V8.C1 Hope amidst chaos

Start of Volume 8, Another Evil God.


Leo’s previous apartment.

A gloomy aura filled every corner of the previous lively room. The powerful smell of alcohol, the various things scattered throughout, and the blonde woman sprawled on the messy bedsheets holding a bottle of booze in both hands.

Her blonde hair unkempt, white shirt ruffled and left open, and with nothing on her lower body. The woman slept with no modesty, and she truly was in no condition to care about her appearance. Her mind, body, and soul all felt tired — the drive to live left her to despair alone.


Maria cursed as her eyelids parted, revealing her chestnut-colored pupils. The memories of the past three months flashed through her hazy mind. She sat on the bed clutching her head throbbing from the hangover.

“... I’m still alive…”


Her face twisted and she clenched the bottles and threw them. The glass bottle touched the ground and shattered.

“Well, that looks better than my heart.”

She remembered the times where she stopped right before taking her own life.

“Where the fuck did they go?”

The brat and the girl, she couldn’t find them anywhere. The miracle of his body disappearing into specks of light gave her some hope that the brat might be alive.

But nothing came to light after three months.

Even the girl she took as her little sister vanished with no trace.

When she met them first, she took it as her duty to look after them.

But as time passed, the girl started looking up to her. The admiring gaze of the girl remained fresh in her mind. She, who used to be an orphan with no one to love or care for, had her steel heart melted in moments.

The half-broken girl had lost her father and her mother abused her from such a young age. When she was healing Eri’s heart with affection, her own heart warmed up.

And that brat nailed the last attack with his tsundora attitude. He cared for her yet never tried to show it.

A real-life tsundora!

Why was he so cute, even when the brat had nothing except revenge on his mind.

Maybe he cared about them, but revenge overpowered his own desires.

His flames of revenge burned brighter than his tiny will to live.

That wasn’t normal. So was she for liking a boy more than a decade younger than her.

Her heart fell every time she saw the scars slowly accumulating on his body.

So, she waited until he matured and sneaked inside his room. At first, he resisted saying it wasn’t right. He only saw her as a family member. But she sobbed, begged, and finally made him agree.

That night she thoroughly checked his little monster.

Then, in the next few days, they had sex when Eri was asleep.

She overpowered him with the skills she learned online and every night he was sucked dry.

But, that brat eventually overcame her with brute stamina, leaving her numb for a day after every session.

Yet this didn’t last long. She missed the most important thing. Her cute sister’s deep feelings for Leo.

So, she did what a good sister would do.

Suppressing her feelings for him, letting Eri have her time with him with a tiny bit of hope that Eri shares him with her. That was her wishful thinking, her fantasy of sorts.

But everything ended in a day.

“Oh well, maybe another dose of this shit might kill me.”

She grabbed the syringe from the table and injected herself.

“A peaceful death for Maria Evans. Jokes on you kid, I stole your last name.”

She sprawled back on the bed. It will end soon. Maybe I’ll meet them somewhere, she thought and her consciousness turned hazy. The powerful drug began to show its effect.


Just as her mind almost collapsed, her thoughts became clearer as if the drug was ejected out of her system.


She sat up and looked around. 

“What kind of shitty drug was that? Fucking ripoffs.”

She got off the head, cleaned the glass fragments, tidied up the room, took a shower, and opened the closet full of male clothes.

“Brat, thanks for leaving your clothes for me.”

She wore the black shirt, black leather pants, and topped it off with black boots. She grinned at her own image in the mirror.

“I look beautiful as ever. Now time to beat that shitty dealer and buy a fresh one.”

She stepped out of the apartment and blinked at the scorching sun.

“Even you want to insult this hikkimori now.” She spat and continued walking.

After five minutes, she arrived at the dealer, beat the living hell out of him and all of his goons, and stole the entire bag of drugs.

She looked at the man lying with a few broken bones and blinked her eyes innocently.

“A poor woman can only do this much.”

She came out of the building, and suddenly, a bright light enveloped her. She felt as if her body was pulled somewhere.

When she opened her eyes.

“Holy shit… What is this?”

Her curse got buried under the whispers of hundreds of people besides her. She looked around to discover buildings built similar to medieval times. She stood in a plaza and surrounded by a crowd.

Her eyes fell on the beauty with blonde hair and sky-blue pupils standing on a stone platform. The amazing thing wasn’t her beauty, but the pair of white feather wings on their back!

‘Angel… I got Isekai’d?’

No wait, there wasn’t any truck-kun that hit her. She faced no death, then was it summoning? She got summoned to kill the fookin’ demon king?

‘Status? Level? XP? Leo?’

Then she checked her body and discovered something foreign. That something flowed through her body.


“I am Feyta, an Angel and a representative of Heaven’s Army. I request you to calm down and listen.”

Her tone felt closer to demanding than requesting. Yet it swayed the people to listen quietly.

“Your planet ‘Earth’ evolved to the next stage, and this process gave birth to a new type of energy, Mana,’ The angel explained haughtily. “Hence, ‘God’ decided to send humanity to different worlds. Otherwise, no one will survive the byproduct of mana, the mana-evolved monsters.”

“Since Monsters are innately adapted to mana, humans are given a chance to adapt to mana here.”

The people voiced out their complaints albeit gently in fear they incur the wrath of this Holy being.

However, Maria was busy wrecking her brain. If this really turned out to be like those Isekai novels, then she would be able to become a God-like being, no?

Even as a mob, she possessed strength close to superhuman and could easily rank as one of the best shooters after the training Leo put her through.

Then, she could find Leo and Eri with her divine powers. Her innate optimism returned as she saw a shred of hope to reunite with the only family she had left in this World.

She paid her utmost attention to every word of the Angel.

There existed an archive called Akashic Record, which held the record of everything, literally every single thing that ever existed and now with the result of evolving, Earth established a connection with this amazing thing.

She couldn’t care less about the monsters. If what this Angel said was true, then they’ll all become her stepping stones in the path to achieve Godhood.

The world was truly about to become a grinding fest!

‘Wait for me, you two!’