Chapter 150 - Venomous Flower

After the long duration of the flight she is finally back to the country. As soon as she got her flight details she immediately sent this to Hannah so that she would come and pick her up.

If one would see the bigger picture, even if they were able to find evidences that Chengxin Corporation really did use their initial plan as a base to create their project it will still do them no good in a greater sense, they will only be dragging them down with them.

Indeed, they could gain the upper hand when it comes to legal matter once an evidence is presented but if they will not be able to play their cards well they would be the one who would look bad in the eyes of the public. They are after the public, if they ruined their image to them wouldn't that create only a disadvantage to them.

She also wanted to hear from Hannah directly about the situation within the company though the latter had already called her before she got on the plane. Furthermore, it's already been a few hours and she wanted to know whether there are changes with the people involved with this project.

People might see her being calm about all these things but deep inside she really is really mad. To think that there are still people who are brave enough to leak the initial plan of Southville project to their competitor is something unforgivable.

It would have been a little bit better if the the only leakage was the concept but it was the initial plan! This also would trim down the list of people who could have possibly done it.

Now that the other side has already gone and launched theirs if they also did the same wouldn't that make them the copy cats instead? This mere thought is actually enough to make her mad.

Just how many spies were she raring inside her company that even her most important project was sabotaged like this. Perhaps she has been too soft these past few months that they were able to …..

When she got out Hannah is already waiting for her at the lobby of the airport and Xi Ana took the time she is walking to ȧssess Hannah room from a far.

Hannah Lee is no doubt one of the best subordinate she has. She's very efficient when working and can easily adapt to her surroundings. Hannah can also stay calm despite the but just like what she has always been saying, her loyalty is not with her that's why even if she meant no harm Xi Ana would never give her full trust to her.

"President." Hannah greeted as she helped Xi Ana with her luggage.

"Let's go straight to the company." Xi Ana instructed without room for negotiation.Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click <a href="#&apos;s-wife-has-a-secret_14496266906619705/venomous-flower_51324212895342283">#&apos;s-wife-has-a-secret_14496266906619705/venomous-flower_51324212895342283</a> for visiting.

Who cares if she had taken more than 17 hours to go back, this problem cannot be solved if she sleeps and it's not like she can actually sleep in peace with the situation of the project she's been working for months like this right?

"But, President.." she knows that Hannah still wanted to say more about her decision but she immediately cut her off.

"Didn't I make myself clear?" she said in a sharp tone.

This is the reason why people are starting to forget that she isn't a person to be trifled with, because she has become too soft that they thought they can just do whatever they want.

"I understand, President. I apologize for stepping over the line."

"Let's go." Xi Ana didn't say anything more than that and just started walking towards where the parking lot of the airport is located.


Hannah lowered her head and followed quietly behind Xi Ana, rather than shocked she was actually quite surprised. To say that Xi Ana changed isn't quite right, rather she had always been cold and stern from the very beginning. Isn't that why she was called the venomous flower of the business world? That title wasn't there for a show.

She may look young and beautiful but she is capable and what's scary about her.

Xi Ana is indeed a good leader and she can see the potentials of other people and that's the main reason why she was able to create the Top Floor, the place where geniuses in the area of business were gathered.

Their innate skills were then polished by Xi Ana by making them present their work in front of her and she would nitpick and criticize each corner of their report and that made them become thorough with the reports they make.

Just as how strict, aloof, and cold she is she never forgets to treat everyone with the respect they deserve.

It was only last year when she got married to Young Master Lim that her personality has mellowed out a bit and she became more amiable than she was before and just when they thought everything is going fine thus incident with the Chengxin Corporation happened.


Today is the day of her final interview and her first time meeting Xi Ana in person because she will be the one who will conduct the interview with her.

All the process for selecting the person who will become Xi Ana's ȧssistant were all done by the secretary of Chairman Xi and Xi Ana didn't put a hand on it but she she requested to be the one who will conduct the final interview with the reason that it was her who would be accompanied by the person who will be chosen.

Because Xi Ana I rather young back then she was not able to dig up a lot of information about her, all she knows is that she only stays in the country for short periods of time and she stays most overseas. From what she had gathered, the countries she frequented were England, California, and France.

"Uncle,it's fine. I've already decided I would do this. Furthermore, it's not like you're obligating me to, it is of my own volition to work as your daughter's ȧssistant."

Uncle Shen Feng called her over the phone to persuade her not t do this anymore. Actually he's been doing this ever since he knew about it but Hannah has already made up her mind and nothing will be able to change it anymore.

She wouldn't be where she is today if it wasn't for Shen Feng helping them that time. It's true that she could pay back the money she had borrowed from all these years if she worked hard but for her what she more than that she had also gained hope and that is something she could never pay off using money.

That's why doing this is the only way she could think of to repay Shen Feng for everything. "I'm telling you this for your own good. Base on your personality you really can't handle cold people. Well, you'll understand what I mean in a while."

"I've already thought over this, Uncle. Don't worry. I'm hanging up, I just reached Xi Corporation." she really didn't get what he meant with the last part of his sentence but then she decided to finish this interview first before asking him.

Hannah has no idea what Xi Ana's personality is like because she doesn't have that much acquaintances in the country and just recently came back to start working at Xi Corporation the resources were quite limited she just ȧssumed that Xi Ana's personality is more like Shen Feng's.


She hanged up the phone and entered the company. As soon as she reached the floor where she was told to go a staff immediately accommodated her and directed her into an office.

"Young Miss is already waiting inside, you may go in."

There is only one person they could call 'Young Miss' in this company and that is no other than Xi Ana so that means that the person waiting for her at the other side of this door is her.

"Alright." and just like she was instructed she entered the room as careful as she can be.

"Good morning, Young Miss." she greeted with a slight bow.

Although the person is younger than her it is only appropriate for her to do considering their statuses.

Hannah did greet but Xi Ana didn't even acknowledge her presence and just continued reading the documents in front of her which made the whole situation a little bit awkward but she didn't retort or anything, she just patiently waited as she stand.

After a while, Xi Ana finally raised he head and looked her and put down the pen on top of the table as she looked straightly at her.

"If your loyalty lies on someone else then you may go, I don't need someone who would sell me out to others."

The way she said it was s sharp that she even felt her hands turned cold.