"Just this morning, a string of mysterious countdown appeared in the sky of Japan. All residents of Honshu island could see it. It was suspected that the supernatural scene was on the scene. The self defense forces have sent reconnaissance planes to the countdown to investigate."

"It has been observed that this phenomenon is likely to be a mirage in legend. The Japanese government has appealed to the public that all Japanese citizens should not be flustered and stay patiently in their offices and homes to prevent chaos..."


"Everyone in front of the TV, this is TBS Tokyo TV station. You can see the countdown in the sky, which is the root of the riot. I'm a reporter, Dongtiao Zhenyang. Now I'm in close contact with the rioters Hello, that Aunt over there. Where are you going with a refrigerator


"One hour has passed. According to the experts' detection, the mysterious countdown over Honshu Island is in perfect agreement with the real clock speed. The cause of this strange phenomenon is still under investigation. The government once again reminds the public to keep a good attitude and not to gather people to make trouble. Honshu Island TV station reports for you!"


Within an hour, Japan, which had been in a state of disorder, was almost completely in a state of irresistible chaos. People rioting in the streets can be seen everywhere, and people who are not involved are shivering and hiding at home.

In this hour, Japan's economy suffered unprecedented heavy losses. Even the United States began to openly sell Japanese stocks, while Japanese domestic shopping malls and supermarkets were plundered by rioting people, even though the current world financial crisis has not suffered such heavy losses

At the end of the day, the government even had to send the self-defense forces to suppress it. Four or five hours later, it was forced to suppress the riots in Tokyo. However, in just a few hours, thousands of people in Japan have died in this sudden riot!

The visions in the sky, as well as the riots in Japan, were almost instantly transmitted to the world in an irresistible manner. For this supernatural phenomenon, the public almost had indelible enthusiasm. Soon, the countdown on the official website of star technology was mentioned by the public, and then a series of new speculations and discussions began to appear.

When the news was sent to the Japanese government, the government immediately asked for negotiation through the branch office of Star Technology in Japan. However, they were dismayed to find that all the foreign employees of Star Technology returned to China by special plane the night before. However, they had no choice but to send the message of negotiation with star technology through the Chinese Embassy in Japan.

At this moment, the Japanese prime minister looked gloomy at the news reports on TV. The appearance of this incident almost wiped out the screen of Japanese and even global media. In his mind, he constantly recalled the blood red headlines on the official website of star technology. Subconsciously, a gloomy flash flashed in the eyes of the Japanese Prime Minister. If everything really follows the announcement In other words, is it not to say that the volcanoes on Honshu Island will erupt on a large scale in 30 hours?

Thinking of this, the Japanese Prime Minister bit his teeth and subconsciously wanted to deny the conjecture. He did not believe that star technology had that technology. Even if the other party really had that technology, once the volcanic eruption on Honshu Island occurred, no country in the world could bear the consequences, let alone a company.

What's more, the other party can do it quietly. Why make a big fuss? What is the significance of stellar technology in this way?

Just then, outside the office, there was a quick knock on the door.

"Come in." The Japanese Prime Minister folded his face and sat upright. With his words, a middle-aged man dressed in a suit quickly stepped in. Without waiting for the Japanese Prime Minister to ask, he said in a hurry, "Mr. prime minister, our people have contacted Li Yiru, the person in charge of Star Technology headquarters, but the other party said that they did not know the cause of the incident and refused to negotiate!"

"Not sure? I don't know why the countdown on the official website is the same as that on our heads? " On the one hand, the Japanese Prime Minister almost made a smile? Let them, on behalf of the government, put pressure on the Chinese side immediately. I want to know all the causes and consequences within an hour! "

"Mr. Prime Minister..." The middle-aged man's face changed, and he hesitated, "I'm afraid China will not really help us."

"Bang!" Smell speech, the Japanese Prime Minister suddenly overturned the computer on the desk, a huge noise back in the office, and he suddenly stood up, all the anger accumulated before suddenly burst out!

"Asshole! Do you still need to teach me this? We need an explanation, no matter what method! China needs pressure, and so does the United Nations! I don't believe that in the face of pressure from the United Nations, star technology can continue to keep its mouth shut? "

"Hi!" The middle-aged man immediately bent down and said respectfully, "I see. I'll send someone to contact the United Nations now!" Then he went to the door.

"Wait!" What seemed to come to mind, the Japanese Prime Minister suddenly waved and hesitated, "about the discovery of the external armor of those attackers last night How are you doing? "

"In reply, sir, the weapons research institute has become a research group and is trying its best to crack the other party's armed technology. However, according to the preliminary judgment of experts, the outer armor of the other party is a kind of metal which does not exist in reality, and its hardness is extremely high, and the structure inside is far beyond our industrial and technological level. Moreover, because it is incomplete, it has the probability of cracking …” Speaking of the end, the middle-aged man hesitated for a moment, and finally gritted his teeth and said, "very slim!""You pigs Japan's prime minister clenched his teeth, "our Japanese industry and science and technology are among the top in the world. If even the armor and weapons of star technology can't be cracked, I still have weapons to study all of them! Tell them that if they can't completely crack the other party's armor technology within a month, then don't eat this meal and go home for the elderly! "


The middle-aged man's face was a little bitter, but he still nodded solemnly and agreed to come down, and then left the office. Until this time, the Japanese prime minister felt powerless. He fell down in his chair with a look of exhaustion.

"Obviously, is this their revenge for last night's incident?" The Japanese Prime Minister murmured in a low voice, "hateful, it is clearly that they have violated our sacred land, and we are not allowed to fight back?"

"What's more, as long as I claim that this action was initiated by their company, even if star technology has more influence in the world, under the sanction of the United Nations, they can only go through bankruptcy and destruction..."

"So, this string of figures is certainly not only to arouse the panic of our people, but what is their next plan..." Japan's prime minister's mind constantly speculated, "trigger Japan's volcanic eruption? However, if they do, they will put themselves on the brink of destruction. After all, countries around the world will not tolerate a company with such dangerous technology... "

"Unless..." Suddenly, a flash of light flashed in the Japanese Prime Minister's mind, thinking of a certain possibility. Suddenly, a deep chill hit him. He quickly eliminated this assumption. However, the more he thought about it, the more uneasy he felt. This conjecture almost became his nightmare

"Unless Unless the strength of stellar technology has been completely superior to all mankind! "

"But is it possible?"

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