Chapter 182 - A Serious Conversation

Xi Ana's day went by as usual, she busied herself with work and nothing else. Regardless of when she was not yet married nor when she was just a student playing around in England when they were younger, working has already been a big part of her life.

This is to the point that she might not get sick of overworking but there is a possibility that she will be once she became too idle.

It is already afternoon and there was still no significant event that's worth noting so she just focused herself on what she was doing. She thought that this day will end just like usual.

On the 20th of July which is already next month, Lim Yi Sheng and her will be celebrating their first year anniversary. Time flies really fast that she didn't even notice that it's already been almost a year when she got married.

A this time last year, she remembered that she frequented western countries as some branches there has not yet stabilized their standing in the market which needs to be monitored all the time. On top of being busy, her grandfather's constant nagging was also upgrade ]d on the next level that he would even follow her overseas.

That is why her marriage with Lim Yi Sheng really was just accidental and did not require deep thoughts. No scheming nor hidden agendas, she just really wanted to stop her grandfather from setting up blind dates for her here and there.

Who would have thought that within one year their relationship would progress this much, not her nor Lim Yi Sheng ever really thought about it but look at them now no one would say that they are no doing good.

There may be some Things that they have yet to tell each other, these little steps they've been taking surely helped them get closer to each and that is good enough.

Going back to the topic, knowing her tight schedule which is already full packed because of their impending wedding early next year, if she didn't do anything to make some time for their anniversary it is very unlikely that they will not be able to make get a vacation for that.

Who said that bosses can easily plan a vacation all year round? That's just plain farce. Being the bosses of these big companies, both her and Lim Yi Sheng carries too much responsibilities on their shoulders.

If they casually took a leave whenever they want to then isn't that being too irresponsible? That is why as much as possible, they will only take a vacation of few days once in a while.

Furthermore, they will also use that time to talk to Samantha that's why it is an important time.

When it comes the matter about Samantha's identity, Xi Ana really didn't ask so much but she is aware of Elder Lim's personality which values propriety and Samantha's existence certainly do not adhere to that. Though the child has no fault at all, it will still be had to predict what the elder would think about it.

While she was immersed in her own thought, the door to her office opened. Thinking that it was Wang Xinyi, she didn't raise her head to look at the person.

She already made an announcement for all the employees that for the next few days she is not to be disturbed unless it is very important and if it is they will still need to pass through Wang Xinyi before they could enter.

No one really questioned nor complained about this sine they knew that their president has really been busy ever since the issue with the Southville project started.

Moreover, they are not really that spineless to not be able to do something without their president's help. For what reason they were paid handsomely if they are only incompetent employees.

"What is it?" Xi Ana asked while looking at her monitor which displays the data sent from their international branches. Although she is the president in title, she is also the acting chairman so these matters were all handled by her.

"Ana, Father wants to talk to you. Do you have some time to go back to Xi Mansion tonight?" hearing the voice familiar voice of her father, Xi Ana paused her hands on top of the keyboard.

The footsteps were light and didn't make much sound so she thought it was just Wang Xinyi being careful not to disturb her,turns out it was actually her father that entered her office.

After she recovered herself she continued with what she's doing and didn't spare her father a glance, "I have lots of things to do, I don't have time."

If it is only tonight, it' actually easy to spare some time after work. She was just too stubborn to give in easily. "Ana, we need to talk."

There was sadness as he pleaded, as if it took him everything to say those words.

Xi Ana raised her head and looked at her father.

It's been a long time since they really had a proper conversation that she almost can't remember about it anymore.

All these years, she also never bothered about what he was busy about or anything. She never ask nor she investigated. To say that she never knew what happened with her father these past years is not wrong.

"So now father already wanted to talk, when I wanted it you never gave me the opportunity to talk to you." Xi Ana said without much of an emotion, but deep inside there was an unfathomable pain that was about to burst.

"Back then, I feel like you are still to young to carry those burdens so I decided not to tell you." his words also carried sorrow.

"Father thought that I was still too young to carry those burdens but, have you ever thought the weight I have been carrying back then? Fine, father wants to talk? Then we shall do so."