Chapter 196 - Hit-and-run

While driving, Xi Ana's mind filled with all sorts of possibilities. No matter how strong her facade looks like, when it comes to the life and death of those she cares about she would also feel scared and nervous because no matter what she ma experience, it doesn't change the fact that she is still a human.

She arrived at Ling Hospital after 30 minutes after she had received the call and right now she doesn't have any real time update about Aaron's current condition.

Her anxiousness could be seen from how fast she parked and how fast she went out of her car after that. Her feet automatically walked straight towards the emergency room but she was not able to find Aaron nor the person who had called her earlier.

The level of her anxiousness suddenly went up, what could have happened?

Standing here will not not helped and so she hurriedly asked a nurse who passed by her, "Excuse me, someone called me earlier and said that my friend was brought in this hospital's emergency room but I don't see him anywhere here. It's already been at least 20 minutes or so since the person called. I was wondering if you have idea where he cold have been taken to."

The person clearly said that Aaron was brought here at Ling Hospital, the hotel were Aaron is staying is also along this road and this is indeed the closest hospital around this location.

"There was indeed a patient brought in earlier and he was accompanied by a person who looks like an officer. Is Miss' friend a victim of hit-and-run?" the nurse asked politely.

"What do ou mean by a hit-and-run?"she asked confusedly.

The nurse suddenly looked like she realized something, "I'm sorry, Miss. That was a term we use usually in my country, anyway what it means is that a person was hit by a car or any vehicle and the driver ran away without taking responsibility fo the accident."

Xi Ana observed the lady nurse and she indeed doesn't look like a native. Anyway, so that is what she is trying to say.

She just realized now that she still don't know what exactly happened, the person only told her that Aaron was involved in an accident but he didn't specify what kind accident it is and so she answered honestly. "I'm not really sure since I haven't heard the ull story yet but as for the person who accompanied my friend, if I'm not wrong then the is indeed an officer."

The nurse nodded and finally told where Aaron is, "That man was transfered to the operating room on the third floor for an emergency operation. I think his situation was quite serious so the doctor immediately ordered to transfer the patient to the OR after administering first id in the emergency room. Miss can go there straight for further details."

Operation? He even has to be operated? It seems like what happened is really serious. "Alright, thank you." the nurse smiled in response before leaving.

Meanwhile, after Xi Ana expressed her gratitude to the nurse, she immediately headed to where the elevator is,half-walking and half-running. Dilly-dallying isn't an option. Furthermore, the longer time that she doen't know about Aaron's condition the more anxious and nervous she becomes.

Since there is only a floor in between it didn't take a long time before reaching the third floor. The hospital isn't really that big and with the help of the signage around and she finally reached the area where operating rooms were located.Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click <a href="#&apos;s-wife-has-a-secret_14496266906619705/hit-and-run_52462019525274174">#&apos;s-wife-has-a-secret_14496266906619705/hit-and-run_52462019525274174</a> for visiting.

As she come closer the area, Xi Ana's heartbeat quickened. This was the same feeling she had when Li Jingli and Wang Wenna almost died from that accident.

There were seats outside of the operating room which also serves as waiting area for the patients's family or friends an there she saw a burly man wearing a jacket was sitting outside one of the operating rooms that is in use.

Perhaps he is the person who called Xi Ana earlier to inform her of what happened.

"Excuse me, Officer?" she called out to the person as she approached closer.

On the other hand, when the person heard someone calling out 'officer' he felt like it was him and so he turned to look at where the voice was coming from.

When the officer saw and realized who the person who was calling out he immediately stood and bowed respectfully. "President Xi, what bring you here?"

As people who are in charge of protecting the whole they naturally who are the most influential people in this city and that makes it obvious why he knew who Xi Ana is. Right now, he still didn't ȧssociate Xi Ana to the person he brought her earlier.

"Officer, were you the person who called earlier using the cellphone of my friend? The one who got into an accident." Xi Ana asked even though she felt like he really is that person.

That question made him remember why he was here in the first place, he did call someone earlier and a woman answered then it means that it was actually President Xi? "It is indeed me, President Xi. Does that mean, it was President Xi I was talking with earlier?"

"I am. Anyway, how should I address the officer?"

"President Xi can call me Officer Kang."

"Alright then. Officer Kang, how is my friend now?"

Right now her first priority is to know Aaron's current condition, everything else comes second. Since she just reached the hospital, she doesn't have even an ounce of idea how serious the situation is.

"To be completely honest President Xi, I really don't know how he is right now but the a nurse told me earlier that he didn't to be immediately operated as his life life might be put in a more critical situation if they delayed further."

To make it short, it means that Aaron is really in a critical situation and this confirmation made her feel cold from head to toe.

It may not look like it but she is still on the process of accepting the things she leaned last night and now she is faced with another matter think about and the worst thing about it is that, it matters life and death.

"Then for now we do not have any other choice but to wait for he doctor right?" once the doctor went out of that operating room, they would naturally know his condition.

No one knows for how long they will have to wait for the doctor and only at times like this when merely waiting becomes a complete torture.

"Officer Kang, I just wanna ask if you know what exactly happened."

"Certainly, President Xi. Like I sad earlier, that is one of the reason why I came here with the patient. Actually, more than being a police officer, I came here because I witnessed the whole scene."

That last part of the sentence that Officer Kang said made Xi Ana frown a little.


Today he was on a leave because he promised that he will accompany his son to an event in school in the morning which the kid has been looking forward to for a long time.

After the event, the kids still has to stay back until the afternoon for some kind of a student seminar thing so he decided to just wait for his son in a coffee shop near the school so that they could go back together.

Officer Kang was taking his afternoon tea leisurely while staring outside when all of a sudden a car suddenly stopped because a kid ran across the street.

He got up and decided to go out and look because the kid fell, who knows if he was hurt or not.

The next thing they knew, the man is already lyung on his back and there were already so many blood that some of those who had seen what happened screamed on top of their lungs. 

What happemed was, as soon as the driver got off his car he was hit by another fast approaching car that his entire body flew up before hitting the ground. 

Officer Kang immediately ran towards the man and he didn't forget to instruct people to call for an ambulance, "Quick, call an ambulance or we might not be able to save this man anymore! Also, call the police and tell them that someone hit a person and is trying to run away."

When Officer Kang saw that someone already came to his senses and did what he asked, he was relieved a little. 

The man is lying on the road all bloodied and he would not be surprised if he also has multiple fractures.

Officer Kang checked his pulse and it is still beating but his eyes were closed. He tapped his shoulder, "Sir, can you hear me?"

"Erm.." the man grunted which shows that he's awake. 

He knows first aid but looking at his state at the moment, it might be too risky to move him casually.
