Chapter 151 - Sounding Out

Hannah never expected that with just one sentence from Xi Ana her knees would almost give out. Being stared at by those cold and penetrating eyes were really taxing given the fact that she is hiding something from her and that is her connection with Shen Feng.

She was allowed to work as an ȧssistant of Xi Ana from that day on but even if its been a long already Xi Ana still doesn't trust her fully maybe from that first day they met the president could already tell that there is something she is keeping away from her.

With the help from the Chairman Xi her connection with Shen Feng has been concealed because they all know that if she knew about it she would not accept her as an ȧssistant at all.

All throughout the travel from the airport to Xi Corporation she had been glancing at the president at the back through the front rear view mirror but her eyes were totally glued at her working tablet and she felt that the temperature inside the car is much lower than usual.

It's been a a few months since she felt like walking on tip toes around Xi Ana and it's really hard to familiarized with it again. Furthermore, she is not daring enough to get on her bad sides more than she already have so she just kept quite and focused on driving,

As soon as they reached Xi Corporation's parking lot, Hannah was already prepared to go down the car to help Xi Ana with her luggage but before she could do that she was stopped by the latter.


She took off her seat belt and turned to look at Xi Ana who is sitting at the back. "Yes, president?" she asked politely. It's better not to provoke her anymore since she is already in a bad mood.

"Have you scheduled the meeting with all the people involved with Southville project?"

It is indeed necessary to meet them because only one of those people was capable of leaking such an important material and she knows that the president will try to sound them out through this meeting.

"Yes, President. "I've already informed all the people who needs to be there and so the meeting will be at 9'o clock in the morning tomorrow." she answered politely.


"Shall we go, president?"

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"I will go home as soon as I'm done helping you with your luggage, President."

"There is no need, I can take care of that myself instead you should go home and take this extra few minutes to think longer whether you still want to work for me or not." the words that the president uttered gave her a shock.

"President, it's not me." she thought that the president saying this has something to do with the Southville project and she wanted to clarify her name.

She knew how much effort was put into this project and she had always been on this side, she doesn't have the slightest intention to demean all of that.

"I'm not pertaining to the latest incident and I know it's not you that's why I told you to think. I've had enough of this betrayal games and I'm telling you this because you've been with me for the longest time among all my subordinates. Tomorrow, all the employees on the Secretarial and Top Floor will be put under investigation. As for the details, you will know tomorrow."

These two uppermost floors were the hardest to get into because this where the people who were chosen by the president herself were placed.

Base from what the president said, all of them with no exemption will undergo a reevaluation which will determine their fate in the company.

"Whether you know what I mean or not, only you would know."


The moment she finally got inside the room within her office she still feel slightly fatigued maybe due to the long flight earlier.

Removing her shoes suddenly felt refreshing. She took an indoor slipper from the shoe rack and wore it as she made her way towards the bed.

She took her phone out of her bag to dial her husband's number to inform him of her arrival in the country but before she could do so she saw that she had received two messages. One was from Lim Yi Sheng and the other one was from a number unfamiliar to her.

The message from her husband consists of only two short sentences but it is enough to make her smile, 'Call me when you've arrived. I love you.'

Surprisingly, the other one was from Samantha. It was a picture of her with a caption, 'I'm awake, Ana Jie. See you soon!"

Samantha being awake is definitely a good thing, this way Lim Yi Sheng wouldn't need to worry endlessly. She had only been with the for just a few days but she easily got along with her, maybe it was because she could see fragments of her past self to her that she can;t help but reach out to her.

After reading the messages, she proceeded to call her husband which took only a few rings before it was answered.

"Good morning, dear. Did I wake you up?" Xi Ana calculated the time and since it is evening already, it must be morning there right now.

Naturally, she knew that Lim Yi Sheng is already awake since it is very rare for him to wake up late anyway. Their body clocks were the almost the same that sometimes they find it funny whenever they wake up at the same time.

"Dear, the sun has been up for a while now and so is your husband. Anyway, did you just get back?"

"Yeah, I just got back."

"Were you in the office? Considering that it is closer to the airport and you still have a lot to do, it's better if you just went straight to the company rather than going back to Imperial by yourself."

If other people would have heard this, they would have thought that her husband is such a strict person to maker his wife go straight to work rather than going home but it is actually the other way around.

Since there is a room where she can sleep comfortably inside her office, staying in the office wh3never she has a lot of pending workloads is actually more convenient and it doesn't take too much toll on her body and this is what Lim Yi Sheng want.

"I am in the office. Anyway, how are things over there? There is no problem with Samantha, right?"

"Everything is fine so you don't have to worry about her and just focus on what you need to do there. She asked me for you number, did she sent you a message?"

"Yeah. She sent me a picture of herself and I'm glad to see that everything's fine. Anyway, how about you? I hope you're taking care of yourself as well."

"I am, wife. Don't worry. Oh, I just remembered, when I told Samantha about what you said she was so excited. It seems like she really likes the perfumes of your friend, that was the first time I saw her that excited without restraining herself."

While they were talking one time, Samantha said that she was rather fond of Gian's signature perfumes but she was not able to get the limited collections because it really is hard to get a bottle of it. For some, a single bottle of the normal GL perfumes is already a luxury then what more a limited collection bottle right?

When she saw that she does seem to like it very much she decided that she would definitely get a bottle of the next collection Gian would produce to give to her. With this, her debt to Gian keeps piling up although the latter wouldn't really think that way.

"You know what when I saw how enthusiastic she is about it I was reminded of Shinyi." Xi Ana said.

Xi Ana doesn't know if it was because the two were sisters or it was a mere coincidence that the they both liked GL but regardless of that if she could be of help for them to reach their dream it is more than enough.

Samantha might not have said so but she felt that she also want to try her best fro the training program of GL the same with Lim Shinyi but the difference is that, Samantha already has a background when ti comes to chemical since she is currently taking Chemistry in the university right now it so happens that she needed to take a break from school because of her condition.

"Me too."

The both of them might not have said something about it but the two of them knew that they though of the same thing.

Lim Yi Sheng might have decided to tell Samantha about her identity but what about Shinyi, or her mother-in-law? How long will they be kept in the dark about it.

Life is really fair for being unfair to everyone. Whether it is her life, or Lim Yi Sheng's, or somebody else, life will never be easy.