It's not the third round of experimentation.

In Zhang Heng's plan, he had planned out a total of three rounds of experimental process.

In the first round, the synthetic human, a life between robots and humans, was used for navigation experiments.

In the second round, real humans and clones will be deployed together to detect the response of subspace, so as to obtain more accurate data reports.

In the last round, Zhang Heng played in person.

Only if the three experiments are completely successful will the experiment enter the second stage, which is to launch a more distant sub space voyage.

Originally, although Zhang Heng is different from the synthetic man and clone warrior, he belongs to the same life form as the captives. As long as the navigation experiment of the captive is OK, there is no need to launch the third round. But somehow, Zhang Heng always has a premonition that when he carries out the sub space navigation experiment himself, the result will probably be different Same!

However, this is not because Zhang Heng wants to put himself in a dangerous situation. After all, he has the dimensional star as his card. Even if there is any accident in the subspace, Zhang Heng can quickly break away from and return to reality. It is because of this that Zhang Heng formulated the third round of experimental process.

At this time, Zhang Heng has walked out of the command research and judgment room. Mark Dawson looks at the back of Zhang Heng's departure. Originally, he was against the third round of experiment, but under Zhang Heng's strong demand, mark Dawson can only carry out it.

Next, Zhang Heng took another spaceship and came to the experimental spaceship moored in outer space. However, as soon as he boarded the spaceship, Zhang Heng felt a trace of inexplicable breath.

It was an indescribable confusion and distortion, full of decadent breath, but the breath was very light and light. Unless Zhang Heng was as sensitive as Zhang Heng, ordinary people could not feel it.

This is the breath of subspace

Zhang Heng frowned. Instead of starting the experiment immediately, Zhang Heng walked aimlessly around the spaceship. In his unique vision, he seemed to see a trace of chaotic atmosphere disappearing in the real world

Sure enough, in any case, subspace is always full of malice to real life. In Zhang Heng's view, although the breath infiltrating into the subspace is not strong enough to even affect ordinary people, if you travel in the subspace for too long, the breath will accumulate more and more. Sooner or later, the life in the spaceship will still be affected.

Maybe after this experiment, we can try to let everyone enter the sleeping chamber. I don't know whether the subspace can affect people even if everyone loses consciousness?

The idea flashed by. Zhang Heng finally returned to the cockpit of the spaceship. Xuanyuan, who had been waiting for a long time, saluted Zhang Heng. Under Zhang Heng's instruction, he directly opened the third round of sub space voyage.

Objective: Pluto's synchronous orbit!

With the opening of the third round of the sub space voyage, the ship immediately sounded a harsh alarm: "warning, warning! We are about to enter the state of sub space navigation. Please get ready immediately

The alarm sounded three times, and then the whole ship suddenly trembled. If you look out of the window, you can see that the space in front of the spaceship suddenly collapses, and then the space begins to twist and rotate. Finally, a dark whirlpool of space emerges from the void, swallowing the shape of the spaceship in an instant!

At this moment, Zhang Heng only felt that the spaceship had entered a strange world. His eyes were no longer dark, but became colorful. The whole space was filled with countless dense substances that were difficult to describe in words. He knew that at this moment, he had completely entered the sub space!

That's how it feels!

Zhang Heng's eyes suddenly opened. At this time, his eyes were black, and he subconsciously went to the huge French window in the cab. In his sight, he seemed to see that there were countless crazy and twisted materials outside the spaceship that wanted to rush into the window to pollute and penetrate the whole ship! The huge spaceship seems to be a boat in the storm, which may be overturned by that strange force at any time!

"Your Excellency the commander?" Behind him, Xuanyuan has some doubts. He looks at Zhang Heng's eyes, but what he sees is nothing.

"Here is the world of subspace." Zhang Heng suddenly sighed, "the last time I came here, I was almost completely ignorant. But after entering this time, I suddenly thought of a thing. Combined with this matter, I vaguely understood a lot."

It seems that Xuanyuan Heng has been mumbling to himself in silence Subspace is not untouchable, but must be contacted in a special way, so as to minimize the risk

"Sir, I don't understand what you mean." Xuanyuan behind him doubts.

"Do you know Warhammer 40K?" Zhang Heng turned his head and looked at Xuanyuan with empty eyes. At the same time, he provoked a strange smile. "In the Warhammer world view, subspace is called the projection of the real world and the spiritual world of intelligent life in the universe. In short, the spiritual world of intelligent life will become a reality in the subspace because of some phenomenon we don't understand. Moreover, the subspace has a unique spiritual infection effect, which can assimilate any intelligent life infection that attempts to communicate with the subspace and completely become a member of itself This phenomenon is called the temptation of evil gods by Warhammer world. ""Of course, it's a bit exaggerated. After all, it's just a game setting. But the real subspace in the real world has a lot of similarities with that setting - it also violates materialism, violates the laws of physics, and has more powerful power than meme!"

"As a kind of intelligent life, human beings, because of their feelings and self-existence, are more likely to be affected in the sub space, which is comparable to the phenomenon of memes Zhang Heng shows his emptiness. At this moment, he seems to have communicated with the world. Many things that once could not be understood have found the answer in this moment, "and I, more than ordinary people, are more vulnerable to the spiritual infection of subspace. Strictly speaking, I am the real catalyst of subspace."

"Why is that?" Xuanyuan didn't understand.

Zhang Heng continued, "in Warhammer 40K, there is a special kind of human called" psychic "who can communicate with the world by using psionic power. Their power comes from the subspace, and because of the power of subspace, they are more likely to attract attacks from subspace."

"And how similar are the spiritual gems of my forehead, and my abilities, to the psychic? I always have a conjecture that maybe the psychic gem itself comes from the subspace, so the answer is very clear. I am like the so-called psychic. If according to the world view of Warhammer, I am a kind of medium, which is more likely to trigger attacks from subspace than ordinary people. "

"This was mentioned in the plot of the black hole surface," sighed Zhang Heng. "Dr. will, the maker of the horizon spaceship, was able to communicate with subspace and make dreams about subspace when he was on earth (the opening of the movie). Can we show that he is actually a so-called psychic, but his ability is different from mine. Because of this, this can explain why the spaceship encountered an accident after entering the subspace for the first time, and why it can incarnate as the messenger of subspace, be occupied by the consciousness of subspace, and even become an immortal monster. "

"That is to say, you who have no feelings, and synthetic people who have no thoughts, are the safest type to enter the subspace. Then ordinary people enter the subspace, just like a candle light. Although there is light, it is not dazzling, and there is a great chance that they can successfully pass through. When I enter the subspace, it is like fireworks in the dark, which will inevitably be counterattacked by the subspace. This can explain what I have experienced after entering the surface plane of the black hole! "

With that, Zhang Heng seemed to notice something and suddenly looked up. At this time, a deafening roar came from the distance!

Last time Zhang Heng encountered that thing, found his existence again! , the fastest update of the webnovel!