With the last countdown on the radio, on the screen above everyone's heads, the three magnetic rings have completely turned into three invisible shadows, and the huge ball in the center is also flashing black light under the strong pressure!

Yes, black!

As if all the light has been swallowed up, the endless black spread like ink, this is the last scene in everyone's eyes, the next second, the whole screen suddenly flashing countless snowflakes, immediately into a dark!

Quantum communication was completely interrupted after the spaceship entered the sub space!

"Radio telescopes report." This was originally expected. Although the quantum communication is against the sky, it has not reached the level of being able to transmit across the plane. At this time, mark Dawson looks the same and orders.

"Coordinates 16h30m01.6s-263200, target disappears!" Ten fingers of a staff member almost turned into shadows and pressed the keyboard continuously. Lines of data flowed down the screen like a waterfall. He said again, "it has been confirmed that a large amount of electromagnetic radiation has been detected before the target disappears, and there are many unknown reactions, which are being analyzed..."

"Well, it seems that nothing unexpected happened to the experiment." Mark Dawson was relieved to hear this, and there was a glow of joy on all faces. Although there was no cheering, they began to clap hands with each other.

Zhang Heng nodded in secret. The quality of this team is obviously much higher than that of the space workers in the real world. This is the strength of the inside information. Many of these people are the old team members of radiation plane, and some are the original human survivors of deep space amnesia. Their technical strength is far higher than the reality, and their ability is far beyond the reality.

"Commander, do you need a rest next?" Everything is over for a while. Mark Dawson goes to Zhang Heng and asks.

"No, I'm not that delicate." Zhang Heng waved his hand, pulled out two cigarettes in silence, and then threw one to mark Dawson. In the other party's flattered look, he said with a faint smile, "it's too early to say that success is too early. As for the situation, it will only be known in an hour."

After sending mark Dawson away, Zhang Heng gradually fell into meditation.

For human beings, there is no doubt that the subspace is mysterious and unknown. In fact, he does not even know whether the subspace of the plane of "black hole surface" and "radiation" plane is the same place, or in other words, as there are countless planes in the universe, the number of subspaces is infinite. If so, then the situation is I'm afraid it will be more complicated.

Thinking of this, Zhang Heng sighed secretly. The curse left him too little time. If he could give him a thousand years of time, he would even hope to lead mankind to conquer the entire galaxy. Even if he was only given a hundred years, he would be confident to face any known curse!

Unfortunately, it has been only two years since he got the dimensional star. Two years are so short that he can hardly do anything. Moreover, from his premonition, he can feel that the coming of the curse is less than one year.

Less than a year. This is an imaginary number, that is to say, maybe the curse will happen at the next moment, or maybe it will happen after half a year. As for the specific time, Zhang Heng is not a God, and he can't predict it.

He pinched out his cigarette butts and rubbed his eyes. Somehow, a strange itching sensation suddenly appeared in his eyes, as if two seeds were sprouting and spinning in his eyes, and then expanded soundlessly.

Zhang Heng tried to open his eyes, but what he saw was still pitch black. Obviously, his eyes did not grow well. His reaction just now was like the growth of bones in adolescence. It was a kind of subtle growth, which could not be completed overnight.

The electronic clock on the wall was changing little by little, and soon, an hour later, with mark Dawson's order, everyone returned to their posts, and everyone was staring at the screen overhead, waiting for the final judgment.

A minute passed and nothing changed.

Ten minutes later, everyone began to look at each other with a bad feeling on their faces. Maybe the first sub space voyage in human history will eventually end in failure?

All the facial expressions on the face are more nervous, only Zhang Heng is still sitting in his own position, can not see the slightest expression.

"There are still opportunities. After all, no one has ever entered the subspace in human history. Maybe there is some interference in it." Mark Dawson suppressed the discussion, with an unquestionable look, "and even if it fails, it's nothing. After all, there are very few successful experiments in history. As pioneers of exploring the unknown, you must always prepare for the worst!"

Everyone nodded in secret, and there was nothing wrong with it. Subspace navigation itself is a kind of far surreal cutting-edge technology. Just like Zhang Heng, although he created the plane shuttle device by following the cat's advice, although it can be built, but if we really want the scientists of the star foundation to explain why this kind of equipment can shuttle the plane, those scientists will only have a black eye, which is not at all What modern science can explain, even if it is developed, such as deep space amnesia plane.But all of a sudden, in the afterglow of his eyes, the staff in charge of the quantum communication group saw that lines of new data began to flow on the console in front of him. He turned his head subconsciously and suddenly showed a surprise, "under mark, the quantum communication facility has detected a signal reaction near Pluto! There's a connection request from someone! "

"Receive the signal now!" Mark Dawson was shocked. He yelled with excitement on his face, "get me through! Everybody move, I want to know what just happened

"Yes All the people immediately responded. Almost in a moment, the people who were still in the loss suddenly felt as if they had been beaten by chicken blood. Everyone showed 300% enthusiasm. Through quantum communication technology, soon, the two sides established a communication connection again!

All of a sudden, the picture on the top of the head flashed again, and all people held their breath subconsciously. Even Zhang Heng raised his head and swept to his head with mental strength!

Overhead, after more than an hour of interruption, the more than a dozen pictures appeared in front of the public again!

"The transition engine is in good condition, there is no exception!"

"The anti gravity engine is in good condition, no abnormality is found!"

"The fusion reactor is in good condition, with 75% energy loss, 3% more than expected!"

"Everything in the spaceship is normal, the synthetic human's physiological activities are normal, no abnormal phenomena are found!"

The team members in charge kept reporting the situation on board, and at mark Dawson's command, the images soon focused on the previous group of composite passengers.

On the screen, the composers sit quietly in their seats, as before, without any change.

The reason why synthetic humans are called synthetic humans is that their physiological structure is almost identical to that of human beings. The only difference is that they are produced from 3D printer assembly lines and are not naturally bred. Moreover, they have no self, just like robots, they can only execute commands.

At this point, people carefully observed the group, until it was confirmed that none of the synthetic humans had any abnormality. Then mark Dawson breathed a sigh of relief.

"Under mark, everything that was taken during the previous transition in subspace has been transmitted back to the headquarters and can be viewed at any time."

"Well, the observation team started looking at the transition images, and the rest of US continued with me." Mark Dawson continued to give orders, "the next step is the second step. The experimental spacecraft will enter the sub space again from Pluto orbit until it returns to the geostationary return test..."

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