In fact, depression is not just that people look dull, sensitive, suspicious and lose their temper... How can it be so simple?

Once people fall into depression, they will fall into a state different from ordinary people because of the change of hormone secretion level in the brain environment. Over time, it will lead to organic lesions of the brain.

Many people take it for granted that patients with depression are those who are depressed and unhappy all day.

In fact, people who look normal and even look "sunny" will also suffer from depression.

In depression, a very small number of people suffer from "smiling depression".

"Smiling depression" is the symptom of a small number of patients with depression. This kind of patients put a smile on the surface of depressed mood.

"None" is a typical "smiling depression" teenager.

He was a picked up child, without any physical defects, but a discarded child.

So he was picked up by a woman.

Later, she became his mother.

Women don't name nothing, men don't allow it.

"A captive slave doesn't need a name."

In a fragmented family, the "nothing" of domestic violence by drunken gamblers and men is always scarred in the arms of women.

Women always hold him, gently touch his head and tell him——

"Sorry, son, you don't have a name."

"Be strong, child."

"Be optimistic, child."

"Be brave, child."


Therefore, "None" knows more about being strong than other children. He will force his inner pain and force himself to be more "sunshine" in his external performance.

This is a phenomenon of serious internal and external division.

When "Wu" met the girl for the first time, the sun was very good and the breeze was not dry.

That's a different girl, "nothing" can see that she smiles like him.

When the girl left, "Wu" looked at the girl's back and smiled. He looked very friendly. He whispered:

"Please, you must be a freak!"

"Please, you must be a freak!"

Words as like as two peas are scattered in the wind, and no more.

It's night.

In the dark room, all the painful past events poured out from the bottom of "nothing", and all the pain they had experienced jumped out of the corner.

Tossing in the "nothing" mind, looking back on my worthless past, looking at the extremely painful present and thinking about the unknown future, it seems that I can't see any light. My life is trapped, my body collapses and there is no happiness.

Just as Zhang Ailing wrote, step by step, into the place where there is no light.

There is such a scene in the script——

One day "Wu" met the girl again. The girl looked up at the sky and her tone was full of longing for the future: "do you have anything you want to do now?"

Wu smiled and replied honestly, "I just want to die."

"Don't tease me." the girl didn't take it seriously. After all, the expression on Wu's face was not like a person who wanted to die.

But what "Wu" said is true. He lives now because he thinks his mother still needs him. She has been beaten many times for him. If he doesn't treat himself well, he's too sorry for his mother.

But he really felt that living was too tired and boring.

He really wants to die. My wish is to die.

So for "smiling depression patients", behind the smile you see is the despair that you think you are hopeless.

"Please, you must be a freak!"

This is what "nothing" said in front of the girl.

The girl still thought that "nothing" was a joke and patted "nothing" on the shoulder, "then I'm also a freak! Ha ha! You're so funny!"

"I hope..." the voice of "nothing" drifted in the wind, meaning unknown.

"What did you say?" the girl asked happily, innocent.

Later, little by little, the girl found no family situation and psychological depression.

This made the girl afraid for a time.

In this world, not everyone will stretch out his hand to help others when they find that others are in trouble. Although more people will not step on it, they will choose to stay away.

It's not a lie. It's true.

The girl found the symptom of "no" and told her mother her fear.

So the whole town knew.

"Nothing" is still the same as before, with the same smile as ordinary people on the corners of his mouth, walking alone on the suburban path and muttering to himself.

But the whole town panicked.

The adults ordered their children to stay away from "nothing", and the children ran away when they saw him.

Sometimes the girl will look at "nothing" from a distance and feel incomparable remorse and guilt at the bottom of her heart.

If it weren't for her, things wouldn't be like this.

Whenever this time, she always receives the smile of "None" turning around and the two words gently spitting out from her mouth: "liar."

As agreed, we are all Freaks... Liars.

The girl was extremely remorseful and guilty. Perhaps it was this sense of guilt. She kept collecting information about depression behind her parents' back.

When filling in the university volunteer, she chose the psychology department without hesitation.

She knows that "no" parents will not give "no" money to see a doctor, and she has no such economic foundation.

"None" looked at the liar girl's departure and her just dead parents, and it became more and more difficult to breathe.


The girl who left made great efforts to learn about psychology and understand the symptoms in this regard.

When the girl came back a few years later, she got the news that "None" had left long ago.

No one in the town knows his whereabouts anymore.

The girl didn't know where "Wu" would go, but she remembered that "Wu" said that if it wasn't for her mother, his wish was to die.

The girl learned from the people in the town that her parents had died after she left.

The girl cried.

While she knows more about depression, she has no fear of "nothing", but more heartache and apology.

The girl went to the house where "nothing" once lived to see if there was anything left by "nothing".

Time traces stay in a diary.

"The first day I met her, please. She is also a freak like me."

"Meet her again, please. She's a freak like me."




"Just took sleeping pills, while I can still hold a pen... I want to say to you: Thank you.

It seems that I saw you just now. At the last moment, I realized that the world is difficult and there is still light. "

"None" saw the book about depression thrown out by the girl's parents after the girl left.

The girl looked at the diary and burst into tears.

Another year later, the girl became a professional psychologist. Across the glass of the clinic, she seemed to see the side face of the person in her memory