After that, Zhang Heng again tested three intercontinental missiles loaded with nano bombs.

The first one, as before, disappeared again over London. I don't know when it ran.

The second one successfully hit London. However, after the nano beetles devoured several blocks, those nano beetles disappeared mysteriously. However, the blocks and buildings that were engulfed were slowly restored again, as if time went back. Finally, there was no movement after everything was restored.

The third, still missing over London.

"Until now, our foundation has been able to determine that the curse dead zone has an indestructible nature. At least until the foundation's technology reaches the level of influencing memes, there is no way to destroy the curse dead zone for the time being."

At the five countries holographic conference, Zhang Heng said flatly. Behind him, there are various data and video documents of previous nanobomb explosions.

"What should we do?" In addition to the British Prime Minister, the rest of the four heads of state looked a little flickering. The US President simply looked at Zhang Heng and said, "tell us, what do we need to do to completely eliminate this damned thing?"

"Are you sure you want to hear it?" Zhang Heng raised a sinister smile at the corner of his mouth, and at the same time, he looked at the British Prime Minister, who looked ashen.

"Well, since you want to hear it, I'll tell you about it." Seeing that there was no answer, Zhang Heng said again, "in fact, everyone has thought of it. Since we can't destroy the curse dead zone, then we only have to suppress the spread of the curse dead zone. But how can we curb the spread of the curse dead zone? Then there is only one way, that is... "

"Eliminate the source of infection along the spread of the curse dead zone, and let him lose the conditions of diffusion!"

"No You can't do that! " The prime minister, Churchill, sprang to his feet and yelled, "I knew that. You can't do it!"

"Mr. Zhang Heng is right." The president of the United States interrupted Churchill, "suppressing the curse is our only way out."

"You Churchill looked impolitely at the president of the United States, "Bernie, you unexpectedly!" However, his hands were empty!

"Sir Churchill, pay attention to your words and deeds!" The president of the United States subconsciously dodged for a moment, and then realized that what he saw was just a mirage. Then he frowned and said, "what we are carrying is the future of mankind."

Churchill was stunned. He lowered his hand slowly and remained silent for a while. However, he looked at Zhang Heng with hope. "Mr. Zhang Heng, you and you must have other ways, right? For example, emergency evacuation. "

"Sorry, emergency evacuation. We don't have the time." Zhang Heng lenglengleng said. He stood up and pointed to the map of Britain behind him. "If we need to evacuate in an emergency, we need to evacuate half of the area of Britain and more than 30 million people. This will take us at least half a month. But half a month later, the curse of the dead zone has already spread to cover the whole area of Europe, so the so-called tight What's the point of urgent evacuation? "

"Yes, but..." "Is there really no way to recite?" said Churchill

"Yes, there is only one way." Zhang Heng stretched out his arm and drew a big circle outside the map marking the location of the curse dead zone behind him, and his tone gradually became cold. "From Peterborough County in the north, Newport city in the south, Norwich in the East, and Swindon in the west, this is today's critical safety area. If we use nano bombs to kill all the lives in this range today, there is an 80% chance that they will Curse the dead zone and the stranger zone

"That's half of England!"

"Of course I know it's half England." Of course, Mr. Churchill's stall will continue after three days, including the whole area of England

"So what are you waiting for?" On hearing this, the French president on one side could not help but sit up straight. "Let's enter the voting process. On behalf of France, I vote for the plan to clear the critical safety zone from Petersburg County in the north, Newport city in the south, Norwich in the East and Swindon in the West."

"Yes!" The Russian president immediately responded.

"Seconded!" The president of the United States hesitated and finally said.

"Seconded!" Huaxia No.1 nodded.

The British prime minister looked at the meeting hall dispiritedly, and finally sat down on the seat, and at the same time issued a sigh like a sigh



On April 25, the nano bomb was completely launched with the consensus of the five major powers. At the same time, it was the first time in the history of human civilization that a super weapon beyond the scope of nuclear weapons was used to reach the atomic level

On this day, the whole of Britain, as if you can see the thick dark clouds over Scotland that almost cover the sun and the moon. These dark clouds, like swarms of insects, roam freely in the sky, devouring everything and making squeaking sounds.It was not until one day and one night that those dark clouds completely disappeared. Until then, more than 20 million people in the whole UK disappeared forever in this world, never to exist again.

At the same time, in order to completely eliminate the hidden danger, the five countries' allied forces began to evacuate the remaining half of Scotland's population. These people were quickly taken away from the city and sent to the north of England. Up to this time, the whole south of Britain and the whole of Scotland had basically become a desolate ruins.

On April 27, according to Yuehua's global secret observation, there were only 560 missing cases, which were quickly investigated by the police of various countries. Of them, 530 cases were natural disappearances, and the remaining 31 cases had been secretly blocked by clone fighters, and the United Nations personally informed the local governments and countries.

On April 28th, the number of missing cases due to the curse mode was reduced to three, which had been successfully exterminated by the star foundation before causing a larger scale infection.

On April 29, there was only one case worldwide.

On April 30, calm returned to the world.

