Chapter 65 - Unnecessary Trouble (2)

"Who the hell are you to speak like that to me? Do you not know who I am?" Mo Jingjing retaliated. The way the woman in front of her acted felt as though she was belittling her and its getting on her nerves.

Who is she to speak so brazenly like that, she thought.

Xi Ana was about to speak when a man who looks upset suddenly strode towards her. Well, it's not surprising at all because she really took her time today. "Ana, I've been waiting for you for quite some time you know."

Li Jingli heard that Xi Ana is already at the building but after waiting for couple of minutes she still didn't arrive so he decided to fetch her.

Xi Ana touched her nose unknowingly. One of the commonalities between her and her friends was that they all hate waiting, they aren't the type to make the other person wait as they too hate waiting themselves. For them, time is indeed too precious to be wasted.

Although the man was a bit upset he still went and kissed her cheeks, since they grew up in a western country this type of greeting has been embedded to their very own system especially towards each other,

As Lu Jingli entered the scene, the surrounding people was taken a back, who would not right? They are in front of the owner of this very own building.

The employees who managed to recognize Xi Ana right away wasn't entirely shocked as they already knew of their connection but as per those who doesn't have any idea, they were indeed shocked to their very core with this revelation.

Li Jingli looked at her face and he saw the cut on her right cheeks which is still red with a bit of blood, "What happened to this?"

The woman kept her silence because she is still contemplating on how to explain everything to him, she knows to what extent Li Jingli and An Qi Lu's over protectiveness reach and she certainly didn't want that to happen, not here in City M.

The man's face darkened as he looked at the guards situated to protect Xi Ana at all cost. "You are wearing the Li crest and you let Xi Ana hit by a glass. Are you sure you still want your lives?"

The other bodyguards knelt in unison as though as though they have practiced this couple of times. "Please spare us Young Master Li."

"I've not raised a weak subordinate, that I know of."

"Please spare us Young Master, we were too naive to let our guard down because we were inside our turf."

Xi Ana reached out his arm and gave it a gentle squeeze, "Jingli, it's okay. It's just a small cut you know. There is nothing to worry about."

"Ana, you know this is not something you can talk me out of. It doesn't matter how big the cut is, the main point is you're hurt. Now, tell me who did this."

When Xi Ana still didn't answer, Tiger spoke without hesitation. "This woman threw her glass on an attendant but she managed to evade it, which eventually hit Young Mistress. Young Master Li, it was my mistake, I was too unguarded."

Unlike the others, Tiger isn't wearing any particular crest or symbols as the identity of the person he's loyal with is not something the crowd should know of.

Li Jingli was quite familiar with Tiger, since he was here it means that this incident is not something with malicious intent. "Since it's you I'll give you the benefit of the doubt but I won't tolerate a second time. You know that very well, Tiger."

Tiger knew best the capabilities of his master's friends. Since he's been by his master's side for a long time he naturally knew the reason behind Li Jingli's rage this time and he won't deny that this time he really failed.

Big or small, serious or not as long as Xi Ana or Fang Wenna was hurt those two evils were ready to flip the whole world upside down, that is how Tiger perceive the nature of An Qi Lu and Li Jingli.

On the other hand, Mo Jingjing who is currently dumbfounded by the sudden appearance of the man unconsciously blurted out his name, "Brother Jingli."

She can't believe that the man who turned her down just a couple of hours ago is now standing in front of her.

Li Jingli looked the other side and saw Mo Jingjing standing. The happiness he felt when he saw Xi Ana was changed into a feeling of irritation, the sudden change on his facial expression didn't escape Xi Ana's eyes.

"Ms. Mo, I believe I told you not to test my patience. Touch my people once again and you'll never want to see how I will retaliate."

"It's not like that.. It wasn't me.." she tried to defend herself.

"I don't care. If it's you or it's your friend. Please do me a favor and never let our paths cross again."

Xi Ana nudged Li Jingli again to catch his attention, "Let's go. We still have a lot to discuss, we can't afford to waste any more time."

"Alright, let's go."

He then turned towards his own ȧssistant and said in a brief manner, "Make sure that they won't know that Xi Ana is here in City M."

"I understand, Young Master."

The bodyguards then surrounded them as they made their way to their suite leaving Mo Jingjing and the rest of the crowd.

The two entered their private suite and saw that Fang Wenna is already there. She greeted them with a smile. "You guys are certainly late."

Hearing her remark Xi Ana rolled her eyes, "You just probably entered two minutes earlier."

"There are two matters that we have to address. First is that place in Country Y we were discussing a few months ago and the next one is Wenna's Family matters."