Chapter 96 - Going Back Home (3)

Hannah was busy typing a few reports which she will present to Xi Ana once she came back to the city after her trip. This time she didn't go with the President to her business trip to City M because the people she would be meeting would surely be the usual people and she was already used to this.

Ever since she started working for Xi Ana she knew that her boss has connections in City M, she also had seen Li Jingli a few times but she was never included in their meeting. It would always be a closed-door meeting and from their words it seems that behind the door there were already people she had never seen waiting.

It's not like she is the only one left alone outside during those times but Li Jingli's ȧssistant is also outside so they were already used to it by now, and even without their respective bosses saying they already know they have a deep connection with each other.

"Excuse me, Ms. Lee. I was just wondering when would the President be back?" Hannah Lee looked up at the person who suddenly approached her.

"Actually the president called yesterday and she will be back tomorrow evening, I was planning to announce it to everyone in a while but since you're already asking then it is like that." she would be the one who would send her back home and the president just notified her about it.

"Did she go to City M this time?"

Hannah's eyes became sharp, "Mr. Gao, I'm sorry for being impolite but I don't think it is something that we have to concern ourselves, right?"

The man felt the sudden change in the atmosphere and he immediately clarified that he doesn't have any ill intention by asking, "I'm sorry, Ms. Lee I don't have any hidden agendas by asking that."

"It's good that you understand your position, I don't want something like this to happen again."

"I understand, Ms. Lee. By the way, here is the hard copy of my report."

She took the folder he was reaching out and put it aside.

"Alright, you may go."

"Thank you, Ms. Lee."

It would have been fine if he only asked when the President will be back but he just went ahead and asked about where she went which is not something that employees should casually ask about.

Hannah felt that there might be something about him that she doesn't know, although she already know of their backgrounds it might still be best to be wary of him somehow.

"Gao Bei Cheng? I'll remember you."

What he asked might not be considered too much but it is not a bad thing to be a little bit aware of him now. If it is only an innocent question, then it would be for the better.

"Hey, are you okay? Did Ms. Lee scold you?"


"I was asking whether you were scolded."

Only then did he realize that his colleague was actually looking worried and so he tried to compose himself immediately. His reaction is indeed a little bit weird.

"It's nothing, I was just thinking about something. How could Ms. Lee possibly scold me anyway?

"You're right. I've never seen Ms.Lee ever get angry, she always looked gentle that's why she's so refreshing to look at."

Gao Bei Cheng only smiled at that. That short conversation they had showed that this Hannah Lee is also not a simple character, it was only a small slip up on his part but she was so vigilant. As expected of the President's secretary.

For a second something came to his mind, this 'Ms. Lee' who would give him a sharp gaze was really something new to him but for someone like the President she would surely know about it.

Is it possible that Ms. Lee is also someone who is not entirely on the President's side just like how he was once?

Xi Ana's flight just landed in City A, she was already pushing her luggage when Hannah approached her.

"Welcome back, President."

"Thank you. Is everything alright with the company?"

"Everything is fine so there is nothing you have to worry about, there are some minor problems that would occasionally arise but we were able to deal with them efficiently."

"How about Chen's training?"

Xi Ana gave the task of overseeing the progress of Xi Chen when it comes to management training. During this time that she was away Xi Chen was given more opportunity to handle more complex managerial tasks as a part of his training as the successor.

"So far, the Young Master was getting better and even his efficiency in working has also increased. I've also received some feedback from the people on the floor that Young Master is naturally a person who wanted to improve. If he is stuck at something he would ask for the opinions of other people without hesitation. I believe that is a characteristic a good successor should have."

"You are right Hannah, thank you."Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click <a href="#&apos;s-wife-has-a-secret_14496266906619705/going-back-home-(3)_50327103471670628">#&apos;s-wife-has-a-secret_14496266906619705/going-back-home-(3)_50327103471670628</a> for visiting.

There is a big difference when it comes to the training environment that Xi Chen and her had experienced. As for her, it was more like an adventure with lots of trial and errors along the way although that is indeed good but the lack in supervision also wasted a lot of resources.

"It's my duty, President. As for the reports, these past few days I will present them to the you tomorrow."

"There is no rush. For now lets' go home."

"Yes, President."

That sense of finally going home, she only realized that when she started to recognize that Lim Yi Sheng isn't just a person she has a business deal with but a person who has the potential to be with her for the rest of her life.