Chapter 188 - Shackles

Lim Yi Sheng who went back to his room immediately picked up his phone whom he left earlier and wasted no time as he dialed Feng Jinnian's number which only took three rings before it was answered.

Since they reached Xi Mansion a little earlier, it is not yet considered late even after finishing dinner. "Yes, Young Master?"

"Cancel my morning meeting tomorrow and move it at lunch time so make sure to inform all of them to eat before entering the conference room lest they collapse inside. It's still no sure but I might be late so if there is something important, just message me instead."

He has a scheduled meeting with some of the top heads of the departments of the company tomorrow but because this visit was rather unexpected, he better cancel the meeting in case he will be held back because of something.

Furthermore, though he might not know what Xi Ana and her father-in-law will talk about he can already tell that it is something serious and he is not sure what kind of reaction Xi Ana will have so too be on the safe side, he will just cancel his prior engagement and see what might happen.

Feng Jinnian on the other hand was slightly confused about this sudden change because just before Lim Yi Sheng left for the day he clearly stated that he wanted to finish the meeting in the morning but now he's suddenly changing it?

Though he was curious about his boss' reasons, he decided not to ask and just answered, "Then will cancel the meeting and inform the people who needs to be informed. Does young master still have further instructions aside from this?"

"That would be all."

"I understand, Young Master."

Lim Yi Sheng ended the call and placed the phone back on the table before going out to go the balcony. Since this room is also on the second floor, the balcony isn't that far.

When Lim Yi Sheng reached the place, Xi Shendong is already taking a sip of a freshly brewed tea. As soon as he arrived, they already started the board game while someone also served him tea.

It was obvious that the servants here were really trained on how to properly brew tea which is not a surprise because everyone in this family loves tea, from the old master to the young master they definitely enjoy tea.

In the middle of the game, Xi Shendong suddenly said something out of the blue. "That would be the first serious conversation they will have after a long time and I really hope they will come into a reconciliation. I am already old, before I die I at least want to see my grandchildren getting along with their father and I know that it would also be what my daughter would want for them."

"I'm sure Ana also knows how Grandfather is feeling."

"What happened to my daughter was like a shackle that binds all of us with the past. If our lives were a story in a novel, it was definitely the turning point of this story that no matter how hard we try to forget nor ignore it, we don't have a choice but to go back to it before we could finally move on to the next chapter."

It is inevitable that at some point people has this kind of entanglement with the past that is hard to shake off and Lim Yi Sheng could understand this very well.

"This is a rare opportunity yet here I am spouting such sentimental things. This old man will appologize if it makes you uncomfortable."

Lim Yi Sheng won't dare to accept such an apology, "Grandfather, yo don't have to apologize about matters like this. We are family and it is only right for us to listen to each other. Furthermore, this is a good opportunity for the two of them to finally open up to each other."

"You're right. They are too alike in personality that is why they find it hard to be open to each other but I'm sure just like their personalities, once they do talk it out they will definitely continue straight on. I'm only worrying about how Ana would respond to the things that her father will tell her."

From these words alone, Lim Yi Sheng could tell that the elder in front of him knew about what they will talk about and he knows that it is not his place to casually ask about it.

Lim Yi Sheng moved a piece on the board before responding, "It is indeed hard to predict how Ana would respond to it but I believe that she will be rational as she has always been."

"Right. She has always been a rational person, well except for that time when she suddenly run away I guess but I don't blame her for that, it was because I was not a good grandfather that I didn't notice that she's in pain."

If Xi Ana will hear this she would definitely agree that she did back then was really irrational but she would disagree about the fact that she is not to be blame because no one other than her who should be blamed.

"Why would grandfather blame himself for it? I'm not saying that what Ana did back then was the right thing to do because running away has never been a solution. Furthermore, the consequences of her action back then, I know that she is vey much aware of them now."

Lim Yi Sheng already know a thing or two about this whole matter from Xi Ana and she might appear as an inconsistent character but he knew that this is because of all the things she had experienced before and you just have to know her well before you can truly understand her.

The more a person wants to forget, the more one remembers. How tragic is that right?

"I'm really thankful that my grand daughter married you, at least I don't have to worry about her being alone for her entire life. It was really good that I bump into your grandfather that one time which lead to the both of you meeting with each other."

It obvious tha the old man is now purposely changing the subject and Lim Yi Sheng could only comply.

Lim Yi Sheng's interest was suddenly piqued upon hearing this chance encounter between the two elders. He was never really interested in the reason why they were suddenly arranged to a meeting with each other before ut now it seems like there is also a story behind it.

"What do you mean, grandfather?"

"Actually your meeting wasn't something planned for a long time. I really wasn't into playing golf when I entered old age but one time I suddenly had the urge to go and surprisingly, I met your grandfather there."

"So my sudden meeting with Ana back then was te result of this chance encounter?"

"You're right, we just casually chatted while playing and then I don't know exactly how we suddenly brought out he topic about our grandchildren and before we realize it, we've already decided to let the two of you meet."

This is really the first time Lim Yi Sheng is hearing this and he can't help but smile, he never really believed in fate but small things like this could also make him happy. If fate is real, then the two of them must be really fated to be with each other.Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click <a href="#&apos;s-wife-has-a-secret_14496266906619705/shackles_52267307434572886">#&apos;s-wife-has-a-secret_14496266906619705/shackles_52267307434572886</a> for visiting.


If the people on the balcony are having great time with their warm conversation, the situation inside the study of Shen Feng is its complete opposite.

Although Xi Ana was cold and indifferent to her father never once did she cross the line and disrespected him but her coldness could really make someone'sheart froze.

As soon as they settled inside, Xi Ana took the initiative to speak first. "Since it was father who wanted to talk then I will let father speak first and I will definitely listen well."

"Alright, then father will be the first one to speak."

Xi Ana didn't respond and just looked at him and this made Shen Feng sigh in his heart. His daughter is definitely like him especially during his younger years.It may not be obvious but he was actually like this when meeting other people to the point that they get really scared of him.

There are even instances when people tend to forget the things they were presenting because hey were overwhelmed by his presence. The two of them can be cold or warm, it depends on the person they are with.

The things that he will tell tonight is an accumulation of what happened in the previous years and it definitely not easy to speak about but he needs to.

Before he started, he sighed as though this could actually help him speak the words the had kept inside his heart for a long time easily.