Chapter 168 - Previous Accident (2)


Fang Wenna just finished a meeting and went straight to Li Jingli's office because they needed to check both of their schedule to see when will they be able to go to City A to meet up with Ana and Qi Lu.

Crown International's issue is indeed a pressing matter and the earlier they decide, the better.

As soon as Fang Wenna finished brewing her tea from the private pantry inside his office she sat down on the couch with a serious look on her face.

Seeing this, Li Jingli put down his pen, crossed his arms in front of his ċhėst and stared at Fang Wenna questioningly. "What is it?" he asked seriously.

There was a bit of hesitation on Fang Wenna's face but it only lasted for a while before she started speaking.

"Isn't this the month of the year when we got into that accident?" the seriousness on her face is very obvious.

'That' accident refers to the one when they used Xi Ana's car and was almost drown down the river.

Thinking about it, this is indeed the month they got into that accident and its been few years already. "Yes, why did you suddenly bring up this matter now? Did something happen again?"

Of course this is the first thing that he would worry about, that event became one of his biggest regret for not being able to protect Wenna well even though they were together.

Sometimes he just can't understand what kind of psycho is that person who keeps on tormenting Xi Ana up until now.

That person knows that what would hurt Xi Ana most is hurting the people she cares about although these past few years nothing that serious happened again it still sometimes make Li Jingli wonder whether Xi Ana made a deal with that person in exchange for their safety.

Fang Wenna shrugged, "No, nothing like that happened. It's just that yesterday I suddenly dreamt of that accident and I saw something that made me wonder."

"And that is?"

"Everything was so hectic that time and because we didn't want Ana to blame herself more than she already do, we often avoided this topic until the matter was eventually put to rest. Jingli, tell me what you remember that day 'cause it feels like we have missed something very important."

Li Jingli tried to recall what happened that day.

Nothing really important was supposed to happen that day, they were having a get together as usual at the place they bought and converted into a place solely for the four of them.

Fang Wenna wanted to buy something and Li Jingli accompanied her. They only used Xi Ana's car because they got the wrong key and find it too troublesome to go back and change keys.

Only after a few minutes of driving, Li Jingli realized that the car's brake is not and the car won't stop anymore. He told Fang Wenna about it and they were left with no other choice but to let the car fall to the water.

"After the car fell down the river, when we tried to open the door it won't budge, right? Which made us stay longer in the water than what we initially thought so. That time I am already losing consciousness from lack of oxygen and the only thing I remembered was you pulling me to the surface."

"That is also how I remembered things, you already lost consciousness by the time we reached the ground. After giving you first aid I also passed out from exhaustion and by the time I woke up I was already inside the ambulance."

"But someone helped us right? That time when were still under the water and struggling to open the car door, someone helped us."

When the car was pulled up on the surface the next day, there was indeed an external dent on the car door and thinking about it now he vaguely remembers that a man really did help them from the outside.

In the hospital, when he woke up he asked An Qi Lu if someone was there when they were rescued but he said that no one was there so Li Jingli just thought that what he saw was just a hallucination caused by desperation of the moment and never thought of it again.

"Are you sure that it wasn't you simply thinking about it?"

"I also thought so before but my dream last night made me remember something. After you performed CPR on me, I coughed some water out and regained my consciousness for a while."Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click <a href="#&apos;s-wife-has-a-secret_14496266906619705/previous-accident-(2)_51715399590399470">#&apos;s-wife-has-a-secret_14496266906619705/previous-accident-(2)_51715399590399470</a> for visiting.

Li Jingli could somehow figure out what Fang Wenna is trying to say but he still can't believe so, "Don't tell me you saw someone that moment."

"I do, I saw a man standing near us drenched in water and that is exactly what I dreamt of. We never wondered about it but how come the rescuers only came when we were already inside the ambulance being transported to the hospital, it only means that another person already called the hospital beforehand."

Li Jingli won't deny that everything Fang Wenna is saying makes sense. "It's a pity though, we only get to properly remember this now and there is no way we can find that person to thank anymore." Fang Wenna said with a sigh.

"You're right." is what Li Jingli said but at the back of his mind, a thought is already forming. That, maybe it's not yet too late to thank that person after all.

Actually there is also one instance about that time that he felt was odd but he really did not think too much about it since it's not really important anyway but recalling it now, it feels like he finally found a potential answer to one of the questions that has been bothering him for a while now

The only thing he needs to do now is to confirm it.
