The vastness of the universe is enough to make any civilization despair. According to Einstein's theory of relativity, no object in the world can reach the speed of light, and the speed of light is always an elusive myth.

But in fact, even the speed of light is a drop in the bucket. If human beings want to roam the universe, they can only do it by avoiding the speed limit of light. Therefore, many theories have been put forward, and the most theoretical basis is also known by the public. There are three kinds of Technology:

the first is wormhole jumping technology.

The so-called wormhole is Schwarzschild's throat, a phenomenon formed by bending space directly. Theoretically, wormholes are generally believed to be thin tubes connecting distant regions of the universe. It's like a whirlpool in the sea, everywhere but fleeting. Wormholes can connect parallel universes and provide the possibility of space-time travel. Through wormholes, it can span countless light-years in an instant, from one side of the universe to the other side, or even directly across this universe to reach another universe.

Stephen Hawking discussed the possibility of wormhole transition in his works "a brief history of time" and "the universe in the shell". He put forward the idea of space jump based on string theory. He thought that a "string" with huge energy could be made by using huge energy field, and the objects within its scope could enter the wormhole made by string instantly.

Zhang Heng also has this technology, which is the plane shuttle device obtained from the terminator plane. However, with the current technology of star technology, this device can not be applied to space navigation, so it has to be put down temporarily.

The second is curvature navigation.

The reason why this theory exists is that people think that the space of the universe is not flat, but there is curvature. If we think of the whole universe as a big film, the surface of this membrane is arc-shaped, and the whole membrane may even be a closed soap bubble. Although the local part of the membrane looks flat, the curvature of space is still everywhere.

It's a technology of navigating through compressed space. The principle is to create an artificial curved force field around the moving object by using the curvature engine driven by antimatter, so that the object can move in the twisted space bubble at a speed close to the speed of light.

For example, a small boat rowing on a flat River, because the river is flat (equivalent to zero curvature), so the boat will not speed up. But if you suddenly encounter a downward Waterfall (the curvature of the waterfall is considered to be infinite), the boat will quickly reach a very fast speed, which can be understood by combining this metaphor.

To put it more simply, it means to drive a spaceship through the transformation of space-time itself, and to break the speed limit of light by making use of loopholes in the laws of physics.

And then there's the third: sub space navigation.

Some scientists believe that a strong magnetic field can create a gravitational field to propel a spacecraft at high speed. If the magnetic field is strong enough, the spacecraft will be able to enter a space higher than the space-time we are in and sail at the speed of light. When the magnetic field disappears, the spacecraft will return to the present space-time.

And that space is the so-called sub space. If the universe is regarded as a sphere, ordinary navigation is to travel on the surface of the sphere, and the sub space navigation is equivalent to entering the inner sphere and taking a shortcut flight, which shortens the distance that originally needs tens of light years or even hundreds of light years to more than thousands of times!

In a simple comparison, wormhole technology can be described as the most advanced and time-consuming point-to-point travel, followed by subspace navigation, and then curvature navigation. For the same distance, wormhole jumping technology is completed in an instant no matter how far away it is, while the subspace compresses the navigation time of 10000 years into one year. As for curvature technology, according to relativity, the fastest speed of curvature can not exceed 10 times the speed of light.

At this moment, numerous scientific researchers are busy in the command and judgment room of the space observation station. Mark Dawson, the general director of the aerospace industry at the deep space amnesia plane, approached Zhang Heng, who was sitting on the side, and said respectfully, "Sir, quantum communication has been successfully locked in the experimental spacecraft, and the spacecraft detection has been ready, and it can be carried out at any time A pilot test. "

Hearing this, Zhang Heng raised his head and closed his eyes and said, "where is the destination of the voyage?"

"In orbit with Pluto." Mark Dawson pushed his black rimmed glasses. "As the innermost boundary of the solar system, if it goes well, the test spacecraft will successfully get out of sub space in an hour and appear in the orbit of Pluto. Otherwise, it means that the experiment has failed."

Zhang Heng Wen Yan was silent for a while, and finally said, "well, let's start."

"Understand!" Mark Dorian nodded solemnly and turned to the staff who were waiting for the order. "Preparation for the voyage experiment. Start the sub space voyage in three minutes!"

As soon as everyone was in a good mood, they were busy at their own posts. Mark Dawson himself went to the central controller to monitor and fine tune the control of each person, giving orders while working.

"Fusion reactor on!"

"The fusion reactor has been turned on, the temperature is rising, and the output power is stable." The fusion operator immediately said."Liquid helium cooling system on!"

"It has been opened, and the pressure is stable at present!" Another worker has a solemn look.

"Strong magnetic ring open! Jump engine warm up

"At present, the magnetic field of the strong magnetic ring is stable. The core magnetic field has reached 10 billion atmospheric pressure and is still rising!"

Mark Dawson nodded secretly. He looked at the big screen above his head. On the big screen, there were more than a dozen different monitoring screens, which were mapped out by the internal monitors of the experimental spacecraft. Moreover, because of quantum communication technology, the signals transmitted were real-time without any delay!

At this moment, on the most central screen of more than a dozen screens, the core goal of the experiment -- the transition engine device, is displayed. At this moment, the iron thorn ring formed by three ring-shaped strong magnetic field generating devices is like a companion star ring around the black sphere in the center. The speed is so fast that it will even become a remnant!

"The critical value has reached. At present, the core of magnetic field is 50 billion atmospheric pressure, and the strong magnetic ring is very stable." One side of the staff again prompted.

"Good." Mark Dawson nodded. He put his finger on the big red button in the center of the command desk. Even though he had been through many battles for a long time, he felt the pressure at this moment. After a little hesitation, he finally bit his teeth and pressed the button down!

"One minute countdown for sub space navigation experiment..." At the same time, when the electronic alarm was pressed in every corner of the hall, there was a low sound!

At the moment, mark Lin was afraid to relax, even though he was staring at the data room, he did not dare to take off his face.

"Countdown 30 seconds, ready..."

"Countdown 10 seconds, ready..."








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