Chapter 134 - Banquet

Xi Ana once again visited the site because today will be the day that the delayed shipment of materials will be sent over and the person in charge on the other side requested for a meeting to formally apologize regarding the delay.

Since it was only an apology, Xi Ana suggested they should just do it here instead of going for a meal. Se does not have that kind of luxury at the moment because her schedule is full because of her plan of going with Lim Yi Sheng to the America in two weeks.

The person who she will meet has yet to come when Xi Ana heard her phone rang, she took it from the back pocket of her jeans and answered the call.

She was not able to check who called because it's so bright and so she went for a formal greeting, "This Xi Ana speaking, pardon my words but may I know to whom I am speaking to?"

"Ana, I want to held a banquet to welcome your father back." the enthusiastic voice of her grandfather was so clear that she could hear it without any problem despite the noise from the construction.

Realizing what he said, Xi Ana almost had the urge to end the call immediately. He's not gonna ask her to organize this is her? "Then arrange it yourself, you have your secretary to help you with it. Why do you still have to call me?"

If he wanted a banquet it's not her problem and it's not like she will be against it as well, with just one word from her grandfather people would already work for him.

"He's busy."

Busy? His secretary is busy? If that's not ridiculous then she does not know what is. "Grandfather what could he possibly busy with that he can't arrange a banquet? I already handle most of the work in the company so it's impossible that it's about that."Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click <a href="#&apos;s-wife-has-a-secret_14496266906619705/banquet_50976420117141808">#&apos;s-wife-has-a-secret_14496266906619705/banquet_50976420117141808</a> for visiting.

"Erm.. I don't know, he's just busy! That's it. I want a banquet to be held next week so please help me with that my dear granddaughter. Thank you!" the next things Xi Ana knew the call has already ended.

What 'I don't know' grandfather? How could you not know when you are his boss. As her grandfather ages the excuses he make becomes lamer than the previous ones.

Basically, he just pushed over this whole thing to her but she actually does not have a choice anyway because at the end of the day sh will still be unable to say no to hr grandfather.

Although Xi Ana will be the one who will work on this banquet the person who will be doing most of the work would definitely Hannah and she will only need to approve of things but that also means that Hannah won't be able to support her with her other works because she will be occupied with the preparations of this banquet.

Xi Ana knew that the banquet on her grandfather's mind is probably not just a simple gathering of few people but it is definitely a large scale one that every distinguished person in the city will probably attend that's why she can't take it too lightly as well because the entire reputation of family is at stake.

She would only take this as if there was an extra work that needs overtime.


The venue was decorated brightly and elegantly. There are a lot pf people who came even though the invitation was only three days away from the day of the banquet itself. Of course they would make some time after all it was the the Chairman himself who had signed the invitations for tonight.

This banquet was to welcome his son-in-law who has been working in their international branches and was the main reason why those branches despite the seas that separate them from this country was able to grow was because of Shen Feng.

On the other hand, Xi Ana really wanted to reprimand her grandfather for making her work extra when she already have enough on her plate even with the Southville project itself.

"Hannah, is everything going as planned?"

"Yes, president. You don't have to worry about anything. Everything is going smoothly."

"How about the potential foreign investors, are they here?"

Of course since this is already a work in itself if she didn't take this opportunity to widen her connections wouldn't she wasting not only the opportunity but as well as the efforts that she had put into to make this event possible.

"Some of them are already here, we just need to get the right timing to approach them."

"That's good. If you see Xi Chen tell him that I have something important to tell him." she also wanted for Xi Chen to gain more from this banquet. In the first place, isn't it what their grandfather wanted.

He may have posed it as if he only wanted to do this for fun but real intention behind all this glamour is to show that the person he chose to be one of the backbones of Xi Empire is back. That even though he is only a son-in-law and not his real son it does not diminish his qualities.

"You're really an opportunist, my wife." Lim Yi Sheng approached her and gave her a glass of wine.

"Coming from an opportunist himself."

She took the wine and hook her free arm on Lim Yi Sheng's.

Before she would always be alone when attending events like this only now did she realize that she had been acxustomed to having Lim Yi Sheng by her side that actions like hooking her arms on his has become a natural thing.

If she rely think about it, there are so many things that changed ever since they got married.