Chapter 673

Synthetic animal?

The big black dog came to Seaver's mind.

He didn't think much about it.

"I will sue you to the adjudication organ!"

Still in this room, a man with a resolute face and a blue magic robe pointed to a man sitting on the throne with golden glasses yelling.

"I'm very sorry that your lover accidentally gave up his life for the experiment." But the other side showed his hands: "but I have to declare that our research is recognized by the mage Council and is completely legal."

"You don't want to deceive me. Before I went to enchido, I exchanged the mark of soul with her. The mark is still there, indicating that she is not dead now! Hand her over now

However, the man did not believe the other side's words, but showed a black mark on his wrist.

“…… I'm really sorry, but it's too late. " But in any case, the other side still just shook his head and refused: "we have a confidentiality agreement. And even if you see her, it's no use... "

"Shut up The man roared out of his voice. He pulled out his wand. The tip of the wand twinkled with blue light: "hand her over! Now

The man sitting in the chair with gold glasses finally changed his face: "Hey, even if you are an excellent student of enqidu, it's against the law to threaten me with this kind of thing. You'd better figure out whether you want to pay for the girl in the slum... "

“oz!” With the simple incantation, the sharp circle of wind left a bone deep wound on the golden glasses man's shoulder: "I say it again for the last time, hand in Elsa!"

"Damn it! You will regret it! "

Just as the golden glasses man covered the wound and cursed the man loudly, there was a loud noise outside.

- "Oh, my God, they're coming out!"

- "don't be afraid. Use imprisonment!"

- "person in charge! The person in charge! "

- "don't let them get out of the gate!"

All of a sudden, all of a sudden, the noise filled the whole space. When SIVI was a little dizzy, the whole picture was like the sugar dropped into the coffee and quickly dissolved, showing another picture.

The location was outdoor, but SIVI did not know exactly where it was in Endymion.

"Ah..." Looking at the monster in front of him, the man in blue froze, his words stuck in his throat and he couldn't even make a sound.

"Well Card Sa... "

The monster, like a skinned camel with palm leaves on it, called his name word by word in a voice like a distorted tape recorder.

as like as two peas, the man moves forward stiffly and then raises his hard hair on the forehead with his trembling hands. It is just the same mark on his forehead as it appears on his forehead.

"Love Sha... "

He called the original lover with his hoarse voice, then the stupefied expression finally collapsed, and the tears began to flow down.

"Well Card Sa Why To cry What about it? "

The other side, with his head tilted, asked slowly in that elongated tone.

"Elsa, Elsa Sorry If I don't go to enchido! If I come back a little earlier! " Scarza put her arm around her neck and sobbed.

"Well Card Sa We Together again To see the stars How about I Have recognized Wayne's constellation... "

The goddess of love, Wayne, this is the first constellation that scarza learned astrology from a wandering mage when he was a child. That night, he took Elsa, who was also just a child, to find the sign of Wayne all night.

"I will cure you Even if it is against the mage Association and the arbitration organ! " Scarsa sniffed, dried her tears, and turned her eyes to the tower in the center of Endymion.

There, there will be a ceremony soon. For the magicians, the most grand, the most anticipated and the most noble ceremony - the door of truth will come.

"I will cure you, too!"

Then the picture fell into darkness, and when Sylvie came back to himself, he was in the old room again.

"Synthetic beast A synthetic animal made from human beings... " He didn't know how to describe his current mood.

After the magicians successfully completed the alchemy life and invaded the realm once reached only by the creator, they lost their awe of life, nature and truth.

That's why it ended up in this way.

"Combined with the scene from the first piece of debris, after sorting out the details, it should be this scarsa who intends to steal the door of truth in order to cure his girlfriend Or at least part of it. But the success rate of acting alone is not very good, so they persuade the fleig brothers who want to revive someone to do it together. "After putting the fragments of the door of truth into his pocket, SIVI slowly walked out of the room full of resentment and sadness.

From those scenes, the Fleagle brothers, who wanted to revive the dead, failed in the end, and I wonder if skassa succeeded.

With a heavy sigh, Sylvie was the first to feel so heavy in the copy.

In the past, the story was to save the world, which was mainly fast-paced and high-pressure, and there was no leisure for him to think about. But this time, the copy was different and touched him a lot.

After he was in a good mood, SIVI spread out his flying carpet and flew towards the last fragment of the gate of truth on the map.

"In this direction If you continue to fly, you will leave Endymion. " Seaver looked at the nearer edge of the city and frowned: "isn't the third fragment in the city?" Before that, the original copy area is not limited to this ruins city? "

Sylvie knocked on his head. It seems that his long experience in copying has made him develop a certain fixed way of thinking. When he saw the plot in the city, he thought that the copy area was limited to the city.

In front of the city, Maitreya is still in front of a large piece of desert, because the original is a copy of the yellow desert.

After a while, just when he thought there was something wrong with his alchemy map, a different landscape appeared in front of him.

It's a fallen magic destroyer In terms of shape, light is very similar to Aldrich's light of hope.

And the reaction of the last piece of debris came from inside the magic destroyer. , the fastest update of the webnovel!