The ending of the story does not say whether "None" is alive or dead.

The name of the film is "detachment". In Buddhist terms, detachment is to stay out of the matter and don't take everything to heart. It is to put down, a kind of free and easy, a kind of detachment, a kind of letting go and a kind of trust.

At the last moment of his life, "Wu" suddenly understood that "the world is difficult and there is still light", which is a kind of detachment, a kind of relief, and the most thought-provoking place in the film.

Shu Cheng's fingers gently knocked on the script, the corners of his lips pursed, which meant an unknown radian, and his dark eyes took a touch of memory light.

Shu Cheng has met people like "None" and when he was a system.

He was her host, and she was almost desperate when she bound such a host for the first time.

This host is extremely prone to inferiority complex and extreme. One thing is either the best or the worst. He goes to extremes and has no self-confidence. Unlike the strong tenacity at the bottom of the host's heart in the past, he has no ambition.

He isolated the crowd and muttered to himself. He obviously had the idea of genius, but he had to accept the insult of countless people, so he became more depressed.

When he became his system, Shu Cheng found that he couldn't play any role.

Even in the end, Shu Cheng didn't communicate with the host, and even took the initiative to shield his ears, because that person always had reason to let people accept his strange logic and couldn't pick out half a mistake.

Genius is on the left, madman is on the right, and genius and madman are only on the front line.

Shu Cheng closed her eyes. The host was about like Haizi on the earth. She didn't even help him when she became his host.

The only thing that can help is to deal with the wound.

That was Shu Cheng's most unfulfilled host when she was a system. This host was too keen, too smart, and had a much higher IQ than ordinary people, which made her completely useless.

Unfortunately, he finally committed suicide.

Depression became more and more serious, and he died in his own hands.

As a system, Shu Cheng once thought that this was the only unfinished task. Until later, she knew that the host became a great master in the literary world after his death. He was called a legend.

But he's gone.

Although he is different from "nothing", Shu Cheng has been able to find the feeling of "nothing".

This will make her more handy in playing the role of "nothing", and she believes that her system, which has been living with depression for more than 20 years... (no, it's a person now) will be better than others.

Because she witnessed the life of the host.

His days, his struggles, his despair, his daily actions, what he did near death

These are her strengths.

However, Shu Cheng still likes the image of the girl in the script. The pleasure of trying to attack herself in the film rises quickly.

Although the picture of more than two people together needs editing, in this world parallel to the earth, everyone's spiritual world is scarce, and science and technology is the first in the world. It's very easy to make such editing without letting people see the flaws.

If she couldn't, she did it secretly.

Shen He looked at Shu Cheng's mysterious smile and his eyebrows jumped fiercely.

Shu Cheng's dark eyes are deep, self attack and self suffering. He has a completely different personality. It's so emotional to act like this!