Chapter 66 - Wife, Please Open the Door

The night went fast as they discussed the layouts of their plans.

There are indeed a lot of trivial things about Fang Wenna's uncle that's why they have to be very cautious of what they need to do.

Fang Wenna's father is the sole heir of the Fang Family not until when he turned 18 that a young man around the age of 20 suddenly came claiming to be the eldest son of the Fang Family.

This revelation infuriated the matriarch which made her threaten that she will divorce him and that she will only acknowledge the existence of that mistake if her son will be the only heir to the Fang Corporation and no one else.

The old man then readily obliged because for him it was indeed a drunken mistake.

However, after so many years that uncle of Fang Wenna stayed passive but lately as they look into it, it turns out everything about him was just a facade.

"Anyway Ana, did you already tell Lim Yi Sheng about your past and future plans?" Li Jingli

inquired which also piqued the interest of Fang Wenna. This matter is something only known to them.

"No, if he becomes too involved it would be very dangerous for him and I don't want that to happen." Although you can feel the coldness in her words, one could still feel that that coldness is actually laced with care and worry.

Her response made the other two stop from probing any further but this reaction only made Xi Ana continue, "I never intended to let An Qi Lu know, nor have I considered telling the both of you about this before. The reason is very simple, I don't want you guys to get hurt."

Li Jingli is now starting to regret asking because that one question reopened the wounds they

thought that have long healed.

Many years ago, Li Jingli and Fang Wenna almost died of a car crash. That day, they borrowed Xi Ana's car because they didn't bring their own. They were not overspeeding nor they were drunk driving, later on they found out that the car was actually tampered.

If it wasn't them who got into an accident it would have been Xi Ana, and she knows that the tampered car was supposed to be driven by her and because of what happened back then she promised herself that she would do everything at all cost to keep those she care for safe and sound.

"It wasn't your fault. Look, we're alive. Isn't that enough to free you from the guilt you're not supposed to have?" Fang Wenna said worriedly. This matter is something they all purposely avoid but Xi Ana will never forget.

That person took his mother away, tortured her physically and psychologically for years, he had put those she cared for in harm. He had brought so much pain in her life that's why she will not forget, she cannot forget.

- - -

Xi Ana came back late at night and was feeling rather exhausted, she had so many things to do in the day and when she finally went home all she wanted to do was to take a hot bath and hit the bed.

Before she could do anything, her personal cellphone rang. She picked it up and saw a familiar string of numbers, she unknowingly smiled as she answered and put the phone near her ear.

Meanwhile on the end of the line, the man who called felt ecstatic when the call finally connected. "Wife, I miss you."

Hearing his voice made she Xi Ana happy for unknown reason. Maybe she missed him as well? Or was it because she was too used to having him by her side that she felt happy to have a little bit of balance again. Who knows, she might be falling into something she never thought she's capable of.

"It's already late, why are you not asleep yet? Aren't you tired?" it's already past 11 pm and she knows that her husband tends to wake up quite early. She also knows that there is a huge project he's been working on so there is no doubt the man was definitely exhausted.

The man heard the worry in his wife's voice and he can't help but smile, he sighed "I'm exhausted."

"Then hurry on and sleep." Xi Ana didn't hide her worry because she knows very well that her husband had the tendency to skip meals especially when faced with mountains of works.

She wondered, should she go back? But there's still a lot of things to do. Or should she just call Feng Jinnian and instruct him what to do?

"I wanted to but the door's closed." his reply made Xi Ana's brows furrow. It's not like he needed any key to open their door.

"Dear, our door needs only your presence for it to be unlocked." she said this as a matter of fact.

"Wife, will you please open the door and let me rest." he said lovingly. Only then did Xi Ana realize the possibility of what 'door' he was pertaining to.

"Lim Yi Sheng, are you outside my front door right now?" as she said that she already walked towards her front door.

She turned to her screen saw the man smiling while waving his phone at her.

Xi Ana put her phone down and opened the door. Her smile never once left her thin lips.

The moment the door was opened, Lim Yi Sheng wasted no time as he entered and the door closed behind him he immediately pulled Xi Ana on his arms. And before Xi Ana could properly react, her lips was already claimed by the man who just entered.

Xi Ana was pushed until her back was on the wall unknowingly while their lips were still connected. Lim Yi Sheng suċkėd on her lower lips while his hand traveled at the back of her head and pushed her forward deepening the kiss.

She felt her legs were turning jelly. Although the man's other arm was supporting her waist she still felt weak. She snaked her flawless arms on her husband's neck for support as they continued savoring each other's lips.

When the two finally separated, they gasped for air while both their faces flushed red. This was the most intimate time they had with each other after being separated for how many days.

Lim Yi Sheng pressed his forehead on hers before whispering, "I missed you so much, so much that I thought I'd die without seeing you."

With her cheeks still flushed red and eyelashes fluttering, she chuckled upon hearing her husband's words, "That's too much of an exaggeration, my dear."

He pulled her towards a tight embrace as he rested his chin on her shoulder. Xi Ana hugged him back as her hands ċȧrėssed his back. "I missed you too."

For the past few night Lim Yi Sheng couldn't sleep well because of the absence of this warmth and now that he's feeling the familiar warmth and smelling the familiar scent he could finally feel like he's home.