Chapter 169 - Little Bit of Revelation

Shen Feng is still busy doing something when his son entered his office nonchalantly which he really didn't mind. He looked up to his son who looks so much alike to him when he was at that age.

"What brings you here, son?"

Xi Chen casually sat on the couch and opened a snack that was place on the table for visitors, "I was gonna ask Father to have a lunch with me but seems like you're quite busy?"

Ever since he started working here again, Xi Chen would often ask him to have lunch with him and of course Shen Feng is more than happy to join him, who cares about work at this time? He was already given such opportunities to get closer to his son. If he wasted that then wouldn't that be a bigger problem?Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click <a href="#&apos;s-wife-has-a-secret_14496266906619705/little-bit-of-revelation_51715436617723089">#&apos;s-wife-has-a-secret_14496266906619705/little-bit-of-revelation_51715436617723089</a> for visiting.

Although they were not really that close before and Xi Chen is rather polite to him which makes their relationship lukewarm but ever since he came back, that relationship gradually became warmer which is a delight to his lonely heart.

Just when he was about to respond naturally to the invitation, he was suddenly reminded that he actually has a prior engagement for lunch which made him instantly feel sullen.

The young lad saw this and was rather confused, "I father is busy then it's fine, we can have lunch some other time and it's not like we don't eat dinner together most of the time."

Shen Feng knows that this was supposed to comfort him but he still felt sad after all. Maybe as he gets older, he gets easily sentimental about a lot of things. Eating a meal together naturally and eating meal through invitation are two different things!

He sighed regretfully, "I really wanted to have lunch with you but I have a prior engagement with Li Jingli. You also know him, right?"

Xi Ana would often bring Xi Chen everywhere before so he naturally knew the close friends of Xi Ana. "Yes, he is one of Ana Jie's close friends. I always see them when I was young and they are really good people. But when I got older, my sister doesn't bring me that often anymore so I don't see them anymore."

"I see. I know that your sister's judgment on people is good so I have no worries, you also have to take after that in looking at people's worth."

"Naturally. By the way Father, you are meeting Brother Jingli at lunch?" Xi Chen asked.

"Yes, he called earlier today and asked if I'm free for lunch and since there is no reason to refuse I agreed."

"That's rare though. There was one time when we ate dinner with Ana Jie's friends, I heard them talking about how Brother Jingli really doesn't want to eat with other people that all his meeting would not be around meal time. If he asked you for a meal then that means he doesn't see you as stranger."

"That's good, isn't it?"

"Of course it is, it means my sister's friends already accepted you!"

It is no secret the cold relationship between him and his daughter that she is even closer to her friends that to him who is her father but it's not like he has anyone to blame but himself, right?

"Sometimes I don't know if you are cheering for Father or you're simply making fun of him, you brat."

"That is not worth questioning, Father. Of course, I'm cheering you on. I'm still waiting for the three of us to have a meal happily."

Shen Feng only responded with a smile, his son might pose it as a joke but who knows if he really meant it. After all, he hasn't truly experienced this after what happened to Xi Wei before. And even if he really did experienced it when Xi Wei is still alive, he was still to young to clearly remember it.

These thoughts really made his heart ache, not only for himself but for his children who experienced those tragic events that made them suffer at such a young age when they should have been enjoying their youths.


Thanks to his conversation with Fang Wenna, he finally remembered something he thought was insignificant all this time only to realize now that the reason why he found Xi Ana's father familiar is actually related to this.

This lunch was actually tp confirm his hunch, whether it's true or not he really doesn't have anything to lose.

Since he was the one who invited for lunch, it would be really disrespectful if he were to be late so Li Jingli came about 20 minutes before the time he set to the restaurant that he made a reservation earlier.

He never really had meetings over meals but this can't be considered as a business meeting, and Shen Feng is considered an elder he needs to respect because he is the father of his friend.

About 10 minutes have passed when Shen Feng came and Li Jingli naturally stood up and greeted the other person respectfully, "Once again, thank you for accepting my invitation."

"It's just lunch, you don't have to be so courteous." Shen Feng smiled and gestured for Li Jingli to sit comfortably

"Of course, I should be. You are Ana's father after all."

Li Jingli still waited for Shen Feng to sit before going to his place on the opposite. As he sat down, he signaled for the attendant to bring in the menu. I don't what Uncle Feng like to eat so, I just waited for you so you could order."

"I appreciate your thoughtfulness, I shouldn't waste it right" Shen Feng chuckled as he picked up the menu and ordered a few dishes after he's done, Li Jingli also added two more dishes before dismissing the attendant.

Li Jingli also gave the chessboard his ȧssistant managed to acquire from one of the oldest family of chess players in the city. It is a very good antique for those who likes collecting.

"This is indeed a good board! I already inquired that family before they were reluctant to part with it, I can't believe it is already in my hands." his appreciation were clearly shown in his face which of course reminded Li Jingli that he should reward his ȧssistant handsomely.