Zhang Heng looked dignified. He asked in a cold voice, "what's the matter? Without my command, why do our intercontinental missiles appear and fly to outer space?"

"Commander, I have just captured this scene through quantum satellite. At the same time, I have already explored the weapons depot, but you can rest assured that our intercontinental missile 118 is still in the silos and has not moved at all!"

"So the intercontinental missile that just flew into space was forged by someone else?" Zhang Heng was stunned.

"No, although the ICBM seems to have some kind of magnetic interference that caused the locking procedure to have problems, but..." Yuehua raised his head and said, "no matter how I analyze the image projected by quantum satellite, we can conclude that this 118 missile is made by ourselves."

After hearing the speech, Zhang Heng took a breath of cold air. He seemed to think of something. He suddenly turned his head and suddenly looked at the holographic projection of London. "Yuehua, tell me, in the face of the present predicament, what kind of action should I make?"

"Your most likely move now is to use nanobombs to destroy everything in and around London for thousands of kilometers." Yuehua said decisively, "this is one of the most likely ways to prevent the curse from spreading."

"So, if I issue this order, what are the next steps to get nanobombs over London?" The look in Zhang Heng's eyes was even colder.

"Intercontinental missile..." Yuehua nodded, of course, and said, "not only that, I'm afraid I will really use number 118, because this number is the first program I set up, and its role has its own exploratory elements."

"That is to say, I just saw the intercontinental missile that would take decades to launch?" Zhang Heng looked more and more dignified. "Yuehua, do an experiment, prepare to launch the NO.119 intercontinental missile, and do not pack any warheads inside, and do not want nano bombs. I would like to see, is this really history or a prank?"

"Understand!" Yuehua nods. The next second, Zhang Heng's eyes, there is another picture flashing. In the picture, located on the space station Xinghe, a missile has entered the launching state.

The predecessor of Xinghe space station is the Xinghe carrier rocket launched at the end of 18 years. This rocket once disappeared from the sight of the public. Then it secretly docked in the distant geosynchronous orbit, and together with the molecular conveyor, continuously transported various building materials. After five months of development, the space station has become a 5000 The giant space fortress is three thousand meters long and three thousand meters wide. It is melon shaped.

The completion of the star river space station is a spherical space headquarters with a diameter of more than 100 kilometers.

At this time, it has risen to be a huge man-made celestial body. Although it is far from the finished state, it is already big enough to astonish the world. Even if all the satellites launched in the past 60 years are added up, I am afraid that the volume of Xinghe space station is 1%!

At this time, with a command from Yuehua, an intercontinental missile with no warhead but an empty shell burst out, launched from the star river space station and launched in the direction of the earth.

Looking at the intercontinental missile, Zhang Heng and Yue Hua look solemn. The missile still has the logo of star foundation, but the number is no longer 118, but 119 later. At this time, 118 still stays in the launch well in the space of Star River.

With the intercontinental missile gradually accelerated, more than ten minutes later, the 119 almost vertical angle, directly from the high altitude into the city center of London!


A fireworks rose and flashed out.

Seeing the scene, Yuehua breathed out a breath. "Sir, the test has been successful!"

"Try again!" Zhang Heng looks as usual.

The second ICBM was launched. This time, Yuehua used ICBM No. 125, and this time, ICBM 125 successfully hit London.

"I see." Zhang Heng nodded, but there was no sign of happiness. Instead, he said in silence, "if what happened just now is doomed, will the same situation happen no matter when I use intercontinental missile 118? Well, give it a last try, and this time, remember to install the nano bomb! "

"Understand!" Yuehua took a deep look at Zhang Heng and immediately issued an order. Within a few minutes, in another well on standby, intercontinental missile 118 had already planted the devastating nano bomb. After setting the destruction range, all materials in this range could not escape the pursuit of nano robots. This is the best that Zhang Heng has come up with and can be used once and for all The solution to curse meme infection events!

But will it really happen as before?

Zhang Heng's eyes jumped and seemed to feel the foreboding again. He sighed and sat on the chair, staring at all this!

As before, No. 118 was launched, and Zhang Heng was staring at all this for fear of any accident. The science and technology of the foundation is enough to lead the world for two or three hundred years. Therefore, all countries have hardly noticed Zhang Heng's series of actions.More than ten minutes later, when intercontinental missile 118 hurled into the center of London at a vertical angle, on the holographic projection, it could be seen that 118 suddenly flashed and disappeared in the sky hundreds of meters!

Although he had expected this, Zhang Heng couldn't sit still when he saw this scene. He suddenly stood up and walked to the front of the holographic projection, staring at the playback of the video again and again!

However, no matter how slow the playback is, you can see a flash of light, just like a gap in the space, like a pocket, and the intercontinental missile is a pencil on the pocket, which falls into it directly without splashing any water

"What's the principle?" Yuehua's face has been filled with solemnity, "is it said that curse memes are also conscious?"

"No, all this is just an unstable reaction caused by the destruction of the rules of time and space..." Zhang Heng murmured in a low voice.

"Time and space disorder?"

"I should have thought of that..." Zhang Heng frowned, "do you still remember a plot in" curse and resentment "? The original person in charge of the complaint case, the now resigned police officer, yoshiji Yama, when he came to the ghost house of jiacoconut with a gasoline barrel, what did he see? "

"He saw his daughter six years later, far away from home." Yuehua's eyes turned and answered immediately.

"Yes, but six years later, Yuanshan Yimei, who has become a high school student, and three classmates went to the ghost house to practice gall. At the moment when she was frightened to leave, she did have a look at her father six years ago. That is to say, at that moment, the space and time in the whole ghost house changed beyond our comprehension..."

Zhang Heng's expression became extremely grim. "Obviously, we have been wrong all the time. The real horror of this meme is definitely not its powerful infectivity and 100% lethality, but its ability to distort and destroy time and space Strength

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