Chapter 674

"The magic destroyer, not only in appearance, but also in its internal structure, is similar to the light of hope."

Sylvie reached the entrance of the magic ship and walked in it, looking for the last piece of debris.

According to the drawings provided by SIVI, Aldrich spent a lot of money and resources on the construction of the light of hope, which was still provided by SIVI for most of the core materials.

And Sylvie's drawings, of course, come from the college system.

"If this copy is not overhead Why haven't I heard of the magical civilization of Endymion

After arriving at the power room and confirming that the magic destroyer also uses the exclusive and exclusive energy supply device "star pulse furnace" in reality, Sylvie's doubts become more serious.

It seems that a lot of things in the college are derived from this civilization, but why is such a strong civilization disappearing because of a so-called heavenly curse?

"Sure enough, the key to solving the mystery is the fragment of the door of truth No, it should be a complete door to truth. "

Sylvie opens the quest panel and looks for a copy of the three pieces of the gate of truth (23). The main task is still hanging in a conspicuous place.

"What happens when you gather the pieces of the door of truth? Is the door of truth coming through the air... "

After a casual guess, he continued to move.

It has taken a lot of time to enter this instance. If you don't act faster, God knows if there will be any accidents in the outside world.

Fortunately, the magic destroyer has an amazing size compared with most magic ships, but it is not enough to see compared with the big house just searched.

Just as he opened the door and came to the bridge, where the captain should be, a strange picture suddenly appeared in front of him.

A small man with short blond hair and a double chin was sitting on the captain's seat, holding the fragments of the door of truth in his hand, and his face was covered with obscene smiles.

"Move quickly, and cross the Rhine before the crusaders of entemion react." He yelled to the helmsman.

It can be seen that the navigation skills of the people in the bridge are not very good, and the experience is overwhelming. In the fierce storm, the speed of the magic guided ship is not fast. But he kept pushing.

Suddenly, a shrill scream came from a screen.

All of them subconsciously looked at the screen. Fleig, with a bloodied machete in his hand and a chilling smile on his face, waved to the mage's eye that had been solidified there.

Then he said, word by word, "take the pieces of truth, Katz, I'm going to get them now."

Finish this sentence, with the other side's knife, the screen suddenly dark down.

The little man, known as Kaz, holding the fragment of the gate of truth, could not see the contentment on his face. Instead, he began to shiver: "why Why is this guy here? We are so far away from Endymion

Before long, there were shouts and shouts from the other screens. Kaz followed his reputation. In the screen, a male magician in blue was walking slowly and firmly towards the bridge. Behind him was a fallen boatman and sailors.

"I know you can hear me, Katz. I believe you so much that you keep the last piece of truth, but you betrayed us From now on, you'd better hand it over to me

There's also scarza's voice on that screen.

"No, listen to me As long as the 'truth' is given to the world's most powerful country, even a small piece can make me eat and drink, and I will live a lifetime of glory and wealth

The wizard named Katz became a little crazy and hysterical. He yelled at the screen: "I'm fed up with being a descendant of a declining aristocrat. I have no money, no land, no family name There is nothing. For the sake of the family's face, I have to attend all kinds of banquets and tea parties! Those big nobles in the upper class all look at me from the corner of their eyes! I have had enough of it! I want to be the center of the party and the most dazzling person in the country! I want everyone around me! You geniuses will never understand my feelings! "

Obviously, the voice could not reach scarza, but after a vent like roar, the man calmed down.

He knew that the two men would surely find the bridge, and he would rather flee to other places than sit here waiting to die. In any case, the two of them have different reasons for wanting the fragments of truth, which will definitely lead to conflicts. Maybe they can sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight at that time.

Thinking of this, he jumped out of his chair and told the helmsman that they should continue to drive, and then escaped from the bridge.

The picture stops here.

"I see..." With the end of the picture, the surrounding environment suddenly changed from bright to dark, and many places were seriously damaged. It seems that the two people did fight here, but it was not too fierce.And Sylvie also sorts out the main thread of the plot in his mind.

First of all, skassa and the fleig brothers stole the fragments of the gate of truth. There were three pieces in total, but somehow they didn't divide them into three pieces. Instead, skassa shared one piece and the fleig brothers shared one piece. The last piece was kept by their close friend Kaz.

As a result, the Fletcher brothers' resurrection plan did not succeed. Skassa's coming to kill Katz also showed that his plan to cure his girlfriend was flawed.

Therefore, both of them want to obtain the last piece of truth fragment to achieve their own wish. However, Kaz, who seems honest and honest and has known each other for many years, will betray them and take away the last piece of truth door fragment in order to exchange for the glory and wealth in other countries.

So the two men used a certain method to invade the destroyer, trying to snatch the debris back from his hands.

"But the plot is triggered, that is to say, as long as I can find the corresponding room, I can get the truth even if I don't touch the damned fragment..."

Only because the clue items are three pieces of truth gate fragments, we still have to find a way to recover the last piece of truth fragments in the end.

After patting himself in the face, Seaver let out a long breath, and his eyes were firm again. "Finally, it's about to end."

All that remains is to find Kaz's dying place and get the last fragment of the gate of truth from there.

That's what he said, but Sylvie always felt something was wrong

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