Chapter 133 - Dinner (3)

When Xi Ana heart the word 'transplant' she was surprised in her heart, no matter how you look at it the operation would definitely be risky.

She might not be well versed in the medical field but she at least know how delicate this organ is, it's not just a piece of meat that one could easily move from one body to another. Even kids know what it means when this fist-sized organ stopped beating.

This thought already came to her mind earlier but she didn't expect it to be this soon, there is not even a month left before the operation.

The moment she read the content of the letter she was again made to realize that people really do have a lot on their plate.This is what makes humans human, it doesn't matter what kind of reputation one has or how wealth he is because he will still eventually be faced with problems of the world.

Be it Lim Yi Sheng or her, they were not exempted to the cruelty of the world.

Right now there is still something she wanted to ask but she was still contemplating on whether to really ask or not she didn't know but this hesitation is clear on her face.

"You can ask."

"Don't you think is unfair for you?"

"What do you mean?"

"You never asked anything from me but you're allowing me to ask you."

"If I don't ask, it is because I respect you and I don't want you to feel obligated to answer my questions. I always tell you, I'd rather wait than to force you. In my case, I need you to ask me because I don't know how to explain."

From his words Xi Ana understands what he's trying to say. Men are usually people who are more direct and because of that they need questions to answer, she's not saying that this is the case for everyone it I just her personal observation base from the people around her.

"About your father."

"We never really talk about him right but I guess you probably know or at least you have an idea about the accident."

There would probably be a lot of people who would still remember that incident if it as mentioned in front of them. It was after all in the headlines for a few months.

Lim Yi Bai is an outstanding business man and because of that even though he is the youngest of the sons of Lim Ming Cong he was able to be recognized as the heir to Lim Group. That alone speaks so much about his capabilities.

During that year Xi Ana was not yet back in the country, she was actually in France doing business but she was still able to get the news. Because of Lim Yi Bai's international affiliations, the news also spread overseas.Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click <a href="#&apos;s-wife-has-a-secret_14496266906619705/dinner-(3)_50976233839709149">#&apos;s-wife-has-a-secret_14496266906619705/dinner-(3)_50976233839709149</a> for visiting.

Although even if it's not like that, they would still learn about the accident of involving the heir to one of the Nine Noble Families as they are also a part of it.

"Your father is quite a well-known figure so it's practically impossible not to know especially when we are all running in the same circle. When the accident happened the news quickly spread though that time I was still overseas. Do you think he knew about his daughters?"

Xi Ana's understanding of the businessman named Lim Yi Bai, he was always cautious and meticulous with his decisions which can be said from the way he handled his business so the possibility of him knowing about it might be high unless he never really taken the matter with Cheng Ningxue seriously.

From his chosen partners to the companies and industries he had invested in there is only success and nothing else and anyone could say that this is one of the characteristic that Lim Yi Sheng got from his father.

It was said that Lim Yi Bai was on his way to a business meeting in Country R riding the Lim Family's personal helicopter but something went wrong with the helicopter which caused it to crash in the middle of the ocean.

There was a total of five person inside, three bodies were found two days after the accident but Lim Yi Bai and his ȧssistant were not found. They continued the search for one year but eventually Lim Yi Bai's wife was the one who called of the search and rescue operation.

No one from the Lim Family explicitly said that they have accepted the possibility of Lim Yi Bai being dead but there is also no one who clarified the rumors that spread.

"I don't think he does. I did ran through my father's things in his room, inside his study, and even inside his office before but there is no trace of it."

Xi Ana studied his expression to see whether he still felt some kind of sadness from what happened to his father but it seems like there was nothing anymore or it is just that it's been a long time already that he does not feel anything anymore.

If she didn't experience continuous torture from that person all these years perhaps the wound wouldn't have been so painful.

Such an outstanding person suddenly met a tragic incident of course a lot of people would speculate whether it was truly an accident or a set-up. During that time there are so many speculations but the investigation showed that the possibility of it being an accident is bigger.

After that, the Lim Family did not request for further investigation or so what the public has been told as for whether it is true or not only the family knew.

"By the way, Samantha has a twin sister, right? Did you manage to find her?"

It was mentioned in the letter that the older one of the twin was sent to an orphanage because she was sickly and it's impossible that Lim Yi Sheng didn't do anything with that information.

"I did try to search for her following the clues that Cheng Ningxue left behind but it was kind of hard because there are more than one orphanage the kids could have possibly been sent to in England. Furthermore, almost all the kids who were sent were around the age of four. The only distinction I could ȧssume is that the kid is sickly."

"So did you manage to find one that matches these descriptions."

Suddenly, his facial expression became sad. "I do but unfortunately, she had already died after only a few weeks of staying in England. Whether it was really her or not, who knows."