Chapter 61 - Coaxing the Husband

Days passed as normal as it could possibly have. Xi Ana is seated inside the car on her way to the airport.

It's time to settle things in City M, although the matters were supposed to be solved by Fang Wenna alone after much time she still wasn't able to subdue them and in the recent days, it felt as though someone powerful was backing them.

While she is still in deep thought, her cellphone rang which she only noticed when Hannah told her.

"President, your personal phone has been ringing for a few minutes now. It seemed urgent." Hannah, who is behind the wheels looked intently at her boss as a sweet smile formed on her thin lips.

It must be Young Master Lim, she thought.

Xi Ana on the other hand was not able to answer the phone immediately, upon looking at the string of numbers she unconsciously smiled and gave the person a call back.

It didn't even took two rings before the person answered and spoke in a sweet and gentle manner, "Wife.."

He sounded like a kid who's candy was stolen by his classmate, she sighed in defeat "Dear, I'll be back in a couple of days it's just that I need to help Wenna settle some matters."

"You should have told me you were leaving now, if I have known earlier I would have gone home yesterday. I missed you so much already as it is." he felt aggrieved to the point of frustration.

Lim Yi Sheng has been away for a week now because of a business meeting and he was scheduled to be home by tomorrow, he was so excited to meet his wife only to know that now she will be the one who's going away for a business matter!

"I'll try to be back early, okay? You're busy with your project anyway so you might not even notice that I've been away for a few days."

It's true that he's been quite busy lately but the thought that he will go home with a beautiful wife on his bed is enough for him to forget about how busy his day went! "Wife, I feel wronged."

Xi Ana sighed, she tried her best to coax her husband which ended up with a series of negotiation and promises like going on a vacation for a week with him.

"I promise, once I'm back we can go on a vacation for a week. Just the two of us, okay?"

"You can't go back on your word, woman."

"When have I ever turned back on my own words, my dear husband?"

"Alright, see you soon. I miss you badly. Take care of yourself and sleep as much as you can."

"Hannah, what do you think of Lim Yi Sheng in an outsider's point of view?" she asked while staring at her phone which shows that she'd been in a phone call with Lim Yi Sheng for almost an hour.

Rather confused, Hannah cleared her throat and answered truthfully, "Young Master Lim has always been known as a ruthless businessman despite his young age, he also possesses a cold and domineering aura which is above most people. Rumors has it that he is also somehow connected with the underground society."

The woman listened intently, although the last part of her sentence should be quite bothering for a normal person, which could even illicit fear towards the mentioned person Xi Ana didn't think though much about it.

People like them certainly have those days where everyone would try to tie their names with the underground society in the hopes of dirtying their names.

"Should I organize a press conference?"

A crease formed on Hannah's forehead, "For what purpose, President?"

"I shall inform the public that my husband certainly isn't cold and domineering but rather a spoiled rotten and shameless man. How could it be that I don't see any trace of the man they claim him to be?"

Seeing the serious expression on her boss' face Hannah wanted to puke blood, how could her boss be this clueless?

Young Master Lim only acted like that in front of you, President! Those were the words she wanted to say but kept in inside her heart.

On the other hand, the words that Xi Ana spouted were a mere statement that didn't require an answer from Hannah which is whyshe kept her silence as she smiled and focused on the road in front of her.

"Is it possible that I, Xi Ana was actually conned?" Xi Ana shook her head in amazement before finally turning to Hannah.

As this something which is rather personal and only masked to be a business related matter there is no need for Hannah to go with her and as she had previously mentioned, with regards to the person behind Hannah she is still in the dark.

"Hannah, for these following days you shall not contact me unless it is absolutely necessary. There is no exact time for when will I be done with this, if you will not be able to contact me in case of emergency just seek for Yi Sheng's help, he would definitely know what to do." although she haven't informed him of this she knows that he will definitely agree.

In her heart, even though she didn't actually admit it she had already started to trust him more than she knows, not only because he is her husband whom she had married in an instant but because she had already started to warm up to this man.

Without her realization, Lim Yi Sheng had started to thaw away the frozen barrier around her heart.

"Also, in my absence Xi Chen would start to cultivate his skills more actively in the office and I would like you to support him as much as you can, for simple matters you can let him decide. I would like to see how much he can grow without me by his side." soon she will need to leave so as early as now she need him to be prepared for when that time comes.

This matter has already been decided long ago and her resolve isn't something that can easily be shaken off, as for the chance of survival? Who knows, so it's better to disappear than to let them be dragged with her.

She believed that whoever is behind those attempts of ȧssassination towards her which became a torture in the long run is after her life alone. If that could spare the lives of the people around her then for that reason alone she is more than willing to be his prey.

Actually, she tried to deduce everything and there is only one explanation she could think of. If the person behind these things was actually the person who killed her mother, then the only reason why she was his sole target was because she looked too much like her mother. Therefore, it's not that he hated Xi Ana for being the daughter of her mother, he hated her because of her face.

Xi Ana was pulled out of her thoughts with the gentle voice of Hannah calling out to her "President, we've arrived at the airport."