Chapter 80 - Rescued

"Unwanted visitor, this is not a place for you enter." his low and distinct voice was so clear even in the midst of the ongoing fights in their surrounding.

The man also threw a high kick which Li Jingli also managed to dodge and he can say that If he was hit by that he would have t least receive a broken rib. "That's rich coming from the people who kidnapped my friend."

No more words could be heard after those sentences and they focused on their match.

They exchanged a lot of punches and strikes, and anyone who could see them right now could say that they are evenly matched. Despite the difference in their built, it is clearly shown that Li Jingli had his fair share of training to be able to fight this well.

Li Jingli jumped backwards and panted, "I have no time for this."Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click <a href="#&apos;s-wife-has-a-secret_14496266906619705/rescued_50129105747768442">#&apos;s-wife-has-a-secret_14496266906619705/rescued_50129105747768442</a> for visiting.

He's not a robot, after exchanging blows he could already feel a shortness of his breathe which is not a good sign. This man he's fighting is quite strong and if he won't do anything about this, not only will he be endanger but Xi Ana, Fang Wenna, and all his men will be put at risk.

When he finally adjusted his breathe, the door where Xi Ana is suddenly opened which startled him and in a flash a woman he knew very well charged at the person in front of him with a sneak attack before retreating immediately as she did nothing at all.

Seeing that the man was a little confused, Li Jingli understood what Xi Ana did and so he wasted no time and reacted. With just a few moves he was able to hit some his acupuncture points in that moment of his confusion Li Jingli managed to matched off in an instant.

When it seem like that man is already out cold, his body moved on his and immediately went to Xi Ana's side.

"Hey! Are you alright did they harm you? Are you okay? You married us to death." he enveloped the woman in a big and warm hug as if trying to convey all the relief he felt upon seeing her.

"I'm fine." he patted his back which Li Jingli replied with a squeeze.

Feeling that warm embrace brought mist in her eyes, the calm expression she had been trying to wear the whole day instantly crumbled with Li Jingli's hug. There are also these days when trying to be strong and calm about everything becomes tiring.

Before she gets overtaken by her emotions, she forced her tears back then and tried very hard to collect herself.

Xi Ana inhaled a deep breathe and raised both her hand in front of Li Jingli, "Don't worry, I was not harmed though they made me wear this."

From the moment she saw these things on he wrists she knew that they are as simple as they look, not only with the description of Alex earlier and seeing the expression on Li Jingli's face she knew she must be right.

"Can you remove it?"

"I can, but it may take some time."

He inspected it closely and he knew that he can't be wrong, this one is indeed the same with the ones that the S Organization is manufacturing, within the underground Society this is by far the one of the most poplar items that are being sold I millions.

"I already started studying the mechanism of this metallic cuffs a few weeks ago if there is no problem I can remove it from your wrists after an hour."

"We don't have that much time, do we?"

"We don't that's why in the meantime I will temporarily disable the detonation of the bomb, that would buy us some time."

Leaving this place is their priority and Xi Ana understands that.

"Alright." Xi Ana replied nonchalantly as if it was not her hands that are at stake if they will not be able to remove it.

"Do you trust me?"

"Jingli that's a silly question, of course I do. If you said that you can remove it what should I still need to worry for? If you actually intended to ask that question you should have asked that years ago. Don't ever ask that stupid question, Jingli."

Trust is something that is hard to build, the trust they have for each other was not made in a single night. It took time and effort for their friendship to be this strong.

Suddenly, she recalled something that her doctor asked her once, 'Do you really trust the people around you like you claim to be?'

At that time she was not able to give an answer because she was also confused because all this time she had been keeping a lot of secrets from them but now she knew what she should have answered, 'She definitely trust them that she could let her life be put on their hands but she keeps these secrets from them because they very important to her, much more important than her own life.'

"I believe in you." Her reassuring smile made Li Jingli smile as well.

He pulled out a small looking tool and then began working on the cuffs, still with the serious face he was so focused at what his doing as if he can't actually see what's happening around him.

After couple of minutes, he stopped working and turned to Xi Ana, "For now it's good. We need to leave this place first."

The cuffs were not yet removed just like what Li Jingli said but the danger of it suddenly detonating any time is temporarily put off.

"We need to leave."


"Here, hold this." he gave her a gun which she took without hesitation, If he didn't give one she would have asked anyway. What is the use of having the knowledge of using a gun if you will not put it into use, right?

Li Jingli lead the way outside while Xi Ana is following closely behind. They didn't encounter anymore problems since they used the back door again, and the sound of fighting has already been decreased.

It didn't take long before they were finally out of the house. Soon as they each the car where Fang Wenna is the latter quickly jumped out of the car and burst out crying.

"The hell with that Ana, I thought we won't be able to save you anymore."

Seeing Fang Wenna crying like a kid she was quite shocked, unknowingly her's and Li Jingli's eyes met which made them burst into laughter. Fang Wenna might always act strong and untouchable when it comes to things that are important to her she could be a cry baby. It's been years since they last saw this side of her.

"You don't have to laugh! I know, this is so out of character but I can't help it you know. In this world with more than 7 billion people, I only have three friends if something happened to the three of you what am I gonna do?"

Xi Ana smiled and patted her back to reassure that she is fine, "Aren't I in front of you now? There is nothing to worry about anymore."

Seeing the two important women in his life he can't help but feel very happy. From the moment these two entered as a part of his life he knew that he would protect them with everything he can.