Chapter 60 - Can't Get Enough of Her

It's true that she had something in mind but because she really isn't into business related stuffs when it comes to the execution plan she still doesn't have anything to present! Isn't this a bit too early for this? Lim Shinyi thought to herself.

"What is it mother? As long as I'd be of help I'm more than willing to do so." Lim Yi Sheng held her hand and intertwined their fingers which made Su Nujiao giddy inside, she never thought he would see a day when his boring and cold son would be clingy on a woman.

I think my grandson will be sooner that I think, she thought.

"Our Xiao Shi will soon retire from the entertainment industry, she said that she has something in mind so I was wondering if you could give her any advice that could help her as she prepare for it."

"Well, I could introduce her to my friend in France who is a well known perfumer, though his company wasn't big enough I can vouch for him."

"Is that the one who made my perfume?"

Su Nujiao was confused while Lim Shinyi was utterly shock, "I'm rather confused, why would you introduce her to a perfumer?"

"It's just that I thought Shinyi has great interest in perfumes that's why I casually said that." she smiled rather apologetically.

"I never said that to you!" Lim Shinyo was utterly shocked and so she wasn't able to control her outburst.

"Shinyi, manners."

"Sorry, Big Brother."

She immediately changed her tone and turned to Xi Ana, "Big Sister, how come you know about this interest of mine? I never shared this matter with anyone. Pardon my speech a while ago."

"I don't really mind. It was my fault anyway for directly ȧssuming without asking you first, I just observed that you give off a unique scent each time I see you so I presume that the scent you give off came from a personalized formula, either you had someone mix it for you or you were the one who made it."

It's not that she is very knowledgeable about things like perfume it so happens that she has a very sėnsɨtɨvė sense of smell that she could easily remember a scent once she is exposed to it more than once.

Lim Shinyi's eyes lit up, although she really hadn't fully warmed up to her she can't help but feel excited over the thought that Xi Ana will be able to introduce her to someone who is good with perfume.

"Wait, Big Brother did you say that the perfume you are using was a personalized one and Big Sister was the one who requested it?"

"Yes, when she came for a business trip in France why?"

"It is very similar, no, almost the same scent! There was this perfumer that I really liked and he has a perfume very similar to that one you are using. It is part of the newest collection of GL entitled 'Present For Him' there are only 10 bottles that were sold worldwide!"

Xi Ana smiled knowingly, she was surprised that she knew about GL, "Actually, GL is the friend I was talking about."

"What?" the expression of being surprised is very evident on her small round face.

"Gian Lake and I goes a long way back, before he even started. I helped him out a little when he was having problems with his brand. You're right, 'Present For Him' is exactly the same as the one I gave your brother, I had him mixed it especially for him. Later on, he called me if he could release a few bottles for his collection so I casually said yes."

Lim Shinyi was baffled. GL is very popular in the perfume industry especially that time five years ago when the princess of Country R became a fan of him and requested to personalize sets of perfumes which she will be gifting to the other princesses during the celebration of her coming of age that year.

Unknown to them, it was actually Xi Ana that introduced Gian Lake to the royal family of Country R and of course that is something she wouldn't tell them.

"Will you be really able to introduce him to me, Big Sister?" she asked with her eyes glimmering of hope, meeting GL is not easy even with the power that her family currently holds because that man sticks to his principles that is also one of the reasons why he was struggling before.

Among all the loyal customers of GL, only those who are really close to him has seen what he really looks like and those people were the only ones he's willing to create a personalized perfume for.

"Of course, I'll talk to him so we'll know when he'll be free then I'll have your brother give you call. But we have a little bit of a problem."

"What is it?"

"I believe in your current profession you really have a lot of schedule to attend to. Likewise, GL has his own schedule as well is it possible for you to adjust your schedule for when he is free?"

"Yeah! Don't worry Big Sister I can handle it on my end." the attitude of Lim Shinyi towards Xi Ana turned a terrifying 360 degrees as if she didn't become hostile on the first time they met.

"Alright, if you say so."

- - -

In the afternoon, Lim Yi Sheng needed to be in the office to fetch some documents that has to be signed and since Xi Ana didn't bring her car, she decided to tag along.

"Are you sure you're coming with me? Don't you need to go to your company?" he leaned closer and helped her with the seat belt.

"There is no need, I've already sent a message to Hannah she can handle it on her own." she paused and looked at her husband who is staring intently at her. "Dear, do you plan to melt me with your gaze?"

The man who's face was only inches apart from her smiled lovingly before leaning closer and gave her a kiss. At first she was surprised with the sudden action but gradually, her nerves calmed and she responded to his kiss.

The kiss was slow and passionate, every time Lim Yi Sheng kisses her it would always be this slow and passionate as if he wanted to savor every moment and every second of the kiss and thinking this, Xi Ana thought it's very romantic.

They only separated when they were both out of air, Lim Yi Sheng stared at his wife's swollen cherry lips and a bright smile was formed with his wet thin lips.

Seeing his satisfied smile Xi Ana can't help but smile in return. She used her index finger and raised his chin, she leaned and gave him a quick kiss, "Your antics has become more brazen, dear."

At that small action, Lim Yi Sheng felt delighted because it is the first time she took the initiative to kiss him!"Did you realize that that was the first time you've kissed me of your own accord."

Xi Ana's eyebrows form a beautiful crease, "Really? I didn't know that." all she knows is that whenever Lim Yi Sheng would kiss her, she would respond with instinct knowing that it was her husband but never did she realize that this really is the first.

Seeing the surprised look on his wife's face, he leaned once again and kissed her. It seems like he really can't get enough of his wife's lips.

So far they've only kissed, what would have happened to him if they decided to take this into another level? He would probably began to be more selfish of her.

He did not dare voice his thoughts and smiled, "You're worth being shameless for, my dear."