Chapter 79 - Morse Code (2)

Xi Ana focused on reading the message behind the Morse code and she was sure that it's Li Jingli who's sending the message. It's not like Morse code is only known to a few that's why she understood very well the risks they have to take, it's a gamble that much they understood.

Meanwhile the people outside seemed to be wary where the strange sound was coming from so there was quite a commotion outside, even Fang Jianghu was getting anxious just by simply hearing the them.

"Who's making those stupid sounds? You can't even catch those people, what am I paying you for? Bunch of useless fools."

The guards who were near Fang Jianghu received quite an earful, if it was not about because the pay is good who would be willing to work for this person.

"Search the whole area! Bring those who are making the sounds, the boss is getting angrier already!" similar words could be heard from the whole place which is making every guard anxious. Who knows what the boss will do to him once they failed to execute his commands.

The strange sound continued from quite a while, what's confusing about is that when they tried following the sound where it is coming from they didn't find anyone there.

They continued searching even though they felt that it actually not important, before they knew it the sound has already stopped and at the same time Xi Ana was finally able to determine the hidden message within.

'Where are you? -Li Jingli'

She was right, it was indeed Li Jingli and the fact that he's out there means that there is no need to find the key to the bracelets she 's wearing.

Realizing this fact she stood and once again walked around the room.

This room does not have any windows and the only door that leads outside was heavily guarded, she took a slight glance a while ago when she tried to go out and she could see that there are a few numbers of guards walking on the corridor which means that Fang Jianghu must have employed a lot of people for this.

But then if Li Jingli and his men were able to get this near it only means that Alex and his people must have already left the vicinity or they just practically don't care anymore, either way them not being here means that there are less problems they have to deal with.

Since Xi Ana was not fully aware of the area and all she had was a glimpse of the corridor she can't exactly tell herself the location of this room within the house so the only option now is to make a noise loud enough to be heard by Li Jingli or his men.

She looked around and found a large vase on the side, with two hands she lifted the vase it was a little bit heavy exactly what she wanted. With both hands, she raised the vase as high as she can and threw it on the floor with everything she got.

Knowing that she will soon be rescued, she picked the scattered pictures and tore them to bits before flashing them in the toilet. This way she will be able to keep this fact from Li Jingli and the rest, there is totally no need to burden them more than they already are.

Before she could enter the bathroom the door to room opened and the burly looking man entered, "What was that sound?"

Xi Ana has not yet answered and the man's gaze turned to the broken vase on the floor before turning outside s if he didn't enter at all.

When the door was finally closed, the man heard a voice from his earpiece, "What did she do?"

"She broke a vase. I ȧssumed the hidden message from that sound earlier was asking her exact location within the house, sir."

"I see, that woman and her friends are really competent people. Arrange people to sneak Fang Jianghu out while they are busy. Furthermore, you don't have to work too hard just stay alive."


Surprisingly, the sound of something breaking came from the area on the second floor just across from Li Jingli's current location so he was able to clearly hear it. He immediately referred to the digital copy of the blueprint and he already knew where the exact room is and the shortest route to get there.

When he heard that sound he was slightly relieved, the fact that Xi Ana was able to answer his question in that manner only means that she is okay somehow and that there were no other people inside the room where she is in other than her.

"Be careful." Fang Wenna knew exactly why Li Jingli went with this plan. By stirring a commotion at the front, they will be able to keep most of the guards occupied while Li Jingli and a few of them will infiltrate from the back. It was the best time to make good use of the blueprint they have obtained.

"I will, stay here and wait for us. I know that you will not do anything but just case." It will be quite dire if people from the other side will find Fang Wenna here. Actually he was not in favor of her coming with them but she was too stubborn for her good.

Li Jingli signaled his men, "Protect Wenna at all cost, if you can't do that then don't expect me to spare you."

With that he started moving with the rest of the people he had handpicked to personally come with him, they have already knocked down some of the guards patrolling outside and they managed to steal their uniforms so that they will be able to infiltrate easier.

While they are stealthily going to the back to sneak inside the house, the front area of the place has already gone busy and there were already sounds of guns and fighting.

It didn't take them long to finally get inside, they reached the second floor without problem but when they reached the corridor that leads to the room where Xi Ana is there were quite a few guards and there is a particularly burly looking man standing like an unmoving rock in font of the door that leads to the room.

"That Fang Jianghu was really serious this time!" he muttered under his breathe. He has always been passive when it comes to the matters of the Fang Family these past few years and just focused on his underground dealings.

Matters aside, this man, from one look he could say that this person is not an easy opponent.

"Young Master, we will draw out the attention of the others but I don't think that person will budge."Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click <a href="#&apos;s-wife-has-a-secret_14496266906619705/morse-code-(2)_50129026576080268">#&apos;s-wife-has-a-secret_14496266906619705/morse-code-(2)_50129026576080268</a> for visiting.

"It's alright, I'll deal with him."

And so the fight began the moment they threw a smoke screen. They've already seen their locations and with their trained agility it will be a lot easier to fight them head on even with the smoke blocking their views.

Likewise, Li Jingli also made his move and just as he expects the burly-looking man is a also of high caliber and his reflexes were also good. He was able to block the punch even though he cannot see.