The moment Lu Nai He received the call from their hospital in the American branch he already had an idea that it was about Samantha and he was right it really is about her. Experiencing a relapse during this time is very crucial for her since she was about to get a transplant.

Furthermore, he's a doctor so he knew best the risks of this incident to the patient and added the fact that they also have to consider the donor's limit. Although the donor was already considered brain dead and the only thing that's keeping him alive are the machines they still don't know for how long can the body hold on.

As soon as he cleared his schedule for the day he went straight to Lim Yi Sheng's office and there he saw the man in deep thought.

"You must have heard it from Doctor William." he went ahead and sat down in front of his friend. It's completely unnecessary to beat around the bush. 

"I just heard about it a while ago. I really should have paid her more attention, rght? After all, I am the only guardian she has now." it is reflected in Lim Yi Sheng's eyes the fact that he is really worried about Samantha's condition and Lu Nai He can see that.

Samantha's existence is quite complicated and it is not something one can easily explain with few words and her condition made it even worse.

From a young age she was diagnosed of a congenital heart disease called Ventricular Septal Defect or VSD. People with this disease may feel tired easily and may have irregular heartbeat because the defect is making their heart work harder than the average.

If the defect is small it may not necessarily be life threatening because the heart could still function normally but in cases with medium to large defect it could be.

In the case of Samantha the hole is about a medium size but because she was not given enough care when she was a lot younger her health deteriorated and she also has infections that complicates her condition even more. 

"Although Doctor William said that we'll see if the operation is possible I don't think we should proceed with it. Taken into consideration what happened today, I have to be completely honest that the risks are higher now. All the preparations we've done up to now were pointless because her body was weaker than it was before."Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click <a href="#&apos;s-wife-has-a-secret_14496266906619705/vsd_50234180243611317">#&apos;s-wife-has-a-secret_14496266906619705/vsd_50234180243611317</a> for visiting.

Before undergoing a transplant they still have to condition the body of the patient, if it is not for the surgery even if they have the best doctors and best equipment in the world it will still be risky for the patient and no one can afford that.

"How long do we have to wait?"

Nursing back Samantha's health is the top priority for now and as a doctor he would  need to consider everything before proceeding, "About a month or two I guess? I can't make a clear ȧssumption now since I have not yet seen her personally but on the safer side it should be a month or so regardless of anything."

He already talked to Lim Yu Sheng a few days ago so him asking this now is normal, "Will the donor be able to hold on for that long?"

"I don't think so." Even if he wanted it to be possible, they can only rely on the machines whether the body can hold on that is out of his control.

"Then what options do we have? You said it last time that Samantha's heart may be already reaching its limit."

"I did say that. As days pass by her heart is getting weaker and weaker, that is why she needs the transplant."

It took a year for them to be able to find a donor and they only managed to do so because of the influence they had over the darker side of the society, if they lose this one then who knows when they will be able to find one that could match Samantha.

"For now we have to find a new donor, if worse comes to worst at least we are prepared. We can't delay this any longer. Also, we should see her as soon as possible so that I could discuss with Doctor William about Samantha's condition."

"Are you free to go?"

"I don't have scheduled operations for the entire month since I was expecting the surgery for next week, as for the post surgery care for my patients the doctors in the hospital can handle them." in short he is free to go whenever Lim Yi Sheng is ready.

"Do whatever you need to do today, we'll fly there first thing tomorrow."


The young woman who's lying weakly on the bed opened her eyes and saw the familiar white ceiling and she knew what happened in an instant. It's been weeks since she last fell unconscious because of her condition.

She glanced towards her surrounding and he can see the usual face of her doctor sweetly smiling at her

"Doctor William." she called out weakly.

"I'm here, sweetie. Are you okay? What do you feel?"

"I felt like I ran a mile." she forced a smile as her vision became clearer.

Being in a hospital surrounded by white walls and people wearing white uniforms has been a normal occurrence in her life, ever since she was young she would always end up waking up in a hospital room and because of that she had given up on living a normal life.

People who knew about her condition pitied her, they treat as if a single touch could break her although that was an exaggeration it still made the other kids stay away from her.

Sometimes she even felt that life is tiring literally and figuratively. There so many people on Earth but she just have to be one of those few people who has a hole in the heart.

If living is this tiring, why live?

"Doctor William, did you tell Brother Sheng?"

"Why don't you want me to?"

"I don't want him to worry about me."

"I know, sweetie. Unfortunately, we have to tell him."