Chapter 113 - Xi Ana's Selfishness

When Xi Chen woke up this morning the first thing he thought of doing is to apologize to his sister and grandfather, no matter what she has to do it now and he knows that apologizing on the phone won't do.

There is already a prepared set of new clothes on his room and so he didn't need to go back to Xi Mansion for it. He also sent a message to his brother-in-law if he could borrow a car from their garage since there are few of it, and he only said he could take any car except the black one at the back.

He didn't particularly care why and so he just took whichever is fine and drove to Xi Corporation.

As for how he managed to get here, he's also in the dark and looking at his sister in front of him his guilt once again crept up inside him.

You're already 22 Xi Chen! You should face your sister as manly as how you would in front of other people, he scolded himself internally.

According to his sister's words, if it wasn't because of his brother-in-law she would have definitely worried and this made him guilty even more. Isn't because he didn't want his sister to worry that's why he's been working so hard in both work and studying but because of this?

It's been a long time since he got scolded like this.

"I'm sorry, Ana Jie. I didn't think things through and just acted like a child." he would never do something as childish as that again!

Since his head was lowered he can't really see the expression on his sister's face but he did hear a sigh,"Are you repenting?"

"I am." his mood brightened when he heard her sister's voice had soften.

"Then that's more than enough."

If he let this end like this then there would come a time that same thing will definitely happen again and so he needs to clarify the reason for his outburst while he still has a little bit of courage in him.

He's personality really is different when he's in front of his sister.

"Actually, I acted that way because I don't want you to leave." not again. He's already had enough of people leaving.

Her eyebrows were arched in a questioning manner ,"I already told you that I'm gonna be the chairman right? Technically speaking, I will not leave."

"Not that, it's more like what happened in the past."

There is a big possibility that his sister didn't really know what happened during that time when she left just as how they didn't know what she did and how com she was able to go to England on he own.


"When you suddenly left and didn't contact us for two weeks."

The shocked expression on her face didn't escape the eyes of Xi Chen. Maybe she didn't expect that he would suddenly speak about something that already happened more than ten years ago.

When Xi Ana didn't speak, Xi Chen gathered all his remaining courage that he got from the conversation he had with Lim Yi Sheng the other night and started sharing

"The first day that you went missing I was crying the whole day, I thought you might not be coming back. I am all alone already, with no father and mother then you suddenly went missing. I thought it's gonna be totally miserable to be left alone like that which I even told the everyone back at home that if you didn't come back I'd rather disappear as well."

That time he felt that his life was dependent on whether his sister will come back or not. Unknowingly, his small world crumbled because of that incident.

"I was crying and crying the whole day until I passed out, Auntie Cheng found me and brought me to the hospital because Grandfather was busy searching for you." that time he really didn't care about that, he only wanted to see his sister no matter what but the next day she was also not there.

"I didn't know bout that." Xi Chen realized that there is something wrong with his sister's expression and the realization, shocked him. Did she think that he was blaming her?

"Ana Jie, don't misunderstand. I'm not blaming, and I will never blame you be it then or now. I just want to tell you about where I'm coming from, this is not the first time I reacted so childishly about 'leaving' thing and so I told you this so that you will know why I always react that way. Furthermore, Older Brother Sheng told me that for my feelings to get through I have to tell it to the other person and that's what I'm doing right now."

It's only a little but he heard her voice cracked and it seems that the mood also got heavier, is it really alright to speak of this right now? "I'm sorry, Chen. I didn't know that something like that happened, I'm sorry that I made you wait that it caused you to get hurt. I'm sorry."

She had been saying sorry for a while now and her saying this made his heart feel heavier, just why does she have to apologize when he never thought she needed to, he tried to conceal his emotions by trying to dismiss the topic, "That was already in the past and it's just that I hate for that thing to happen again that's why I reacted that way. Ana Jie, this is not something you should apologize for.

"I can't rewind what happened before, I can't make it so you never had to cry and be hospitalized before, even if I try so hard I would not be able to but there is something I can do now. I promise that something like that won't happen again and if by any chance I would really need to 'leave' then I would at least tell you that I would. I may not tell you the specifics but… I will tell you if I really need to leave. Will you forgive your older sister for her selfishness before?"