Chapter 181 - Husband Material

Once the husband and wife settled inside the car, they didn't waste anymore time and went out of Sky City.

Since it is already almost midnight, there are only few establishments were open and most of them were clubs where people come and go.

Well, this is City A so it's normal that even though it is already late the streets were still brightly lit. 

Xi Ana looked at the wan who's currently driving, with his sleeping attire he really went out to fetch her from Sky city that is almost an hour drive away from their house at Imperial Residence. "I didn't expect that you will actually fetch me here."

She drove herself to Sky City earlier but it's not really problem so she would just ask for someone to get her car back tomorrow.

Lim Yi Sheng glanced at his wife with a smile on his face, "Why, you didn't want me to?"

"It's not like that, of course I'm happy that you're here but I also don't want you to tire yourself so much." he's already been working the whole day and doing this is already running an extra mile for him even though he has the choice not to run anymore.

"Don't worry it's just driving, I can handle this much. I really didn't plan to go, I just thought about it after I'm done showering." he easily passed some cars along the high way.

Just driving? She's also know how to drive so of course she can also understand just what kind of toll does driving has on the body. Then again, it is obvious that Lim Yi Sheng does not want to pursue the matter anymore so she just let it be.

After all, it was his heartfelt sincerity that made him go here if she rebuke him so much then just what kind of wife is she. "Thank you for coming."

"What's there to thank for? I'm your husband this much is my responsibility so don't think too much." Lim Yi Sheng squeezed her hand with his before he focused on the road again.

There was a moment of silence when Xi Ana suddenly remembered something from his words a while back. "If you've just finished showering before you came her, did you even dry your hair then?" she had a face which screams 'tell me the truth'.

Lim Yi Sheng has a habit of not drying his hair properly at night that sometimes it might even be the cause of a small argument between the two of them. For him drying his hair thoroughly at night is completely unnecessary since his hair is short anyway so it would easily dry on its own but Xi Ana doesn't want that.

"Wife don't be mad, I thoroughly wiped it using a towel before leaving earlier. Look isn't it dry already?"

He tilted his head a little towards her like a child. Xi Ana found it cute and she run her hand through his hair for a moment before slightly pushing it back on his side.

"Focus on the road, dear. I'm not mad." her voice while saying those words were full of gentleness

Once again, Xi Ana eyed his plain clothes and he's obviously not carrying anything aside from his phone which made her chuckle a little. If people who is used to seeing Lim Yi Sheng in his business suits then suddenly seeing him in this kind of attire, one might have the same thoughts as her.

"If I'm not your wife I might even mistake you for someone who was kicked out of the house in the middle of the night by his wife but then if that was the case, there would be a lot of women who would willingly open their front doors to let you stay the night. I bet all the women who are aiming for you would surely go crazy and swoon over you once they saw you in this attire." she commented with a smile.

Be it casual clothes, business attires, or formal suits her husband will still look handsome wearing them. Indeed, his innate aura really makes him look dignified but a big contributing factor as to why he could pull off any clothes aside from his naturally handsome face is his well-defined body.Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click <a href="#&apos;s-wife-has-a-secret_14496266906619705/husband-material_51998116869628995">#&apos;s-wife-has-a-secret_14496266906619705/husband-material_51998116869628995</a> for visiting.

No matter how busy he is, he never forgets to maintain his body. This may be the first time Xi Ana mentions this but Lim Yi Sheng is actually doing morning runs everyday and if was too busy and can't do this he would visit the gym at least three times in a week that is why he has a good body, not bulky muscles but firm and defined.

Lim Yi Sheng on the other hand was rather confused when he heard the latter part of what his wife said, "What about my attire?"

He is only wearing clothes that he normally uses to sleep thus it can be considered nothing special so there is really nothing to exaggerate about right? Is his wife teasing him again?

Xi Ana shook her head repeatedly but there's a teasing smile on her lips, "Dear, you really need to better understand women. Once they see you in this kind of clothes the first thing that would come to their mind is 'husband material' although it's decent enough it may look strangely sėxy in the eyes of some."

He didn't know that dressing like this could actually make him be a 'husband material', if someone else had said he would have ignored it but because it's Xi Ana he actually felt giddy inside.

The explanation made him chuckle, "So women could actually think about it that way?" he asked.

"Of course! You'll be surprised at how their minds could actually create outrageous ideas. Trying to predict what's a woman thinking is as impossible as finding a needle in the middle of a haystack."

Lim Yi Sheng will never argue about this fact. He, himself is surrounded by women, his mother, his two sisters, and his wife and from them a lone he could already tell that the depth of a woman' heart and mind are unfathomable.

"Does my wife also see me that way?" he asked teasingly.

"Silly. I've already seen you as a husband material even before, if not then why would I even bother marrying you?" Xi Ana said this as a matter of fact.

This made Lim Yi Sheng fell silent for a while but his heart is also shouting the same thing because for him even if Xi Ana and him still does not love each other before Xi Ana is already considered as a perfect wife in his eyes.

"By the way, although I see you wearing clothes like this all the time that it has already become a norm suddenly seeing you outside like this actually made you look a lot sėxier." of course, the aesthetic value of clothes doesn't only rely on the carrier but there are also factors that affects it like the place where the person is.

"So in my wife's eyes I'm sėxy."

The grin on his face is so wide that Xi Ana can't help but tease him even more. "Do you want me to say no?"

"Of course not, it's a good thing to be sėxy in your eyes.This made your husband think that he might need to work a little bit harder so that he won't disappoint his wife." though it might have sounded like a joke, Lim Yi Sheng actually meant half of it.

"Sure continue to be sėxier and I will dare to keep you inside the house and never let you out."

Hearing these words made Lim Yi Sheng remember a conversation they preciously had, "You're really planning on making me your gigolo, aren't you?"

"Just a little bit I guess? I find it interesting." Xi Ana chuckled as she was saying it. Of course this is a joke. Being a gigolo is beneath Lim Yi Sheng and she would not let him stoop so low.

"Spare me, wife." the sour look on Lim Yi Sheng's face made Xi Ana's chuckle into a sweet laughter.

Lim Yi Sheng also know that Xi Ana never meant these words. "Of course, how could I let my husband who is a very outstanding man be reduced to that kind of person right?"

This topic might just be something they casually talked about but in reality there are indeed people like that and Lim Yi Sheng abhor the idea of gigolos because for him they were a disgrace to every man.

As a man, he has the responsibility to carry the family on his back that's what he believes in. If he were to be reduced to a state where he becomes so poor, he'd rather work as a janitor than to sell his attention for a little bit of money.