Chapter 195 - Involved in an Accident

"I'm still not in the office at the moment but I will be there before 12 noon. You can go there first and wait for me for a bit. I'll have Xinyi pick you from the parking area." if she leave now, it is possible that she can arrive earlier.

Wang Xinyi might not know the connection between the two of them but she already saw him a few times before. Furthermore, she trusts Wang Xinyi so it is alright for her to pick him up and since time is of the essence, they don't have any other choice but to meet in her office since that is by far the safest location they could exchange confidential information wth each other.

This is not the first time that she asked Aaron to investigate someone or something for her so she knew that he wants to meet personally to relay the results of the investigation because exposing its contents would be very risky and Xi Ana knows that much.

If it's up to this point, not even Aaron's people has an access to this information and only he knows about it.

There are two things they will need to discuss but Xi Ana's feeling is telling her that the 'confidential information' was actually about the result of the investigation about Wang Xinyi's identity.

Before she had even requested for a thorough investigation about Wang Xinyi's identity she already has her own ȧssumptions on the matter, its just that she keeps on denying these things not only because it is lacking in evidence but also because of the possible result itself.

If even at least half of what she thought so is right, then there is a possibility that Aaron's matter is already an implication of what she had asked him to do.

"Alright." Aaron answered.

The call has already ended but an uneasiness was formed inside her heart.

Seeing Xi Ana like this, Lim Yi Sheng frowned in confusion because he didn't know what is the atter that made his wife wear such an expression. "Did something happen?" he said as he approached.

Xi ana was a little bit startled when she suddenly heard her huusband's voice which pulled her out of her trance. "I'm also not sure but it seems like something happened to my friend's people but as for what I also don't know. We were supposed to meet tonight but because of what happened, we can only meet at lunch and he will just go straight to my office. You also have a meeting during lunch time right?"

He did mention earlier that he hes a meeting for lunch. If he will still send her to Xi Corporation before going to his office it would certainly take up so much time since their companies are indeed far from each other.

"Yeah, I do have a meeting but its fine I can still send you to your office." right now Lim Yi Sheng is also in the middle of changing into his office attire

"You don't have to do that, we can just drive separately so that we'll avoid getting late with our meetings sine our companies were not exactly on te same way. Moreover, there are so many cars in the garage so I can just actually borrow one to use, I don't think that would be a problem.

Some of these car were originally hers anyway and this suggestion is actually very efficient for the both of them.

On the other hand, this suggestion made Lim Yi Sheng a bit worried, "Are you sure, your head felt heavy earlier, right? Would you be able to drive properly? We can just ask Uncle Cheng to arrange a driver for you then."

He knows that iit wasn't really that serious but its as if it is already a part of his system to be worried for Xi Ana even in the smallest matters.

"Its fine, we don't need to bother Uncle Mu for this. I feel better now, driving would definitely not be a problem. You do not have to worry about me, you know that I will not insist this if I can't do so. Promise I'll be very careful and once I reached the company I will immediately give you a call." Xi Ana said.

"Okay, but be very careful. If your head still feel heavy and if you can't seem to focus on the road anymore then don't force yourself to drive, Xi Corporation is after all a little far."

"I will remember. "


After changing she immediately went down and took a car key randomly and it's a good thing that she managed to get something that is simple and easy to which really satisfied her.

Xi Ana is already on her way to her office when her personal phone which is inside her bag suddenly rang.

She reached for it and saw Aaron's number flashing on her screen.

The frown is now visible on her face. They just talked earlier, is what happened really serious? Since she only took this car out of the garage in a hurry, her phone wasn't automatically connected to the car's speaker so she just held it with her free hand while her other hand was on the steering wheel.

"Aaron? What's the matter, I'm already on my way." she asked as soon as the call was connected.

"Hello, are you a friend of the owner of this phone?"

Hearing an unfamiliar voice of a man from the other line Xi Ana couldn't help but frown deeper. "Yes I am. Who's this?"

If she is not wrong, the person must be around 40 years old or so base from the maturity of his voice.Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click <a href="#&apos;s-wife-has-a-secret_14496266906619705/involved-in-an-accident_52438893810734322">#&apos;s-wife-has-a-secret_14496266906619705/involved-in-an-accident_52438893810734322</a> for visiting.

"I'm an officer from the police department, your friend was involved in accident about 20 minutes ago and we're currently at Ling Hospital since this is the nearest hospital from the accident area. I only called you because this is only number in his call registry."

At first Xi Ana did not react, not because she did not hear what he said but because she can't believe it as fact. They were clearly just talking an hour ago, how could he get into an accident so suddenly?

She waited for the person to speak some more and when there was none, it finally hit her and she realized that the person on the other line is not really joking when he said that Aaron was involved in an accident.

Police department? Ling hospital? It can't be, right? How could it be?

Her heartbeat suddenly suddenly went frantic and she can't help but feel nervous and scared at the same time.

The sudden realization made her step on the brakes rather hardly that her body almost hit the steering wheel of her car because of the sudden stop. Thankfully there was no car following her at the back because if there is, the car would surely hit the back of her's because of that sudden stop.

"Ling Hospital? How is he then?" she tried as hard as she can to stay calm but it's not really easy. 

"I do not have a clear understanding of his injuries but even I knew that it doesn't look good. Right now he is still being treated in the emergency room."

As she heard those words, she felt like someone poured a pale of cold water all over her that she did not even know how to respond anymore.

"Miss, aside from letting you know about the accident another reason why I called immediately is because I want to talk to someone regarding this accident. I have a feeling that it is not as simple as it seems to be." the officer sounded so serious as he said those words.

Xi Ana tried compose herself even though she is really nervous at the moment, "Alright, I'll be there."

It's obvious from the officer's voice that there is something more to this accident. Xi Ana immediately u-turned since Ling Hospital is in a different road, she needs to go back until the intersection then turn right before she could enter that road.

She connected her phone to the car and dialed Wang Xinyi's number through the monitor. "Hello, president? Mr. Aaron is not yet here, I was wondering if I should give him a call?"

"He was involved in accident and I'm on my way to the hospital right now. Cancel all my schedules for today and tomorrow, inform them that I had an emergency and do send a token of apology to them. If there is anything that you felt like you can't decide on your own just give me a call." Xi Ana said those words without stopping as if her life is dependent to it.

Wang Xinyi can also understand the gravity of the situation so she didn't ask any unnecessary questions. "Yes, president."