, and the sleeves are wider than the arms. Third, the 'lace up and hidden buckle', most of the clothes of the Han clothes do not need buttons, but are tied with ropes. The ancients naturally walked naturally and naturally, waving their sleeves will bring a breeze."

Liu ting'er paused and talked a lot. She was good at it. She thought she would be nervous before, but she didn't feel at all. Instead, she felt a little excited.

Shu Cheng continues to speak: "The ancients generally believed that the sky is round and the earth is square. The sleeves of Hanfu clothes are round sleeves, which means that the heaven is round. The collar of Hanfu clothes is rectangular, which should be authentic and square, that is, the skirt is covered to the right, and the collar of deep clothes is crossed in the shape of letter Y, which means that people should have rules. If there are no rules, they can't be square. The ancients were constantly encouraging themselves to behave and behave Do things. "


Many people in the comments quietly listened to Shu Cheng and Liu tinger, and were suddenly moved.

The thoughts of the ancients have a profound impact on later people, including the ordinary thing of wearing clothes every day, which contains endless significance.

[alas, it's sad to think about it. Today, we are the only nation in the world that has lost their traditional clothes. In Japan, any Japanese woman walking down the street in kimonos and clogs will not look sideways. In Scotland, it's not surprising for a man to wear a Scottish skirt, but if you go on the street in a Chinese suit in country Z, others don't think you're crazy If you are, you will mistakenly think you are a Japanese in kimonos, which makes people sad and helpless.]

[I felt a little heavy at once. I felt how significant this thing that the male God did was.]

[I think the most beautiful destination of Hanfu is that we can solemnly change into our national traditional Hanfu and make some traditional customs full of ritual during our traditional festivals. Compared with those fashionable new clothes, only Hanfu lasting for thousands of years is enough to support this role. We believe that one day, we can wear Hanfu To amaze the world.]

[if the beauty of China can go to the world, male god must be a huge promoter. He doesn't like to broadcast live at ordinary times. He even took the initiative to popularize it for the sake of Hanfu, which is almost equivalent to free classes.]

[Z is a country with great etiquette, so it is called Xia. It has the beauty of clothes and regulations, which is called Hua. Wearing the clothes of our Han family, it promotes our country of etiquette.]

[wearing the clothes of the Han family, we are a nation of etiquette.]

[wearing the clothes of the Han family, we are a nation of etiquette.]


Everyone in the comment area was excited.

Shu Cheng continued to popularize knowledge about Hanfu to everyone.

The normal live broadcast lasted about two hours.

Shu Cheng and Liu tinger cooperated to give everyone a vivid and meaningful Hanfu class.

However, Liu tinger said to the crowd with some regret at the end: "this time, the preparation is a little hasty. Next time, I hope I can bring Chinese clothes to show you."