V7.C27 World Seeker

A world where palm-sized girls roamed the skies with their multicolored wings. People with pointy ears and supernatural beauty prayed, sung harmonic songs, and danced under an enormous tree withered down to its roots. Here women wore metal armor and fought the gruesome wars. Men clad in heavy armor toasted a cup of wine to Death. A one-eyed old man joined the warriors to drink till they puked their guts out, and a crimson-haired woman with an unfathomable charm capable of captivating Mortals and Gods alike.


A star where people still fought wars to decide the inheritance. Warriors wandered to seek an opponent worthy to test their blade sharp enough to cut through the skies itself. Gods lived in shrines to fulfill the wishes of mortals.


A simple world where people still refused to embrace modern technology and created their roots from old traditions. Fighting with their inner strength and cultivating the Dao to ascend to immortality.

Star of Tiāntáng.

A realm carved out of pristine white marble. Shining, glittering, reflecting the silver sunlight. A giant silver sword embedded right in its heart. Men and women flying everywhere, the golden wings on their back scattering sparks of divine energy. Their mere presence instilled awe deep within one's heart.

Celestial Heaven. The pure white portal in the Path of Gigantia.

A realm polar opposite of the former where the sun failed to overpower the blood-red moon dispersing a blood glow. An eternal crimson darkness was cast over the entire realm. People here had devilish charm, a pointed tail, and wings formed from their own blood.

Abyss of Demons. The pitch-black portal in the Path of Gigantia.

Leo visited each one of these Mythical Realms. His world Tortus failed miserably against these. It was like comparing a crude stone to a shining piece of emerald. This was when he only visited a less than a dozen worlds from seemingly endless dimensions crammed in all three Realms.

Standing again on the bridge leading to three realms, Leo stared at Fias. "Again, I can't say I hate it but for what purpose am I brought here?"

"Even if I tell you, you won't be able to hear since you made a deal with your system," Fias replied with a bitter smile.


'That Goddess scammed me!'

"Okay… Then are we done here? My wives must be worried about me."

"They— never mind. You can go back."

Leo sharply gazed at the dragon trying to hide something. "What about them?"

"Kid stop suspecting us at every turn. I know we gave you a fair share of troubles, but… I apologize if they offended you somehow."

He patted Zhūquè's back. The soft feathers gave him the urge to keep this guy as his pet.

"I have no choice but to suspect this all. Will you not if you were in my shoes?"

"I understand. Kid close your eyes."

He shrugged and closed his eyes. These two already earned his trust with their odd caring behavior. At least they weren't like Jen who tricked him every time. Maybe that was her way of protecting him.

A tugging sensation enveloped his entire body and pulled him across who knows where.


Back in Tortus, the entire Heiligh Kingdom was shrouded in darkness. Every speck of sunlight was sucked in the massive pitch-black cocoon hanging high in the sky. Citizens stared at it all with awe instead of fear, thanks to the Angels calming down the situation. They didn't know what it was, but the aura it gave made them shudder in fear and reverence.

Faint sounds of a pulsing heart echoed in their ears, gradually becoming louder.

*Crack* *Crack* *Crack* *Crack…

The cocoon cracked and shed the outermost pitch-black layer. The shell released a mass of dense mana into the air. They could feel the magic inside them increasing. Even the atmospheric mana leaped by more than twice in an instant.

The black layers disappeared, revealing a bright red layer that scattered another mass of mana into the atmosphere. Now an almost transparent layer of mana appeared, they could see the massive creature slumbering inside.

A Dragon with jet-black scales glimmering under the layer of the sacred white layer of mana. Two massive curly horns on its head glowed with a blood-red hue.

Suddenly, its eyes opened, and the golden eyes blinked.

The dragon, covering a part of the kingdom with sheer size, raised its head toward heaven and roared.


A roar tremendous enough to decimate the densest layer of mana and warp the space and create multitudes of swirling vortices.

People couldn't help but lower their head, even the ones who never believed in God had to admit this was beyond their wildest dreams.


Leo regained his senses and blinked in surprise at the portals leading to someplace unknown.