Perhaps there are still some missing fish in the curse memes, but with the global countries gradually being jointly operated by the United Nations, these memes have been completely controlled and limited to an acceptable range.

Among them, the most serious loss is Britain, which caused more than 100 times of the original 69 incident in the United States. The loss of more than 30 million people, about a quarter of the territory has become a curse dead zone. These areas are like indelible scars, ugly across the surface, even after thousands of hundreds of years, I am afraid they will still stay here and tell people here What a tragic scene has happened

After all, the so-called "Curse of the United Nations" has been forbidden to enter the dead zone every year, even if the so-called "Curse of the United Nations" is still stuck in the dead zone, even if the so-called "United Nations" forces are still stuck in the dead zone every year, even if the so-called "Curse" of the United Nations is still stuck in the dead zone, even if the so-called "United Nations" forces are still stuck in the dead zone every year, even if the so-called "Curse" of the United Nations has been A big time bomb, at any time may be detonated again!

Moreover, no one can guarantee that the next time it detonates, there will be no chance that it will be stopped.

Moreover, although there is only one such curse dead zone, there are more than 8000 houses infected by cursed memes! There are more than 900 cities in more than 100 countries around the world. People are required to close down the area, and no one is allowed to enter. Otherwise, the second shock will probably show up in this form.

However, in any case, it seems that the first impact, which was originally enough to wipe out the global human race, has finally been crossed by the intervention of the star Foundation


All this was like a dream. Until the beginning of May, when there was no case of abnormal disappearance, Zhang Heng had to admit that the shock of

which was enough to make people pale, was actually spent by himself

Although there are some reasons why the impact is not powerful, and there are still many hidden dangers left, which is not a complete elimination of the threat, but in any case, the impact is still passed by ourselves.

Inside the hive, Zhang Heng received a report from Yuehua.

"This is the full report of memes." Yuehua's eyes flashed with joy and said, "in fact, our victory almost depends on your strength. If it wasn't for your ability as a prophet, we might just be able to figure out the regularity of this meme curse. Let alone blockade London, I'm afraid the curse dead zone formed at this time is not London, but the whole world is blooming. At that time, I Our foundation, even if it has great power, can't recover the destruction of mankind

"So you saved the whole human race."

Zhang Heng rolled his eyes and ignored Yuehua's flattery. Instead, he looked at the report in his hand. Then he suddenly picked up his eyebrows, took out a black pen and bent down to smear it on it

After two or three minutes, Zhang Heng stood up, exhaled with satisfaction, and handed the report to Yuehua again. "From now on, the foundation will keep this tradition. In the future, any paper file must hide some important data. Only you can know all the data. In addition, only you have specific authority People can get all the data. "

"Yes." Yuehua nods.

Seeing Yuehua agree to come down, Zhang Heng just lies on one side of the armchair and enters the virtual space at ease

At this moment, Yuehua is looking carefully at the information revised by Zhang Heng, and sees the following:

"Project No.: sls-018 (stellar Life Science)

project level: keter

Description: sls-018 is a memetic effect found by Zhang Heng in the █████████████████████████████it's a good idea The level of meme is phenomenal, and the source is suspected to be █ █ plane, which can not be verified.Sls-018 is extremely infectious. Taking the house as the source of infection, any human life entering the house will be 100% infected. At the beginning, the infected person will be no different. But as time goes on, only the white women and children who violate the physical rules will be gradually seen. The white child is zobo in the film, while the white woman is zobo in the movie.

Analysis: sls-018, as a phenomenal ghost curse meme, is temporarily in a state of no solution. The death rate of any infected person is 100%. From the analysis of thousands of infection tests, it can be concluded that the average period from infection to death is 48 hours, and the shortest time is 30 minutes. Because the time spent in the house where the infection source is located is too long, it is directly affected by ████████████ █ attacked and died. The longest case was 186 hours. The infected person was a patient with mental retardation who lost the sense of fear.

The infection is divided into incubation period and outbreak period. In the incubation period, the curse does not directly kill the infected person, but reduces the rationality of the infected person through some hints or supernatural events. The more scared the infected person is, the more convinced he believes in ghosts, the faster the outbreak period of curse is, and vice versa.

Experiments: in order to better understand sls-018 and prevent the spread of memes in the ██ region, the foundation has carried out thousands of infection experiments, the largest of which is the observation experiment at the temporary base of Pacific island.

Finally, the effective conclusions are as follows:

1. When curse memes affect life forms, there is no third person observer.

2. The more fearless people are, the longer the incubation period of memes is, and the more fear they have, the shorter the incubation period of memes.

3. Curse memes do not affect unconscious life forms.

4. When the number of life affected (dead) in a certain range exceeds a certain critical value, memes will form a more infectious █████.

5. █████████████████████.

Host measures: sls-018 is a special meme, there is no carrier, only to block all sources of infection. To prevent any human contact with the source of infection, leading to infection. After the loss of human transmission route, sls-018 automatically lost the threat, and it has not been found that sls-018 has any impact on life other than human beings.

Achievements: sls-018 has destroyed more than 30 million people, including London, the United Kingdom, and formed a permanent █████████████████████████████ The excavator workers have been confirmed missing)

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