Sure enough, as Zhang Heng looked at the source of the sound with his empty eyes, he saw a ball of light twisted beyond description approaching in the sky. At the moment of the other party's appearance, those dark shadows outside the spaceship seemed to have encountered natural enemies and retreated in panic like the tide!

It seems that the indescribable thing coming from afar is the real king of subspace. Even the most essential malice should fear each other and make way for each other!

Even, I do not know how many thousands of kilometers away that huge and strange flowers, also in this moment Susu Shuo up, then the petals quickly closed, like a frightened hedgehog, completely shrunk into a tiny flower!

"What the hell are you?"

Zhang Heng was surprised. He didn't feel flustered because the target of the other party was himself. He kept staring at the distance with his eyes open. However, in his heart, the sense of crisis became stronger and stronger. He had a feeling that the moment he saw the other party thoroughly was the moment of his death!

Thinking of this, Zhang Heng couldn't help shaking his head and taking a deep breath of airway, "the star of dimension, return."

Suddenly, Zhang Heng only felt a flower in front of his eyes. When he regained consciousness again, he had already left the sub space with the whole experimental spaceship and returned to the material world.

Finally, cautious, he still did not choose to take risks to face the unknown.

According to the data collected in the experiment, Zhang Heng's scientific team began to study the unknown and mysterious space. At the same time, the feasibility of sub space navigation has also been verified, followed by hundreds of large spacecraft that can cross the sub space began to enter the manufacturing stage.

These spaceships have no cockpit and are all replaced by sleeping chambers. The advantage of this is that when flying, people can spend a long voyage in the form of sleep, and there will be no tragedy similar to "deep space amnesia" because of deep space claustrophobia. Moreover, they can also increase the carrying capacity of population by 10 times and 100 times. On the day when the curse comes, if human beings are really irresistible Each other, then these spaceships will carry tens of millions of human beings into the sky, heading for the further deep space of the universe, to pursue the vitality.

This has been Zhang Hengren's most righteous move. Originally, Zhang Heng had plans to send people to explore other stellar systems for human beings, but this plan was immediately cancelled with the calculation of a set of data by Yuehua. Even if the sub space voyage is officially put into use, it will take half a year for human beings to fly to the nearest star system Alpha Centauri, which is the closest to the solar system. If we add in the return, I'm afraid that the curse will come long before we return to earth, and the time will be too late.

However, the distance is not as simple as one plus one. In fact, the further the distance between the starting point and the destination is, the average time spent on sailing will be reduced geometrically. With the technical ability of star technology, the ordinary speed of a spacecraft is only about 100 kilometers per second. After constant acceleration, it can accelerate to thousands of kilometers per second in a day, reaching this speed After that, it costs a lot to increase the speed every time.

According to Einstein's theory of relativity, as the speed of the object increases, the mass of the object will continue to increase, and when it approaches the speed of light, the mass will be close to infinity! In other words, the faster the speed is, the higher the cost of acceleration is. The spacecraft can accelerate to 100000 km / s in one year, and can barely accelerate to the speed of infinitely close to the speed of light, that is, sublight speed in 40 or 50 years.

Therefore, time and distance are not constant values in space navigation. Even if the subspace can compress the distance by thousands of times, it does not mean that the original distance of a few light years can be achieved in a few days. Unless the spacecraft has the speed of sublight at the beginning, then the spacecraft can reach Alpha Centauri in one and a half days after the distance is shortened by 1000 times.

However, unless the real space technology can be turned dozens of times, otherwise the instantaneous sub light speed will always be a luxury.

Since the method of exploring extrasolar systems is useless, Zhang Heng has to focus his development on reality. At this moment, with Zhang Heng's huge plan thoroughly unfolding, human civilization has entered into a vigorous development like a motor with full power. Especially in the military field, more than 10000 t-800s are produced on the assembly line every day in the five major countries.

Don't underestimate the T-800. Although this kind of robot is only one of the most backward in the terminator, it represents a mature robot technology system. From the middle to the bottom, the artificial intelligence technology carried by the T-800 can explode countless streets in reality, and then UAVs, unmanned tanks and other military vehicles begin to replace traditional vehicles It is almost certain that in the field of military artificial intelligence, the civil field has been separated for at least 30 years!

In short, in the near future, mankind will enter the era of robot agent war!

Nuclear fusion technology and room temperature superconducting technology have subverted the war situation system of the five powers. Various types of electromagnetic guns and electromagnetic gun weapons have sprung up like mushrooms. Gunpowder weapons, which have accompanied mankind for thousands of years, have been completely abandoned in the corner of history! Aircraft, tanks, and even countless things with engines and engines have been replaced by miniature nuclear reactors. Overnight, energy sources such as oil, natural gas, combustible ice and so on have almost become waste. Human energy utilization has entered the era of nuclear fusion!In terms of industry, nuclear fusion power stations built by star technology, funded by the state, have also begun to be set up all over the world. The original agreement between the two parties is that within 30 years, the five major countries will not allow commercial application of the technologies given to them by star technology. Therefore, even civil nuclear fusion power stations must be built by the agency of star technology.

For a time, countless thermal power, hydropower and even nuclear fission power stations in the world are about to shut down indefinitely and be replaced by nuclear fusion power plants. This is an extremely safe and controllable nuclear fusion technology. Even if accidents happen, nuclear fusion will automatically stop reaction, and there is almost no possibility of nuclear radiation leakage.

The military and industrial system of human civilization has been promoted for decades almost overnight, and these technologies have also been applied to industries and other livelihood technologies by star technology. It can be predicted that in the coming year, human life will have earth shaking changes!

On the other hand, star technology has continuously launched a series of advanced civil technologies, such as holographic projection technology, supercomputer technology, artificial intelligence technology, new energy anti gravity vehicles, semi-automatic surgical instruments, and even organ cloning The birth of each technology is enough to focus the eyes of the world!

In short, star technology has spread to countless corners of countless industries, and is deeply rooted. Almost everyone has a consensus that star technology is changing the world!

The evaluation of changing the world is extremely precious. Microsoft at that time only did this when it created the windows operating system, while Apple, which was a latecomer, only did so when it launched the "iPhone 4", and then it disappeared. Now, every product launched by star technology is constantly surpassing the God it once created Words, like the climbing ladder, put the Star Technology on the top of the world and stand on the top of civilization.

Everything is developing in the direction of Zhang Heng's layout, but at this time, Zhang Heng's life is trapped in some kind of trouble , the fastest update of the webnovel!