Chapter 87 - Samantha had a Relapse

Because of the conversation he had with his wife the other night Lim Yi Sheng woke up a little late than usual but since he's already at the office, good thing he was here when Xi Ana called at least he didn't need to spend more time on travelling.

His hair was still damp but he just let it be, he didn't even bother wearing his coat and just nonchalantly draped it on the chair.

Even though he already talked to Xi Ana and was ȧssured that she is safe, he is still determined to to see her. Hearing her voice is not enough to cure his longing, he needed to see and touche her. He never thought he was capable of missing to this extent.

To keep his mind away from the thoughts of missing his beautiful wife, he started flipping the documents he left opened last night and buried himself in his work completely.

Engrossed in his work, he was started when his phone suddenly started ringing. When he picked his phone and saw the caller Id he was surprised and nervous at the same time because he was not expecting a call from this person at this time.

He felt his hand that's gripping the phone had gone cold because the caller is Samantha's doctor in charge. The doctor is an American but because Lim Yi Sheng is fluent in English he can easily talk to him without the need of a translator.

"Doctor William, what made you call at this hour? Did something happen to Samantha?"

Lim Yi Sheng has been planning to go to the America next week so that he could visit Samantha in the hospital before her scheduled operation, he wanted to at least be there to remind her that she is not alone.

But, for the doctor to call at this time could it be that something happened to her?

There was a faint sound of sigh on the other line, "Mr. Lim, I will go straight to the point. Samantha had a relapse today."

Relapse? Samantha had a relapse? "Why so sudden? She's been doing good recently, right?"

Ever since the donor was secured they have been preparing for the operation, everything that is related to her health was strictly monitored this way the success rate will be higher.

"I think because of the strict monitoring of her health this pat few days she somehow felt pressured. She is not a kid anymore, she also know the risks that the operation carries. I believe her relapse today was caused by stress and excessive thinking."

"We do have someone of her age that's been accompanying her to avoid this, right?" They've asked someone to keep her company so that she won't feel stressed about the fact that she has to stay in the hospital all the time.

"Yes, but according to her there was no changes with Samantha's attitude these past few days, even the nurses in charge didn't notice anything odd."

Samantha is only 18 years old, this is the peak of time that they enjoy their life as a youth but because of her disease he was deprived of this freedom to enjoy her, "How is she now?"

It's been a while since the last time she had a relapse that is why he can't help but be worried, she's fighting with a disease alone but he can't always be there for her.

"The relapse was quite serious this time, although she is stable for now I still don't know if we will be able to proceed with the operation next week."

He might not be in the medicine field but he can still understand that they are pressed for time. The donor's body might not be able to hold on for a longer period of time but if they were to lose this donor, it will be Samantha's heart that will not be capable of waiting anymore.

"What should we do then?"

"We'll have to monitor her for now."

"Did you already inform Doctor Lu about this?" He was talking about Lu Nai He because other than Doctor William, Lu Nai He is the person who understands best about Samantha's health.

"I already had someone contact Dr. Lu a while ago, by now he must have also gotten the news about it."

"Alright then, I'll talk to him and we'll try to schedule a flight as soon as possible. Thank you for taking care of Samantha, Doctor William."

"She's my patient Mr. Lim, please save these words for when the operation is successful."

He might need to go there earlier than he expected, his presence might calm Samantha a little.

It didn't even take ten minutes when the call ended Feng Jinnian entered his office, "Young Master, I was informed that Young Master Lu is currently on his way up here and he seems like it was about something urgent so I decided to tell you."

Lim Yi Sheng was not surprised by this, Lu Nai He coming here only means that he must have gotten the news much earlier than he expected.

"Alright, once Lu Nai He reached here no one is allowed to enter my office until I said so. There is something we need to discuss urgently and I don't want any interruption. Everything else can wait."

"I understand, Young Master."

There is no need to ask anymore questions, from the looks of of it he can already tell that what they will about to discuss is something very important even without the CEO saying it.

The moment he took step outside the CEO's office he immediately called the attention of the employees on the floor which are mostly department heads, "No one is allowed to enter the CEO's office for now without further notice, as for things that needs urgent attention you can come to me first and we will decide afterward. That's all, you may go back to your work."

The other employees didn't really think too much about it, they will only do as what they are told since it might become a problem if they talk more than they have to. They've been working for years here now and this is not the first time that this happened so they are not anxious at all.

This might be the case be for other employees but there is someone who dared to approach Feng Jinnian and asked anyway, "Assistant Feng, did Lim Yi Sheng encounter a serious problem?"

Worry is evident on her face but Feng Jinnian felt a little bit irritated at her, ever since he saw how desperate Mo Chuxia can be the image of the gentle and understanding Mo Chuxia in his mind before can no longer be found.

Although Mo Chuxia is still inside this company she is nothing more than a secretary in name, Lim Yi Sheng already said that she is not allowed to enter his office at all cost and Feng Jinnian was the person who was given the task to oversee her.

"Ms. Mo, I apologize for being impolite but this something I am not allowed to speak about."

Not wanting to be asked anymore, Feng Jinnian bowed as a sign of respect towards her and left not giving Mo Chuxia time to raise any more questions.

Technically speaking, Feng Jinnian is of higher position in the company than her because he is directly working for Lim Yi Shneg but he still needs to be respectful to Mo Chuxia because she is still someone with special circumstances so one will dare to slight her.