'Holy… Just one roar to tear the space…'

[Tier 4 achieved]

[Unlocked stat: Spiritual essence]

[Unlocked stat: Faith essence]

[Quest completed: Unite Tortus]

Difficulty: S

Rewards obtained: [Network] Function unlocked, Upgrade [Daily Quests] Function.

Additional objective achieved: Build an Empire and religion (1/1)

Additional rewards obtained: Upgrade [Mystery shop] function.

[Title: 'Incarnation of Terror' acquired]

[Incarnation of Terror]: The one whose presence instills terror in the millions.

Effect: Grants [Tyrannical Roar] skill.

[Tyrannical Roar] - A roar that weakens the enemy. The closer the target, the higher the effect.

'I will look at them later.'

For now, he deployed from the territory to examine his new body. Surprisingly, his body exceeded 100m in length, or 103m to be exact. It resembled Fias's body except his horns were curled on the ends instead of standing upright like spikes.

After he finished analyzing himself, a chill ran down his spine. His head snapped in the direction where the predatory gaze came from. There on the balcony stood Felina, Venri, and a group of unique colored spheres spinning frantically. He felt an intimate connection with each one of them.


(Yes. They are your precious wives receiving the gifts from your ascendance.)

'We'll need a lengthy session of talk later.'


He grumbled in his head and willed to transform back to human form. Otherwise, the citizens would be blown with a single flap of his wings. And slowly, his body shrank until it became an orb of 2m diameter. The feeling of bones and muscles twisting almost made him reverse the transformation. It was very unpleasant, to say the least.

The orb disappeared and revealed his humanoid form.

'What the…'

He nearly cursed when the two curly horns dyed in black remained atop his head. The same went for his hair which grew till his waist and painted in darkness itself, pale golden eyes with vertical slits and the pair of black dragon wings rising from his back.

He kicked away the idea to retort and appeared on the balcony of the palace. He used his spiritual hands to lift Venri kneeling toward him.

"Venri, never try to do that again." He scolded her in a serious tone. "I don't like someone from my family doing this kind of stuff."

"I understand," She replied with a gentle smile and a blush hardly noticeable on her tanned skin.

He nodded with a forced smile and turned to Felina. "And you, what the hell are you here for?"

Felina quickly kneeled on the floor and stared at the floor. "I apologize for intruding here nya~ But please listen to me, this is very important."

The daughter of a full-fledged Divine Beast God kneeled, asking for his forgiveness. This boosted his dragon pride to another level.

'How long will this process last?'

(A few more hours…)

"You have five minutes to bark your story?"

She got back to her feet and smiled. "A tiger doesn't bark nya~"


"I'm here to report…"

She began her explanation. Leo's eyes widened at her report, his fists curled into a ball from the deep anger. He glared at Felina and waved his hand to create a fissure in the space. His hands went inside the portal and pulled out Children of the infamous Fenrir hiding in caves in the Gruen Desert.

"You three are coming with me. Venri please look after them."

"Please leave without any worries. I'll protect them with my life."

He smiled and pressed his lips on her forehead. To give her the blessings and increase her strength.

Venri flinched before nodding with a grateful smile.

"... Thanks."

He ignored the almost hidden rosiness on her cheeks, pulled out a part of his bottomless mana, and cast the spell he intended to use two days later.

"World Seeker."

After concentrating on the location, his body disappeared in specks of crystal mana together with the trio.

Then he appeared in the place where he spent most of his childhood. The same place he met his first wife, Japan and his eyes opened wide when he witnessed the current situation — the popular city Tokyo lying in ruins.

A group of humans fought against the lizardmen and a single spearman attacking the eight-headed lizard — A blonde woman striking the snake with her sword. Her dazzling armor dented, and covered in blood from head to feet.


His aura surged to the limits. The feeling he forgot for days — Anger glowed through every part of his day.

He glared at the puny snake who tormented Maria and his rising wrath enveloped everyone in the area and forced them to halt.

Then a silence fell upon the battlefield. Humans and monsters, none dared to breathe under the domineering aura pressing on their chest.



End of Volume 7!

As most of you have guessed this world is EER!

The amazing story that doesn't have a single fic available, maybe cause it's Korean.

Welp, so I thought might as well drop him in here and have him wage war with three factions.

The next world will appear in fifty or so chapters!